Like Lucas had said before, in the end, they decided to stay at Elizabeth's very large residence. Of course, to get them to agree, it took an Elizabethan struggle to persuade both of them, especially Lucas.

That night, Lucas and Aidan were talking about the earth bender who they had yet to find information or whereabouts. This of course made Lucas feel very dizzy and confused, he felt like giving up and didn't know where to look for the earth bender.

"What are we going to do next, Lucas?" A question uttered by Aidan to Lucas also made Lucas, who was silent, now exhale deeply. He knew that right now he was trying to find another way and was thinking hard.

"Where else are we supposed to look for that earth bender?" Lucas asked who was muttering to himself as he rubbed his face tiredly.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

A knock on the door that sounded in their ears, made them both immediately turn towards the door to the room that was not closed earlier. They could now see Elizabeth who was standing in the doorway, smiling at them. Aidan and Lucas could see that Elizabeth was currently carrying a shirt in her right hand, as well as two towels in the pile of clothes. Making Lucas and Aidan feel confident that Elizabeth had prepared all of that for them both.

Elizabeth, who was standing in the doorway, said,

"I'm sorry if I interrupt your conversation. I just wanted to give you this… These are the clothes I prepared for you." And it was true that Lucas and Aidan's guess just now. Elizabeth also gave the clothes to Aidan who quickly stood up from the sofa in the room and approached him. Aidan smiled at Elizabeth when he received the shirt and towel.

"You don't have to go through all this trouble, Lizbeth… But thanks for setting this up for us." Aidan said to Lizbeth. Aidan gave a very wide smile to the woman who was currently chuckling at Aidan's words.

Lucas who also heard and saw Elizabeth's kindness immediately said, "Ah! Thank you, Elizabeth!" Lucas said to Lizbeth who was currently smiling and nodding at that.

"Take a shower and rest!" Lizbeth said to Lucas and also Aidan who now nodded his head in response to those words, and when Elizabeth was about to leave the two of them, Lucas quickly called Elizabeth to ask Elizabeth about the library and newspaper printing around this place, because she didn't know the article. where they were right now because Lucas had previously thought of a place he thought he should go to soon. Even though he felt strange to himself, Lucas thought it might be because of the unfit condition that made him take him and Aidan to random locations.

"Oh, Elizabeth!" Lucas' call at that time also stopped the footsteps of Elizabeth who now turned her gaze to then looked at Lucas who had just called her (Female).

"Yes?" Elizabeth asked Lucas who now made Lucas clear his throat and then said,

"Do you know where the nearby library or newspaper printing office is?" a question that Lucas threw to Elizabeth who was now frowning as if remembering the area around here.

"For the library I know, it's not far from my house… but for the printing press, I'm not sure because I never travel far apart from the house, the market, and the hospital," said Elizabeth in answer to the question that was posed by Lucas to her, which then made Lucas nod his head in response to that,

"What exactly are you looking for?" The question that was now being asked by Elizabeth at that time made Lucas shake his head in response to it. Unlike Lucas, Aidan immediately said,

"We're looking for someone, Elizabeth!" Aidan's words at that time also made Lucas turn his gaze quickly at Aidan as if he was surprised that Aidan would be that open to new people.

"Aidan!" Lucas whispered to himself, who now only turned his gaze quickly, which then made Lucas only exhale tiredly as if he had just given up on the actions taken by Aidan at this time.

"Somebody??" Elizabeth asked, which then made Aidan nod his head,

"Do you have any photos or pictures of him?" a question that was asked by Elizabeth at that time finally made Lucas exhale and then say,

"We don't have a picture of her, Elizabeth." Lucas finally opened up to Elizabeth, which then made Aidan nod his head in response to those words. Hearing that answer, made Elizabeth frown and then ask,

"Do you know the characteristics of the person you are looking for? I think it would be better if you describe it and report it to the police," said Elizabeth advising Lucas and Aidan, which then made Aidan show his neat teeth and say,

"We don't know the person, Lizbeth." The answer that was thrown by Aidan at this time, made Lizbeth's forehead wrinkled again feeling not understand what Aidan had just said at this time.

"So… you don't know what kind of person he is, but you're looking for him?? how did you guys find that person??" Elizabeth asked Aidan and Lucas which then finally made Lucas now exhale and grab a piece of paper that depicted a symbol that Lucas had previously drawn from the blanket owned by Aidan.

"We're looking for it from this sign, Elizabeth!" Lucas said to Elizabeth who now walked over to Lucas and grabbed the paper to see the image of the sign.

"So, you guys are looking for someone just from this mark??" Elizabeth asked Lucas and also Aidan who was now nodding his head in response to the question.

"Yeah… that's why I feel that we need a lot of time because we don't know the appearance of the person who has the mark at all!" Lucas said to Elizabeth who was now frowning at this,

"What is this sign like? ring huh? or necklace?" a question was asked again by Elizabeth, which then made Aidan now say,

"A birthmark… like the one I have on my right side of the neck, and the birthmark on the arm from Lucas!" said Aidan to Elizabeth who now turned her gaze to look at Aidan's neck and also the back of Lucas' arm.

"Birthmark?" Elizabeth asked which made both of them nod their heads and then made Elizabeth nod her head and say again, "Is this mark the same as hers??" a question that was asked by Elizabeth, made Aidan and Lucas now turn their eyes to the poster that was pasted in their room at that time.

A poster showing a male solo singer holding a mic at the time and the back of his hand bearing an insignia that was exactly what they were looking for. which of course surprised both of them because they didn't expect that the person they were looking for was a solo singer.

"Is this serious??" A question asked by Aidan just then, made Lucas nod his head and then say,

"Yeah… I don't think the mark is fake." Lucas said to Aidan who was now exhaling who then nodded his head in response to Lucas' words. Both must prepare to meet the person they are looking for, who is none other than a solo singer who is quite famous.

The night turned into morning, and as Lucas and Aidan had agreed, the two of them were getting ready to go find the singer they were looking for. At this time Elizabeth looked at the two of them who were wearing the shoes that Elizabeth had just given them that morning, although Lucas had refused, Elizabeth insisted on giving the shoes by saying that the shoes were given by a friend from Elizabeth and could not be worn by her because the shoes fit for men.

Aidan's eyes now turned to look at Elizabeth and then smiled at her as he said,

"Thanks for everything, Lizbeth!" said Aidan to Elizabeth who was now smiling and nodded her head in response to Aidan's words at that time.

"I pray that what you are looking for will soon be found!" said Elizabeth as she handed a backpack to Aidan who was now frowning at the backpack and then asked,

"What's this?" Aidan asked Elizabeth,

"This is the equipment you might need, bring it!" said Elizabeth which made Aidan feel bad, but in the end, he could only accept it, and Elizabeth's eyes turned to Lucas who had just stood up after he tied his shoelaces beside them.

"Thank you!" Lucas said to Elizabeth, who was now nodding his head as well.

"Be careful… come here again if you need something or a place to take shelter. Because this house will always be open to you Lucas, Aidan." Elizabeth's words made both of them smile and nodded their heads in response to Elizabeth's words.

"Thank you!" said Aidan again.

The two of them said goodbye and left Elizabeth, who at that time could only take them both to the front of her house. Aidan and Lucas walked away and away again from where Elizabeth was. And when they were sure that the position of the two could no longer be seen by the angelic hearted girl, Lucas extended his hand silently to Aidan who was now holding it without even looking at Lucas' hand, and both of them disappeared on the side of a very quiet road when that.

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