It was eleven o'clock at night after Nick had had dinner and had a little chat with Queen, he now entered his office and found a sheet of paper with the schedule for his meetings with the people who contacted Yena this afternoon.

"Hahh… Let's see the names of these people!" Nick said to himself while sitting in his work chair, he then read one by one the meeting schedule.

"On Wednesday I will meet a person named Yoana, a woman approaching twenty years old! Saturday I'm going to meet a man named John who is nineteen years old! Monday I will meet a man named Yuda, and the age is not stated here, Thursday I will meet a woman named Rose and here is also not told her age ... and so is Sunday named Imelda, what is this?? Why didn't Yena ask about their age?!" Nick muttered to himself, after reading the caption. Nick quickly grabbed his home phone and immediately dialed it to Yena.

"Yes sir?" Yena asked in the distance, who immediately picked up the phone.

"Come to me now at the office!" Nick said very briefly and quickly hung up the call again. He felt tired and annoyed with everything he did today, he felt as if Yena did not work with all his heart at that time.

It didn't take long, there was a knock on his office door and Nick knew it was Yena,

"Come in, Yena!" Nick said to Yena who now stepped into his room, and at the same time, Nick threw all the paper on his desk. He also quickly reprimanded Yena, "Why don't some of these people have a clear age, Yena?" Nick asked Yena quite loudly, which made Yena look at Nick in surprise.

"Eum… I'm sorry, I forgot about that qualification, Master!" Yena replied bowing her head knowing that it was her fault, which made Nick now sigh in annoyance.

"Call them again and ask their age, if their age is not the same as mine, just cross them from this schedule, you understand Yena?" Said Nick who gave the order and asked Yena again. Yena immediately nodded her head understanding the order.

"Okay sir, I'll do it!" Yena answered.

"Alright… you can go!" Said Nick again.

Without asking much, Yena immediately left Nick's room and left the master alone in the room.

After Yena left without saying a word, Nick was silent and pensive, he became confused with the feeling because there was something strange inside him right now. He seemed very eager to meet people like himself, no ... No ... He meant stars like him as if there was something they had to complete on this earth, which of course made Nick shake his head after he was sure that he had an important assignment from something he forgot, which of course made him feel confused and like now.

The day passed so quickly, according to the schedule that had been arranged by Yena, Wednesday was the day where Nick met the first person named Yoana, a woman whose age was not much different from Nick at that time. That day, Nick will meet with Yoana at a famous restaurant that Yena had previously ordered, which of course was on orders from Nick.

"Are you sure you will rent a restaurant just to meet them, sir?" a question that Yena asked at that time, made Nick nod his head in response to the question,

"Yeah… should I take that person to go home? That's even more dangerous Yena, just rent out the restaurant for some of my meetings with the others too, because I don't want to bother changing restaurants later!" said Nick to Yena, which made Yena nod her head in response to the order, and that's what Yena did.

That night, Nick sat in his place, looked intently at the fat woman with curly hair, who was now smiling at Nick very happily, as if he was about to win a jackpot, which of course the smile was recognized by Nick who now nodded his head instantly, which, of course, made the woman's brows now rise as she stared at him in bewilderment.

"What should I do, Mr. Nick?" a question uttered by Yoana at that moment, made Nick take a breath and then say,

"Can you show me the marks on my body, like the symbol I put on the newspaper, Yoana?" a question that was asked by Nick at that time, made Yoana smile confidently, she showed the symbol that was now on her arm, which made Nick nodded to see it.

"Did I pass?" Yoana asked Nick who was now frowning and then said,

"Not yet… there is one more thing you need to show me, Yoana!" said Nick to Yoana who was now nodding his head,

"Yeah.. what is it?" Yoana asked Nick,

"Show your skills!" Nick ordered Yoana, which made Yoana with a smile now get up from her chair and start singing, which of course made Nick frown.

'Hey… what's going on with her? This is not a talent show!!' Nick muttered in his mind, which made him now frown when he heard the discordant and loud voice emitted by Yoana, which made Nick immediately turn to look at Yena who panicked and immediately summoned two bodyguards there to immediately secure the fat girl, who looked surprised and confused.

"Mr. Nick?? What happen?? Hey!! Hey!!! wait… I still have other abilities!" said Yoana insisting on showing her talent, which of course made Nick shake his head as he said,

"That's not what I wanted, you didn't pass Yoana! Take him away!" said Nick to the two bodyguards who returned to bring Yoana out of the restaurant.

Seeing Yoana who kept screaming that she had another talent, Yena slowly approached Nick who was exhaling in his seat, and then shook his head there, which made Yena now say,

"Ah… it turns out that she is not the real one!" Yena said to Nick, who now turned to look at her who smiled awkwardly at Nick who now nodded his head without reacting, Nick got up from his seat and handed over Yoana's data.

"Yeah… this is just the first person, so we at least have an idea for the others, because I'm sure… there will be many people like her that we'll meet the next day, Yena!" Nick explained to Yena who nodded in response, and then Nick left the restaurant to go home.

As Nick said to Yena, regarding people who are exactly like Yoana, the next meeting schedule is even worse than Yoana's. It was a Saturday, and Nick met John, a man who was the same age as Nick at the time, which of course made Nick curious because he said if he always remembers that if he doesn't come from this earth, that's what is inside. Josh's note.

"Hm… I hope this is the person I'm looking for!" mumbled Nick in his car, which of course made the driver now turn his gaze to Nick and say,

"Hope you find it, sir!" said the young man, to which Nick now smiled in response,

"Yeah ... I hope you're right Ab!" continued Nick, at the same time they had arrived at the restaurant where they rented, which of course made Nick now look at several bodyguards and Yena who was already standing and ready to welcome his arrival at that time.

Nick got out of his car and walked over to Yena who had bowed her head in a formal salute to the employer.

"Has this man named John to come yet, Yena?" Nick's question at that time made Yena shake her head but with a smile that never left her lips that made Nick now exhale and then nod his head while grabbing a napkin that was neatly folded on the table and put it around his neck saying,

"Bring me the steak! I am hungry!" said Nick to Yena, which made Yena immediately turn her gaze to the chefs who swiftly walked into the kitchen, and seconds later they brought the warm steak that Yena had ordered ten minutes ago.

"Ok… at least this Steak came just in time!" said Nick while eating the dish voraciously, while Yena now smiled and stepped back to give Nick some freedom there.

At the same time, a bodyguard walked up to Yena, which made Nick look at her for a moment, but he went back to eating the steak.

The bodyguard whispered to Yena, which made Yena now frown, and then nodded her head in response to the whisper. The bodyguard left, and now Nick asked,

"So… has the person come?" asked Nick guessing the whisper said by the Bodyguard earlier to Yena, which then made Yena now turn to look at Nick and smile while nodding at him and saying,

"Yeah, sir… he's already here, and he's outside the restaurant!" Yena replied to Nick, who was now nodding his head and drinking the wine that had been served earlier.

Nick wiped his mouth with a white napkin and then he nodded his head in response to Yena's words as he said,

"Then tell him to come in, what are you waiting for?" said Nick to Yena, who now nodded his head and then turned his gaze to look at the bodyguard who then understood with that gaze and let a man into the restaurant.

When Nick turned his gaze to the man who had just entered the restaurant, Nick was immediately surprised, because the man's appearance was unusual.

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