Super Planet System Behind The Moon

Chapter 78 - Different Nick

"AAAAH!!" Yena screamed, surprised by the coldness of the water, with feelings that were still in disbelief, she turned to look at Nick which then made Nick now ask,

"Do I still have to speak to Doctor Watson, Yena?" Nick asked Yena. The woman now slowly shook her head, answered the question asked by Nick, and made Nick ask again,

"So… Do you understand and believe me now, Yena?" Nick asked again, which made the beautiful and innocent woman now nod her head in response to Nick's question which made Nick smile now. He nodded, happy because his trust finally believed the story he told him that day.

"Actually… I still want to talk to you about this matter, because I need you to help me, but… Since we're both wet, so it'd be nice if we change first and meet back in the music room, how about it? Do you agree with my suggestion on that one, Yena?" Nick asked the confidant who now immediately nodded his head again, making Nick stretch out his hand to invite Yena to get out of the room immediately.

With hurried steps, Yena left the room and walked in a hurry to change her clothes, which of course Yena's condition at that time made a lot of maids and maids who saw it confused, about why Yena got soaked after leaving the master's room. them, but when they saw that the big master was also soaking wet, all the male servants ran to him to inquire about the condition of Nick, who now shook his head and said,

"Nothing… I think there's a leaky pipe in my room, so I want you to clean it up and dry all my important data and documents!" Nick replied to his servants who of course were very obedient to the order and immediately moved.

Nick walked into his room to change clothes, after that he immediately went to the music room to meet Yena again and explain what Nick wanted to ask, he asked Yena to help him. Among them is receiving calls from people, if indeed they are the person Nick is looking for. Yena's job is simple, she only bridges between people who claim to be the owner of the sign and Nick, Yena will rent a place and arrange the day of their meeting because Nick knows that if it's not only the real person who comes, it could be other people. a prankster who only wanted a present that Nick had posted on the daily news in the international newspapers of the time.

Drrt .. drrt …

When Nick's cell phone vibrated, the man who was currently attending a meeting in his office looked up at the vibrating table next to his laptop screen. He looked at his cellphone screen which showed that Yena was now trying to contact him, it made all the workers attending the meeting silent, including the man who was now standing in front of the room and explaining the presentation of his duties.

Nick exhaled slowly and looked back at the man who was now standing in front of him who was staring at him in silence. Nick nodded his head slowly, and said, "Okay... I already understand the meaning of the points you are explaining now, Daniel. Thank you!" Nick said to Daniel who immediately nodded his head and smiled at Nick. The man then sat back in his place and looked back at Nick who was now looking at all his workers.

All workers who have positions as permanent staff at Nick's company officials are now waiting for an explanation and further decisions that Nick will explain to them. "Well… I saw the progress of this month and the results of your hard work are great! So let's end the meeting here. Good Job, Everybody!" But apparently, Nick closed the meeting and said that they had all worked well this month. Although it raised a big question in the minds of the entire staff because Nick seemed rushed and immediately left the meeting room as soon as he said that.

Nick, who walked out of the meeting room earlier, and grabbed his cellphone immediately picked up the call from Yena, "Yeah, Yena... What's wrong?" Nick asked when he picked up the call.

He also heard Yena answer, "Mr. Nick! Five people contacted me this afternoon and told me they were the person you were looking for!" Yena explained that she got five calls this afternoon.

Nick, who was walking towards the elevator, nodded his head slowly and pressed the button for the elevator, and waited for the elevator to come. Nick then asked Yena, "Then, what is the problem now, that you called me, Yena?" Nick asked who felt that Yena had disturbed the meeting earlier.

Stuttering, Yena replied, "Umm… I want to ask sir. Do you want these five people to meet you at the same time, or do you want to meet them separately and one by one?" That was the question asked by Yena which became a problem for her.

Nick exhaled hearing the question, he was silent considering it, until finally the elevator door opened and made him step inside and press the button for the floor he is currently headed for.

"Alright, I'm just asking you! How well do you think it is, Yena?" Asked Nick who wanted to hear Yena's opinion because he was confused about what he should choose.

Yena also replied, "I think... It would be better if you meet them one by one sir... It was done so that you can freely ask them!" It was Yena who gave Nick a suggestion.

Nick agreed with the suggestion and nodded his head, "Then just do what you said just now, Yena. I will follow your advice! Make a schedule for my meeting with them, and give it to me later! You understand?" Nick orders Yena.

"Yes sir! I will do that!" Yena answered when she heard the order from Nick. Then their phone line was cut off, and Nick sighed.

"There will be a chance that four of them are liars who want money!" Nick muttered as the elevator doors opened and he walked out of the elevator.

Time passed quickly, the afternoon had turned into Night and Nick had just returned from his office. He got out of the car after having an exciting conversation with the driver. As soon as he got out of the car, his gaze now turned to Yena who was already standing in the doorway and bowed his head as a respectful greeting to Nick who now nodded his head and walked over to Yena while asking,

"Have you made the schedule, Yena?" Nick asked Yena who was now walking to keep up with Nick's footsteps who just walked into the magnificent house, which then made Yena nod her head to answer the questions that Nick asked her.

"I have made the schedule, sir!" Yena reported and it made Nick nod as he said again,

"Keep it on my office desk!" Nick ordered as he went to turn towards Queen who was in the living room at the time, which made Yena nod her head and immediately carry out the orders given to her by Nick.

Nick walked over to Queen who was looking through magazines at the time, and then turned his gaze to Nick while smiling sweetly at the arrival of his brother.

"You're already home, it seems!" Nick said to Queen who was now nodding his head. Nick sat beside his brother who was busy with his activities, and asked, "How was today?" Nick asked Queen who now shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly as she said,

"Well… As usual, Nick!" replied the Queen.

Nick nodded, then asked again "Then what about the man who asked about your birthmark, have you met him again?" Nick asked Queen.

"Vernon, you mean?" Queen asked who told Nick if the name of the man was Vernon. Nick nodded his head, confirming that it was the man he meant.

Queen exhaled and put the magazine she was holding onto the table and said, "Yeah… I met him and we talked a lot!" replied the Queen.

Nick turned to look at Queen as if wanting to know more about what the two of them were talking about. And Queen knows exactly what Nick wants. She immediately grabbed his bag and pulled out a bracelet that had a pendant with his birthmark.

"I managed to talk to him, and he gave me my bracelet back! I also said that I was not alone. It made him curious and said he wanted to see you." Queen explained to Nick who was now smiling and nodding his head.

"Well... That's good! But it looks like I'll be meeting with Vernon for a while because I have a lot of schedules and also have to meet people who claim to be one of the fallen stars like us!' Nick explained to Queen who was now exhaling and nodded understandingly as he spoke.

"It's all because of your newspaper right?" Queen asked Nick who chuckled softly and nodded his head.

"Yeah… And because of that, I'll be even more selective and busier! You and Vernon communicate well. My suit has time, I will meet him!" Nick to Queen who is currently nodding obediently in response to the orders given by his brother to him.

Nick finally returned to his room and rested for a while.

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