Super Resort System

Chapter 115: Chain reaction (2/5)

"Mr. Li, hello, my name is Cheng Jiali, I am embarrassed to bother!" said the woman on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, what do you want me to do?" Li Yang was curious, could it be that he was looking for his cat to make a movie.

"That's it. Regarding this event in your hotel, we would like to discuss a little cooperation with you!" Cheng Jiali said.

"What cooperation?" Li Yang was even more curious.

"It's like this..." Cheng Jiali roughly said about the content of the cooperation. After listening to Cheng Jiali's words, Li Yang smiled, and a trace of excitement appeared on his face. The secret way is really God's help.

Unexpectedly, the first chain reaction triggered by my own event happened like this, and my resort hotel would not be popular.

"Mr. Li, I can promise that in the future, I can let her provide a commercial performance for your company for free. If you feel that the oral agreement cannot be guaranteed, we can also draw up a contract here, let's follow a formal contract!"

"That would be the best, and there is a guarantee for both parties, but I still have a small request here, which is to allow us to use her name and portrait to promote our hotel club in the future!" Li Yang said with a smile.

Cheng Jiali was silent for a moment, and then said: "Yes, but we need to understand your club regulations in detail, and we also need to discuss the scope of the promotion."

"Yes, I will send you the club-related information later, and we will contact you after you think about it!" Li Yang also knows that Cheng Jiali is worried that her club is a bad club that will affect her artists , He can understand this.

"Okay! Let me add your WeChat account, right? This phone number is your WeChat ID?"


After finishing the call, Cheng Jiali took the initiative to add Li Yang's WeChat. Li Yang was not wordy, and immediately found the club membership charter and sent it to Cheng Jiali.

Soon after, Cheng Jiali returned a message to Li Yang, saying that there was no problem, and agreed to Li Yang's request, and the two parties also had more detailed discussions.

The contract was issued by Cheng Jiali's company. Li Yang also contacted Yang Li and asked her to put a girl named Xu Jiaxi in the first experience officer activity.

After dealing with these things, Li Yang felt better, and he had a pleasant surprise early in the morning. Life is really wonderful.

Moreover, Cheng Jiali's phone call also made him see the next step of the event, and the hotel's marketing ideas have a new direction.

"Haha..." With a happy laugh, Li Yang threw the phone away, and slammed into the swimming pool with a puff, splashing water, and suddenly scared the four cats lying in the living room. The two dogs scattered and fled, and the two dogs didn't know what was going on. They jumped up and fled instinctively, but the direction of Erha's escape was just the opposite of the four cats and Wangcai.

The next second, I watched Erha staring at the dog's eyes, "fuck" on his face, and then he fell into the swimming pool with a pop.

Seeing Erha rushing into the pool, Li Yang was moved by the inner cow, and shouted in his heart, "Who said Erha never cared about the life and death of his master, it was Erha who rushed to save him first."

Just when Li Yang opened his arms to welcome the rushing Erha, he saw that the second man was about to drown, and he thrashed and swam back to the shore, panicked and climbed to the shore. He fled in a hurry without looking back.

Li Yang:? ? ?


For a software company in the Imperial Capital, because of the popular beauty appraisal applet on the Internet yesterday, more than a dozen programmers have been working in turn, working overtime from last night to now, all with shaved beards, greasy and exhausted faces.

"How is it, Lao Yang, have you cracked it?" A man dressed in British style with meticulous combing of hair walked behind one of the somewhat bald men and leaned over and patted him on the shoulder.

The man named Lao Yang shook his frown.

"I haven't cracked it yet, is it so difficult for such a small program?" The British man was a little unhappy.

"Its encryption algorithm is very complicated. We have tried various methods, but it doesn't work. This small program is not as simple as it seems!" The man named Lao Yang said helplessly.

The British-style man had a solemn face, and he still couldn't believe this fact. They couldn't crack a small program that a hotel produced to do activities. This was an insult.

In fact, he originally wanted to crack this software, and then used this program framework, slightly modified, and imitated to make a system that integrates the features of identifying girls, boys, and even pets, and added them on this basis. More interesting gameplay small programs, and then a wave of enthusiasm, through this wave of enthusiasm of the hotel on the Internet, you can directly burn your own small programs and make a quick cash. I expected this to be a Very easy things, things that your own technical team can handle overnight.

Unexpectedly, you can't even crack it. It's a big joke!

"What do you do then? Think about it again. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! And I'm sure that our family is not the only one who is doing this. We can't lose the chain at this time!"

"I really can't help it!" Old Yang said helplessly.

Seeing that Lao Yang was helpless, the British man could only sigh secretly, and think about other ways.

The British men were right. Just when they were at a loss, some so-called small programs that could measure the value of appearance began to appear on the Internet, and there were even small programs that were almost fake and the interface imitated.

But in fact, it is just a small program that sells dog meat. It can't realize the real identification function at all. It is completely random and random.

But these small programs naturally also have a certain audience group. For example, some of them can modify their ratings and comments, which are pure spoof entertainment.

And that interface mimics the same small program, and can score more than ninety points casually. It is completely to satisfy the needs of some people with strong vanity to show off their beauty.

No, in the afternoon, a topic suddenly exploded on Weibo, a certain third-line actress scored fraud.

In order to make her own hype, the third-line actress posted a screenshot of her score of 96 points on Weibo, but this was nothing at all, but she also posted a 93 posted on Weibo by a popular network anchor at the same time. Score screenshots.

This Weibo quickly aroused dissatisfaction from the fans of the network anchor, and triggered a scolding war on the Internet. Fans of the network celebrity anchor also revealed that the third-tier star had undergone cosmetic surgery, and it was impossible to have such a high score.

Some people also accused her of falsifying data, her own P picture, and some people even broke that she was using a pirated small program, which is not the small program of Youshan Hotel at all.

In all kinds of scolding, this topic actually rushed to the top five in the hot search list.

And this third-tier female star has also ushered in the peak of her acting career flow.

Soon, in the comment area of ​​that Weibo, many netizens started yelling not to scold her. The more scolded, the higher the traffic sent to her. Let this girl sink to the bottom.

Although this hot topic is not a positive event, it has been reported by the big entertainment gossip marketing veterans. Various gossip articles have swept the major new media and successfully helped Li Yang’s hotel deliver a lot. Exposure and free traffic.

Li Yang really didn't expect that his own marketing activities this time would really stir up waves with one stone, and the chain reaction it caused completely exceeded his expectations.


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