Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 42 - Have Much Time

That afternoon, Lucas sat next to Aidan. He looked at Elizabeth who now did not stop to smile at Lucas. The three of them were currently sitting in the living room of the big house. After Elizabeth gave them a suggestion to talk in the living room because it would make them feel more comfortable than having to talk in the kitchen standing up. Lucas realized that right now he had to say something to Lizabeth who had helped and helped them both.

Lucas swallowed his saliva before he finally said, "Ehem... Thank you, for helping me as well as Aidan... Um, Elizabeth." Lucas said to Elizabeth stiffly and awkwardly, causing the woman to chuckle softly.

Elizabeth also said, "Don't be so stiff with me, Lucas. I am an ordinary person just like you." Lizabeth said to Lucas who was currently frowning at those words.

"Huh?" Lucas also questioned Elizabeth's words because earlier he said that he was the same as them. Did Elizabeth mean that she was the same as them, or... The same as humans like them?

Elizabeth chuckled softly and got up from her chair when she heard Lucas' question. He also said very kindly, "Relax… I'm sure you guys are feeling hungry right now. So I'll prepare dinner for the three of us." Elizabeth said to the two men who didn't know how to react other than looking at Elizabeth and nodding their heads. The woman walked back towards the kitchen, leaving Aidan and Lucas to cook dinner.

Lucas now turned to Aidan who was beside him who was currently smiling at the back of Elizabeth who turned towards the kitchen after leaving the room. Feeling that he was being stared at by someone, Aidan finally turned to the side and found Lucas who was staring at him. This was enough to make Aidan confused and surprised, he asked Lucas.

"Are you feeling better? Um, aren't you feeling dizzy already?" That question Aidan threw to Lucas who was beside him, made Lucas could only snort and nodded his head slowly in answer to the question. Aidan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lucas' answer to him.

"What are you doing Aidan?" A sudden question that Lucas threw at Aidan, succeeded in making Aidan frown because he didn't understand the meaning of what Lucas just said to him.

Aidan decided to ask Lucas directly, "What do you mean?" He asked because he didn't understand. Lucas who got the question sighed tiredly, he shook his head and said,

"We have to get out of here immediately!" Lucas said to Aidan as he got up from his seat and turned to Aidan who looked quite surprised by what Lucas had just said to him just now.

Aidan also questioned the reason Lucas told him to leave the house immediately, "What? Why should we be in such a hurry? Your body just recovered, Lucas!" Aidan said to Lucas who was now shaking his head trying to make sure he was okay.

"No, Aidan! I'm fine now... We can't slack off any longer, like this! Because we have a lot of things to do." Lucas explained why they had to rush. Aidan, who heard Lucas' answer, could only stare at him with a look that couldn't understand the line of thought that was going through Lucas' head at the moment.

"I don't get it, why are you in such a hurry to find them, Lucas? You will not be able to get what you want when your current body condition is not good. I can even feel since the change I felt from that teleportation of yours." Aidan said to Lucas, explaining that Lucas' body is not in a good condition right now. Which managed to make Lucas feel uncomfortable and then he said,

"I am the one who knows more about how my Teleportation is, and you are the new one to feel it, Aidan!" Lucas said to Aidan who then when Elizabeth's voice sounded in both ears, made the two men turn towards the kitchen, where Elizabeth was right now and standing in the doorway.

"Is there a problem between the two of you?" That was the question Aidan and Lucas heard, which made Aidan immediately shake his head and smile at Elizabeth saying,

"We're fine, Lizabeth." Aidan's words made Elizabeth frown, but when she saw Aidan's wide smile, Elizabeth finally nodded her head and was about to go back into the kitchen. But at that moment a sentence that Lucas said, was able to make Elizabeth look back at them.

"We were discussing about timing!" Those were the words Lucas said that made Aidan immediately look at him with wide eyes.

Elizabeth frowned, then she smiled faintly and asked, "What's with the timing?" Elizabeth asked Lucas who looked serious with his words earlier. Lucas did feel a little awkward for Elizabeth because he was new to her, but he had to tell the truth so he dared to explain.

"We don't have much time to stay here... So, we'll say goodbye to leave soon!" Lucas said to Elizabeth, who was currently surprised to hear Lucas' answer. While Aidan, who was beside Lucas at this time, immediately stood up from his seat and looked at Lucas in surprise, he didn't seem to accept and protested Lucas' words that they had to leave the house immediately.

"Lucas!" Aidan scolded Lucas, while Elizabeth who heard and saw this just smiled and walked over to the two men.

"Time isn't going anywhere Lucas... It would be a disaster if you forced your unrecovered self to do something important. I don't know how important it is, but what you should know is... Your body is more important than that. What Aidan said is true, you won't get anything if your body is in an unhealthy condition, even though you've forced and expended all your strength. Stay... Even if it's only for one day, it's all for the good and health of your body." Elizabeth said to Lucas, explaining and asking them to at least rest for a day at his house. The sentence finally made Lucas exhale and nod his head slowly.

Lucas then said, "Okay... I think you're right about this, thank you... Elizabeth." Lucas said to Elizabeth who was currently in front of him, the woman stepped closer to Lucas, and then grabbed Lucas' hands and said,

"Come on! I've prepared dinner for the three of us, and it won't be good if we eat it when it's cold." Elizabeth said to Lucas who was now frowning because Elizabeth took him by the hand to go to the dining room together, while Aidan now felt happy and followed the footsteps of the two behind them.

Along the aisle, as they walked towards the dining room, Lucas looked around to see if he could. He also asked Elizabeth who was walking in front of him who had let go of his hand earlier when they arrived at the dining room.

"Um, Elizabeth… Do you live alone in this house?" The question that Lucas asked Elizabeth made the woman who was now sitting on one of the chairs at the dining table turn and look at Lucas. Elizabeth nodded her head.

"Yes, I do live alone here. Both my parents died four and two years ago." Elizabeth said explaining why she was alone in the house at this time, even though the house was very grand. Aidan who also heard the answer was also surprising and turned to Elizabeth. Because before when they talked, Elizabeth had never told him about it, or maybe she was unconscious and didn't ask.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to talk about this." Lucas who felt sorry that he had discussed Elizabeth's parents also apologized, but Elizabeth immediately shook her head and then said,

"It's okay, I believe that they are in a better place now!" Elizabeth replied to Lucas, Aidan also felt that they should not discuss this anymore and made Aidan clear his throat then said,

"Ahem! Wow… By the way, this dish looks really delicious! You're so great Lizabeth, you're good at cooking and healing!" Said Aidan who was trying to change the topic of their conversation in front of the dining table at that time, which then made Elizabeth smile now hearing it. The woman said, "Not only does it look like… But it's delicious! Taste it!" Said Elizabeth starting to give a plate of food to Aidan and Lucas who smiled feeling flattered because Elizabeth treated them well that night.

"Thank you." Lucas said to Elizabeth who was now placing a plate of salad and meat to Lucas and nodded slowly.

"Come on, have a taste… It's delicious!" said Elizabeth to Lucas who now nodded his head and began to eat the dish that Elizabeth had prepared for the two of them.

Aidan devoured the food with enthusiasm, because he had never tasted such delicious and healthy food in the Territory where he lived, while Lucas currently seemed to feel bad for Elizabeth because he felt that his and Aidan's current existence must be very disturbing to him, but in fact, it was the opposite, Elizabeth seemed very happy with the presence of Aidan and Lucas that night.

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