Super Resort System

Chapter 116: Bonfire Party (3/5)

Li Yang didn't know that the phone call he received from Cheng Jiali this morning was just the tip of the iceberg of the chain reaction caused by his activity. This marketing activity was like he had dropped a stone on a calm lake.

He just wanted to stir up the waves. As for the waves that swept away the leaves on the water surface, scared away the fishes underwater, the stones sank to the bottom of the lake, turned into snails' footholds, etc. The chain reaction was completely beyond his expectations. In it.

But that is not important. What makes Li Yang very happy is that Yang Li told him not long ago that the list of the first and second phases has been confirmed. There are 60 people in total and 30 people in each phase. There are still many people who want to come. The beauties who participated were not able to be ranked, so they had to wait for the next event to be arranged for them.

The 60 beauties have been confirmed, which means that the mission of the 50 beauties is just one step away. As long as they recommend it to them after they check into the hotel, they will never refuse. After all, there is no charge for joining the club. , But with so many benefits, few will refuse.

Of course not to rule out a single case, but 50 people should not be difficult to complete.

"In this way, the hotel can be fully opened to the outside world before May Day!" Li Yang was overjoyed. The May Day holiday and the follow-up Dragon Boat Festival are both tourist seasons. He must take good care of it and build his own hotel. Become another destination to travel to the city.

After all, it’s not very far from the city. If you don’t like the hustle and bustle, it’s just right for you to come here, and the city’s locals also like to run around on holidays and holidays. Perhaps this is also a good place for them.

In any case, I finally got through the first difficulty of the system task, and everything will be easier to handle next.

The experience officers of the first two phases are already there, and there are many more preparations and plans. After all, there must be a large group of people on the Internet watching the follow-up of this event, and some are waiting to take a look at these beautiful experience officers What they look like, some hope that through their experience, they can give themselves some lessons for the future.

And for Li Yang, these experience officers are also the first guests of the hotel. They must give them a good experience and leave a good memory, at least so that they can take the initiative to share, after all, these beauties must be family background A good background, a lot of friends, or a certain number of fans.

In addition, it is also a top priority to use this event to promote further promotion. After all, the underground service is good and the scenery is good on this day. There are too many characteristic hotels. If you want to stand out, you still need the blessing of marketing methods.

Therefore, Li Yang must not be sloppy. At about 4 in the afternoon, he called Yang Li, Li Wanling, Ma Chunchun, and Li Siqi and others to hold a small meeting to further implement the detailed plan for the first phase of the experience officer activities and the things that need to be prepared in advance. .

Li Wanling also put forward an opinion on the safety of female customers raised by Li Yang. Although all room service staff are currently women, the hotel’s management system also stipulates that except for room service staff, other people are prohibited from entering and leaving the accommodation area after dark. Range, especially for male customers.

However, because the tent hotels are all soft materials, it is easier to damage and invade, and their security will be somewhat worse. Therefore, the security of the tent hotel accommodation area should be strengthened during the event, so she thinks that several night female security personnel should be recruited.

"Well, this is okay. Let's start recruiting right away. Who needs to recruit as soon as possible!" Li Yang said, he is not stingy about human resources, because if we want to improve the quality of service, we must have enough staff, otherwise the quality of service It will never come up.

Just like in some restaurants, a waiter looks after a table on a floor, no matter how good he is, he cannot take care of every customer, let alone the quality of service.

After the meeting, Li Yang suddenly changed his words: "By the way, Yang Li, let us know that we will hold a bonfire party at the Bonfire Square at 8 o'clock tonight, and we will have a barbecue together to celebrate the smooth development of this online event!"

"Oh, good, good!" Yang Li smiled.

"President Li is so good!"

"Yeah, President Li is the most handsome!" Ma Chuchu and Li Siqi also happily slapped Li Yang's flattery. Young people like to lively.

The top of the mountain at night is somewhat boring. After all, they are not the boss. They can't do what they want to do and play like Li Yang. They are not allowed to use the many entertainment facilities in the hotel at will.

So when I heard that there was a bonfire party tonight, these two young people were naturally very happy.

When the hotel was renovated, an area was specially built for a bonfire party. There was a stone platform specially used to set up a bonfire, and a small square was surrounded by it. There was a special barbecue area next to it, which could easily accommodate dozens of people.

In fact, Li Yang proposed to organize a bonfire party in the evening to prepare for the first batch of experience officers to move in next weekend.

After Yang Li conveyed the news, all the employees were very happy. Who didn't like eating, drinking and having fun, but after all, some people still have a lot of work to be busy, such as Ma Chunchun, Li Siqi, and front desk customer service.

Online activities are still going on, and the popularity is still there. There are a lot of customer service calls and online consultations. Li Siqi and Ma Chunchun must also keep in touch with the marketing company at all times and cooperate with their marketing rhythm and strategies at any time.

So Yang Li arranged for the service staff who were not very busy for the time being to prepare for the bonfire party tonight. Everyone got busy actively and worked together. Someone was responsible for preparing the firewood needed for the bonfire, and someone was responsible for preparing the barbecue. All kinds of ingredients, someone in charge of arranging barbecue equipment, etc., is really busy.

And Li Yang received a call from Cheng Jiali as soon as he returned to the Yunjing Suite, and they had already prepared the contract for Li Yang to have a look.

Li Yang carefully read the contract. The content was not complicated. The rights and interests of both parties were also written very clearly. Li Yang had no objections and signed it online.

The afterglow of the setting sun outlines the outline of the continuous mountains very clearly, and the fiery red sunset between that day and the mountains, drew a gorgeous stroke, making this evening look particularly charming.

Thanks to the joint efforts of many employees, the evening bonfire party has almost been prepared. Everyone has successively moved the ingredients prepared in the back kitchen to the bonfire square and placed them on the shelves.

Chef Tang also brought his subordinates and a few male employees to start the fire and prepare.

Li Yang brought Wangcai, Yuxiang two dogs, and the little raccoon to the square. When there were more people, the two dogs were very excited. They ran around the square for fear that others would not notice them.

On the other hand, the little raccoon is much more well-behaved, and has been squatting in front of the shelf where the ingredients are placed, studying what to steal for a while.


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