After finishing tying his shoelaces, Aidan stood up and looked at Elizabeth, then he smiled as he said, "Thank you for everything you have given us, Lizbeth." Aidan said to the woman who pulled the corners of her lips, smiled widely while nodding her head at Aidan.

"I will pray that what you are looking for will soon be found and what you are doing, will be finished with good results!" Elizabeth said as she handed a filled backpack to Aidan who was now frowning as he accepted the backpack and looked at it.

"What is this, Lizabeth?" Aidan asked Elizabeth.

Elizabeth took a deep breath before finally explaining, "These are equipment that you may be able to use, and that you may need. Bring it!" said Elizabeth which made Aidan feel bad because he had received something from the woman again. But in the end, she could only accept the backpack, because if she didn't... Elizabeth would have insisted on as much as she did with Lucas.

Elizabeth turned, looked at Lucas who had just finished, and stood up from his seat, beside the two.

"Thank you!" Lucas said to Elizabeth who now nodded her head and smiled again.

"Be careful you two… Just come back here if you need anything or need a place to shelter. Because this house will always be open to you. Lucas... Aidan ..." The greeting that Elizabeth said to both of them made the two men smile and nodded their heads, responding to Elizabeth's warm words to them.

"Thank you..." Aidan said again to Elizabeth.

After that, the two said their goodbyes and left Elizabeth, who at that time could only take them both to the front of her house. Aidan and Lucas walked further and further away from Elizabeth's house. And when the two of them were sure that their current position could no longer be seen by the girl with an angelic heart, they stopped their steps. Lucas reached out his hand silently to Aidan who immediately took his hand without needing to look at Lucas' hand which finally made them disappear on the very quiet side of the road. To where the artist is now. 

At a sports stadium which at that time had been transformed into a concert stage. Lots of people at that time filled the audience stands and even the front of the place where the stage stood.

"Wilson!! Wilson!! Wilson!!"


"I love you!!" 

The view of a man who is about 179 cm tall and has a sturdy body, reddish-white skin, a sharp nose, big and sharp eyes and a normal shaped mouth is very handsome, with the brush on top hairstyle given by his stylish day makes That brown hair looks so beautiful. The man now turned his head to look in front of him, where thousands of spectators were cheering for him, who at that time had just finished several songs that made his name.

"Hh ... hhh ..." the breath of the man named Wilson was panting because he was also excited after finishing his first concert in the city. Wilson smiled happily because he never expected the enthusiasm of his fans to be this great.

"Thank you… for all your enthusiasm tonight, I love you all!!!!" Wilson shouted to them which was then greeted with screams that were no less big than Wilson who was now smiling with great pleasure to see all of them his fans.


"You've done well, Wilson!" "Thank you." "We did it!" "Yes!" The words he heard and also replied to the staff who were backstage at that time made him very happy because all of those words meant that his struggle and that of the staff there had been successful because they had finished the concert very well.

With limp steps and carried by the bodyguards, Wilson stepped into the waiting room and then sat on the soft sofa, he received lots of applause from the staff which of course made him even happier. 

"Congratulations, Wilson! It's an amazing concert we've done!" The manager's words made Wilson now smile and nodded his head happily,

"Thank you, this is also thanks to all of us!" said Wilson to the Manager who now smiled and tapped Wilson's shoulder three times.

"Your schedule for this season is over, I'll ask the agency to take us all off for a few weeks, so you can use that for your vacation." said the manager who was quite big like a father, which of course made Wilson nod his head happily after he heard that he would get quite a long holiday that season.

"Thank you, Joe!" said Wilson to the manager named Joe, who made him nod now and then walk towards the door saying,

"Get some rest… I'll talk to the rest of the staff and after that, I'll take you back to the hotel!" said Joe to Wilson who again nodded his head at those words, which made Joe finally leave Wilson alone in the room. Allowing the artist to rest, because previously the artist had worked hard on stage some time ago and made the concert a success.

Wilson plopped down on the sofa, and he closed his eyes to enjoy the work he had put into the first and most memorable concert in his memory. 


A disturbing voice in the room, made Wilson now frown and then turn quickly towards the voice coming from the dressing room where he was resting at the time. Wilson's eyes squinted, but he found no one in the dressing room at the time, which of course made Wilson wonder where the voice came from.

"Joe??!" a question that Wilson asked someone he believed must be in the room with him, he didn't doubt his feelings at all. Out of curiosity, Wilson got up from his seat even though he felt very weak after a day of singing and showing his best for his fans that day.

Wilson walked into the dressing room and then checked into it. And he didn't find anyone in there, which made Wilson heave a sigh of relief and feel that his feeling that day must have been wrong because he was too tired. Wilson finally regained his composure and intended to return to rest on his soft sofa.

However, when Wilson turned around, he was startled and fell to the floor when he found behind him standing two men he didn't know before. 


"W… who are you guys?!" asked Wilson surprised because he believed that no fans would be able to come into the room, because of the tight security. His gaze now turned to the brown-skinned man and another man who looked thinner than the brown-skinned man.

"Wilson?? can you come with us?" a question posed by the thinner man over there, made Wilson frown and say again,

"Why should I come with you? and why are you guys in my room? Who are you?" asked Wilson again, not even a moment when he answered a question asked by a person he did not know before, and it made the brown-skinned man now exhale and then say,

"You'll know if you come with us now, Wilson!" the words of the brown-skinned man, made Wilson now glance at himself who walked over to Wilson.


"Lucas!!" shouted the thin man to the brown-skinned man named Lucas, after previously a large mound of earth hit him so that he fell far from where he was standing at that time. Wilson's gaze was now on the man who was shouting and then with the movement made by Wilson, the ground that was being stepped on by the man also bounced the man's body so that he fell to the ground on the neatly arranged clothes racks at the end of the room where Wilson was resting.

"Cough!! Cough!!" Wilson's gaze, which at that time was looking at the man he had just bounced, now turned back to Lucas who coughed and stood up from where he had fallen.


Shut up!!

"!!!" Wilson was surprised again when he found that the man named Lucas had disappeared and suddenly appeared right in front of Wilson at this time. However, Wilson was a great person in every way, and apart from being a soloist, he also mastered karate and taekwondo, martial arts that he must have as a public figure who can at least protect himself from all kinds of dangers and as of now.

Wilson quickly kicked Lucas until he fell in front of him, not until Wilson was about to hit Lucas because he felt that this man was very dangerous. However, when Lucas immediately blocked his face with his hands, Wilson's movement was stopped when he found a birthmark that is currently owned by Wilson.

"W… who are you? Why do you have that mark??" a question asked by Wilson, made Lucas who was blocking his face finally turned to look at Wilson who was now looking at him very curiously.


Wilson and Lucas' eyes now turned to look at Aidan who had just woken up from his place, after he had previously received a stab wound from the iron hanger which then injured his arm, but he managed to heal it in seconds. Which of course made Wilson wonder who they were.

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