Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 50 - Another Symbol

Aidan then sat on the edge of the building and looked up at the beautiful quiet and cold night at that time.

"Hahh… What if he didn't change his mind, Lucas?" A question posed by Aidan to Lucas, made Lucas glance at Aidan sharply as if he would never believe it would happen. Realizing that Lucas looked like he didn't agree with his words, Aidan immediately shrugged his shoulders and then said,

"I was just asking, Lucas!" Said Aidan defending himself, which then made Lucas now exhale heavily and replied,

"I'm sure… He'll change his mind, Aidan… So we'll just have to wait for the time to come!" Lucas said to Aidan who now nodded his head in response to that and then looked back pensively at the sky after Aidan had previously exhaled loudly.

One minute …. Ten minutes… Twenty minutes… Even for an hour, Lucas and Aidan waited at the top of the building, but they hadn't seen a single person come out and look for the two of them. Which made Lucas feel that Aidan's words and conjectures were true. Lucas felt that Wilson would not change his mind at that time.

"Okay… I think you're right Aidan, he won't change pi..-

"Lucas look! There she is!!" Aidan's shout at Lucas who cut Lucas' words made Lucas immediately look down where Wilson had just come out of the exit door alone. He seemed to be in a hurry to get out of the building. Without Wilson realizing it, the fans who were waiting for him immediately stormed him out of the building alone.

Wilson was crushed by the fans who were about to approach him at that time, but he didn't care and loudly called Lucas' name over and over again. She hoped in her heart that she would meet Lucas, or at least that Lucas would wait for her somewhere not far from where she was standing right now.

"Lucas?!!! Lucas!!!" that was the call that was made by Wilson in the midst of a crowd of fans who were also screaming hysterically because they could approach the star they admired so much at that time.

Wilson's gaze was directed towards the front, where a tall man he recognized appeared and walked quickly into the crowd, which of course made Wilson reach out his hand to reach Lucas at that moment. Lucas ran to get closer to Wilson because he knew that Wilson would not survive the hands of the fans who were fighting over him at that time.

Trying as best he could, Lucas reached out to shake hands from Wilson who was then blocked by the crazy fans, hugged him, pinched, and even kissed Wilson's cheek at that time.

"Euagh!!" Wilson growled at that, and in the end, their arms reached and held tightly to each other, which then made Lucas not wait long to finally disappear along with Wilson using his teleportation, which was certainly very surprising to Wilson's fans at the time.



"OH!!: Wilson was surprised when he was in a different place from where he was before, no fans were swarming him at this time. He was on top of the building together with Lucas who had just released his grip on Wilson's hand and also Aidan who had now come down from the barrier to then approach the two of them at this time.

"Hey, are you okay Wilson?" A question asked by Aidan at that time also made Wilson, who was still silent from his surprise, now turned to look at Aidan and then nodded his head slowly in response to the question asked by Aidan at that time.

Wilson's gaze was now on Lucas who was just standing not far from where he was standing and looking at Wilson curiously as if he was asking in his gaze why he had changed his mind at that time. Which of course made Wilson now exhale and then say,

"I'll explain later, obviously now we have to get out of this place before they find me to this building, take me away with you guys!" That's what Wilson said to Lucas and Aidan that night.


The three of them were now in a garden that was not well cared for, with a simple hut built by its side which of course made Wilson and Aidan wonder why Lucas had to bring them to a place like this that day.

"What is this place, Lucas?" a question that was asked by Wilson at that time was added by Aidan who now nodded his head and then said,

"Why did you bring us here?" Wilson asked adding, that's what Wilson and Aidan also asked Lucas who was now looking at the hut and then said,

"This is my home as well as my grandfather's!" Lucas said to Aidan as well as Wilson, and when Lucas came inside, the two of them looked at each other to finally walk into the house, following Lucas' footsteps entering it.

One thing they could feel when they first entered the simple hut, it was comfortable. The comfort they felt at that time, made them feel that if they didn't need to be someone to look up to, comfort could come anywhere and including Lucas' hut at that time.

Unlike Wilson and also Aidan, Lucas is currently feeling sad because he is reminded of his grandfather again. He felt that he had to come here once in a while and he also wanted to tell his grandfather that he had found two of the eleven stars that his grandfather had spoken to him at that time.

"Eum, Lucas ..." the call that Aidan threw at him at that moment made Lucas who was dreaming now turn his gaze to Aidan who then asked him, "So... what are we going to do next?" A question asked by Aidan at that moment made Wilson nod his head and then Lucas exhaled to sit on the chair there and then said,

"What else are we going to do?? Surely we have to meet and gather the other children, right?" a word that was said by Lucas at that time made Aidan now nod his head and then made Wilson now frown and ask,

"How do we find them? And how did you guys find me? I've never revealed myself to the public before." a question that was asked by Wilson at that time made Lucas and Aidan look at each other and then made Aidan take out a cloth from his bag after previously Lucas asked Aidan to give his cloth to Lucas at that time.

"Aidan… take out your cloth1" that's what Lucas asked Aidan who now nodded his head and then took out his cloth to give the cloth to Lucas who now grabbed it to open the cloth and showed the symbol that was inside the cloth to Wilson who was wide-eyed surprised because the emblem contained in the cloth closely resembled his birthmark.

"Th… that, is my birthmark!" said Wilson to Lucas and also Aidan, which then made Aidan nod his head and make Lucas say,

"When we fell and were found, each of us carried the object corresponding to the other. I brought a paper with Aidan's crest, and Aidan brought a cloth with your crest on it. So… when you were found by your parents, did you bring anything other than yourself there?" The words and also the questions that Lucas asked Wilson at that time made Wilson now frown before finally nodding his head in response to the question, Wilson said,

"Yes! I have an object that came with me!" said Wilson to Aidan and also Lucas which made Aidan happy to ask Wilson at that time,

"So what is it?" A question asked by Aidan at that time made Wilson now take the pendant he used to finally give the locket to Lucas and Wilson.

A pendant with a shape similar to the letter J combined with the letter U which has a small circle under the letter J made Lucas now frown and then nodded his head as he said,

"Ok… since we've got the emblem, we'll go see the professor ask him about the meaning of this emblem." Lucas' words at that moment made Aidan turn to look at him quickly and ask,

"Are we looking for the meaning again?" A question asked by Aidan at that moment was given a nod of the agreement by Lucas, but Wilson shook his head in response and said,

"No… we don't need to ask what this symbol means because I've looked it up and know what it means, Lucas!" Wilson's words at that time made both of them turn to look at Wilson and then Lucas asked,

"Then, what is the meaning of this symbol, Wilson?" a question that was asked by Lucas at that moment made Wilson answer it by saying,

"Waterbender, that is the meaning of the crest that became my pendant!" Wilson said to Lucas as well as Aidan and made Lucas now exhale and then nodded realizing that now that he had met the healer and the earth bender, now he had to go back to fighting to find the water bender.

"Alright… since we already know who we're looking for, so today we rest here for the night, and leave in the morning, tomorrow!" Lucas said to Wilson and also Aidan who now nodded in agreement with Lucas' proposal that night.

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