Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 77 - Errands For Yena

Following what Nick intended, the next thing he did was just wait for the arrival of the Ice controller, which of course had been taken into account by Nick beforehand. He put a number in the newspaper, and it was a number that belonged to his trusted confidant who had lived with Nick for most of his life and was like any other sibling to Nick, Yena. The son of their trust and the keeper of their former home, Yelen.

Previously, Nick had had a long conversation with Yena, although previously Yena felt that the young master, as well as the big master, should be examined by a psychologist owned by his family because Yena did not just believe what Nick explained to her.

That night, Yena walked through the halls of the luxury house, she walked quickly and then stopped right in front of the door of Mr. Nicholas' office, after previously she received a call from her master to immediately meet him in his office.

"Hh ..." Yena did not know what the master would say or order, which made her have to and will always exhale first, to prepare her mentality before finally knocking on the door from the master's room three times, according to rules and etiquette.


"Who is that?" asked the Master from inside the room, which made Yena immediately straighten up and then say,

"It's me, Yena… Mr. Nick!" Yena said answering the question, which in the end the Master said,

"Just come in, Yena!" Nick's orders to Yena, which made Yena exhale and then hold the doorknob, and then she entered the room and found that in the room, Nick was sitting in front of his desk and turned his gaze to Yena who had just entered. into that room.

"You called me, Mr. Nick?" Yena asked Nick who was now smiling and then nodded his head in response to the question,

"Yeah… sit across from me! There is something I want to discuss with you right now!" said Nick to Yena who now frowned and then walked to finally she sat right in the empty chair in front of Nick at that time.

Yena's gaze is now looking intently at his employer as if he was waiting for Nick's words to her at this time, and it made Nick smile to see that Yena was waiting for him to speak, which in the end Nick nodded his head and said,

"So… there's something I want to tell you Yena, and it's about me and Queen too!" said Nick to Yena who now frowned at the explanation, which of course made Yena now nod her head in response to these words, and then Nick spoke again.

"We are not humans, Yena!" Nick explained to Yena, which of course made her frown now when she heard Nick say that, and it had been predicted by Nick beforehand.

"W… what do you mean, sir?" Yena asked Nick, and even now Yena smiled slightly as if she thought that Nick was joking at the moment, and made Nick laugh too.

"Yeah… I am not a human, and neither is Queen, Yena… we are things that fell to earth, nineteen years ago!" Nick explained to Yena who therefore frowned again, not believing what the master said, which made Yena feel that this conversation made no sense at all.

"Mr. Nick, I'm sorry for saying this… but, I'm very confused right now. if you're kidding, you can..-

"I'm not kidding Yena!" said Nick interrupting Yena's words who now widened their eyes in surprise at Nick's words at that time,

"I'm not joking and I'm one hundred percent serious!" continued Nick to Yena who now exhaled and then said,

"Hh ... sorry, sir ... I don't mean to be presumptuous, but ... I think you should speak to Doctor Watson!" Yena said suggesting Nick speak to Edward's family psychologist doctor, which of course made Nick now stunned to hear Yena say that.

"So… you think I'm crazy, Yena?" Nick asked Yena who immediately stiffened when she felt that she had made a mistake, she shook his head to Yena quickly as she said,

"No… No sir! I don't think of you that way right now, but… I think you're going through something hard that you're saying things that don't make sense to me!" Yena said to Nick who was now stunned by his words and then he said,

"I haven't even finished this conversation yet, Yena!" Nick replied to Yena who was now stunned to respond, "You can give me advice like that after I finish telling you, do you understand?" Nick explained to Yena who now nodded his head in response to those words, and made Nick now move his eyes towards the chair, as if asking Yena to sit back in the chair there, after previously getting up from the chair.

"So… I will continue my story, and I want you to listen to me first, and after that, you can give me your advice again, do you understand Yena?" Nick asked Yena who now obediently and afraid nodded her head in response to Nick's words.

Nick straightened his seat and said again,

"I was one of the twelve stars that fell back then, and I happened to be found by my father! And I also happened to meet Queen who is both one of the fallen stars." explained Nick to Yena who was silent listening to him, and made Nick say again, "At first I didn't know that either, but ... I found a note from my Dad that said it, and also I can control elements that will surely surprise people and including you, and this element was the thing that helped me and Queen both survive the plane crash back then!" Nick explained to Yena, which made Yena exhale and look at the Master, waiting for him to finish telling his story, and when she felt that Nick was done with his story, Yena finally said,

"It seems that you really must speak to Doctor Watson, my lord ... let me summon Doctor Watson to see you tonight!" Yena said to Nick who now chuckled hearing that and then he let Yena get up from his seat to go outside the room, but Yena's footsteps stopped when he found a very large lump of water floating in the doorway that was closed at that time, which of course it made Yena surprised not playing. She felt like she was in a hallucination, his eyes even looked at Nick who now raised his right hand, and made Yena feel that what his young master said was true.

"M…master…" Yena said to Nick in fear, which then made Nick raise his hand and throw it down, and at the same time, the lump of water floated up before finally falling like torrential rain, or rather a waterfall and falling. wet the whole room including Nick and Yena who were shocked by it.


"AAAAH!!" Yena screamed, surprised by the coldness of the water, with a look that still couldn't believe she turned to look at Nick which then made Nick now ask,

"Do I still have to speak to Doctor Watson, Yena?" Nick asked Yena, who now slowly shook his head, answering Nick's question, and made Nick ask again,

"So… do you understand and believe me now, Yena?" Nick asked Yena, and the beautiful and innocent woman now nodded her head in response to Nick's question which made Nick smile and nod happily because his trust finally believed in the story he told that day.

"Actually… I still want to talk to you about this matter, because I need you to help me, but… since we're both wet, so it'd be better if we change first and meet back in the music room, how about it? Do you agree with my suggestion on that one, Yena?" Nick asked the trust who now immediately nodded his head again, and made Nick spread his hands to invite Yena to immediately leave the room.

With hurried steps, Yena left the room and walked in a hurry to change her clothes, which of course Yena's condition at that time made a lot of maids and maids who saw it confused, about why Yena got soaked after leaving their master's room, but when he saw that the big master was also soaking wet, all the male servants ran over to him to inquire about the condition of Nick, who now shook his head and said,

"It's nothing… I think there's a leaky pipe in my room, so I want you to clean it up and dry all my important documents!" said Nick to his servants who of course very obeyed by those who immediately moved quickly there.

Nick also walked into his room to change clothes, after that he immediately went to the music room to meet Yena again and explain what Nick wanted to ask, he asked Yena to help him and one of them was receiving calls from applicants, if indeed they were is an Ice controller, Yena's task is simple, she only bridges between people who claim to be ice controllers with Nick, Yena will rent a place and arrange the day of their meeting because Nick knows that if it's not only the real controller, it could be someone else. -a prankster who only wanted a present that Nick had posted on the daily news in the international newspapers of the day.

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