Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 51 - Lucas Memory About The Mision

The night has turned into morning, the air that was cold at that time has now become warm along with the sun that comes to illuminate the earth and warm it. As Aidan said, they would look for the water handler after the day turned into morning.

Wilson was the first person to wake up that morning, who then Aidan woke up and greeted Wilson who was busy looking for ingredients for at least they ate that morning.

"Did you wake up ??" a question posed by Wilson to Aidan who was then sitting on the sofa now turned his gaze to look at Wilson who was standing between the shelves hanging on the wall near the stove from the hut.

"Hoammm… what are you doing there?" a question posed by Aidan also made Wilson now turn his gaze towards Aidan as he spoke,

"Find something for us to eat!" Wilson said to Aidan who was now wiping his face to then nodding his head in response to the answer.

Aidan now turned his gaze to stare at Lucas who was asleep on the bedside mat where the bed was where Wilson had slept before.

"She's still asleep apparently," Aidan said as he stared at Lucas who looked very sleepy, even though he was asleep on the thin mat at the time.

"I think he's too tired, after taking us far enough from the stadium," said Wilson to Aidan who now nodded his head and then let Lucas fall asleep like that, so that at least he could rest more that day.

"Ck! All right, I didn't find anything but this onion. " the words that Wilson uttered at that moment, made Aidan now turn his gaze towards Wilson and then exhale and nod his head as he spoke,

"Last night I saw the garden in front of this house, let me find something we can eat right now!" Aidan said to Wilson who now nodded his head in response to what Aidan had said at that moment.

Aidan moved from his place to then walk out of the hut, and at the same time, Lucas awoke from his sleep. He opened both eyes quickly and then positioned his body lying down and of course, his movements were surprising to Wilson.

Zraakk !!

"Oh My God !!" said Wilson in surprise as Lucas moved very spontaneously, Lucas's gaze was now on Wilson who had just spoken in surprise, which then made Lucas frown and turns around to ask,

"Where's Aidan?" asked Lucas to Wilson who now turned his gaze towards Lucas and then Wilson spoke,

"Find something for us to eat in the field in front of this house," said Wilson to Lucas who was now exhaling and then nodded his head in response to it.

The fire

Lucas was standing in front of the bathroom mirror at that moment, his gaze now focused on his face and also his eyes. He became curious about the mission he was on right now and slowly began to doubt the purpose of it which was just talking and chatting with each other later when the twelve of them gathered in one place.

"Hhh…" Lucas sighed after feeling that the goal he was doing now was stupid if only to collect twelve stars just to chat, which of course reminded Lucas of Wilson's words when they first met and Wilson questioning the intention of Lucas to find himself and also the others there.

"Is it just talking ?? if that's all you want, it won't matter, Lucas! " said Lucas to himself, he cursed himself and was confused by it.

Lucas felt that Wilson's words were true, but he became confused about why he was so determined to collect these twelve stars ?? why is it only the words from the grandfather that make him so very enthusiastic ??

Lucas was silent for a long time in the bathroom at that time, and seconds later a glimpse came and took Lucas to a place he had known before. A place where he always dreamed of meeting people he didn't know.

A region where he could see thousands of very close stars and moons, which he believed if he were not on earth at the time. "Hey, Lucas!" a call that was heard by Lucas at the time, made Lucas now turn his gaze towards a man who had just called his name earlier. She could not see the man's face, but she felt that she knew the man very well.

"Are you okay ??" a question posed by the man, made Lucas now nod his head and stand tall and line up with the other twelve. Yes… Lucas was aware of the presence of eleven people who were now lined up beside him.

"You are twelve of the thousands of stars we have managed to develop, and we see that there is nothing wrong with the twelve of you. And for that reason, we decided to assign this task to you, after we felt that you were the ones who deserved to complete this mission. " the words Lucas was hearing at the time, made him now frown after he heard the word twelve out of thousands, that meant the people seemed to number in the thousands.

"Your task is very easy… Destroy the Earth and its contents, so that we can enter and control the Earth." the speech shocked Lucas who now himself and also the eleven others paid homage without knowing who the person was speaking like that to them and where his voice came from.

"Your departure is soon, prepare yourself and destroy everything!" that was the last word Lucas heard before he finally disbanded with the other eleven.

Lucas now walks to get into a machine that he believes is his means of transportation to Earth which then after he got into it he immediately regained consciousness from the shadow.

"Oh !!!" Lucas shouted in surprise.

Tok… tok… tok…

Lucas's gaze quickly turned to stare at the door that had just been knocked on by someone out there,

"Lucas ?? are you okay a question posed by Wilson, made Lucas now exhale and shake his head in response to the words thrown by Wilson out there. Lucas immediately opened the bathroom door and then turned to look at Wilson who was shocked by it.

Brak !!!

It was the sound of the bathroom door being opened quickly by Lucas, which startled Wilson and also Aidan who now turned to look at him.

"Hhh… It's serious!" said Lucas to Aidan and also Wilson who now frowned at the words that Lucas was throwing at this time.

"What's wrong, Lucas?" asked Wilson to Lucas who now immediately turned his gaze towards Wilson as he spoke,

"We must find other stars before they destroy the earth," said Lucas to Wilson and also Aidan who was now surprised to hear the words thrown by Lucas at that time.

"Destroying the earth ?! What did you say Lucas ?? " Aidan asked Lucas who was now walking to then sit in the dining table chair where Aidan was currently sitting.

He rubbed Lucas's face by himself in frustration as he then explained why they could come down to earth today.

"The reason we came down to earth - I know it and now I remember it, Aidan - Wilson," said Lucas to the two who now both frowned in response to Lucas' words at that moment.

"Do you know that ??" Wilson asked Lucas who now nodded his head and then spoke,

"We were sent down to earth because we were given a task by something I do not yet know," said Lucas to both of them, and made Aidan now frown and ask again,

"Who ??" Aidan asked and Lucas shook his head,

"I don't see anyone but me and eleven others," said Lucas to Aidan and Wilson,

"What did he assign to you ??, eum… we mean!" said Wilson to Lucas who exhaled again and then spoke,

"We are commissioned to destroy the earth." Lucas' answer must have surprised both of them.

"Destroying the Earth ??" Wilson asked Lucas who now nodded his head and spoke,

"At least that's what I heard in my mind and memory earlier," said Lucas explaining to the two, which then made Wilson now chuckle, while Aidan now shook his head,

"No… I don't want to do it if it's our job, I don't want to do it!" that's what Aidan said to Lucas and Wilson. Hearing Aidan speak like that, Wilson immediately turned to look at him sharply and then spoke,

"You think you're the only one who doesn't want to do it ?? I also don't want to have to destroy the earth !! " Wilson's words made Aidan turn to look at him and nod his head and so did Lucas.

"I don't want to do that either!" said Lucas adding,

"Then what should we do, Lucas ?!" Aidan's question at the time made Lucas speak,

"There is no other way but we have to gather the others as soon as possible and talk about this task. We have to make them aware and convince them if we can't carry out the task given to us, we have to convince them that we have to protect the earth, not destroy it," said Lucas telling them the goal they had to make now, which of course was approved by Wilson and also Aidan.

"Yes… you're right, we have to find them as soon as possible!" said Wilson to Lucas who was now nodding his head in response to a speech from Wilson that morning.

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