After all, the two of them were in love.

"It's over, it's completely over. I'm deeply in love with him."

Back in the room, the arrogant Xie Lei was instantly beaten back to her original form, sitting on the sofa and lamenting.

I have always been a very proud woman, and I look down on any man who pursues me.

This time, I finally got backlashed.

I met a monster, but he just loves to set up a street stall.

He confessed to me with a sloppy look.

How could I not reject him?

It's good now.

He conquered my defense step by step.

60 billion deposits, hotel cash flow, hotel meals, brainwave helmet company...

Continuous big moves.

It's just so powerful.

But I was defeated.

She could only use his disgusting novel to win the game.

But he was still quibbling and refused to admit defeat.

She couldn't help but call Yang Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, are you still awake?"

"No, I'm busy proofreading."

"Did that street vendor contact you about publishing?"

"The street vendor? He didn't contact me."

"But he told me that he had contacted you and said that you gave him a big discount and would sell his book abroad?"

"Ah... I know."

Yang Xiaolan suddenly realized that the Zhang Hao she met was the Zhang Hao that Xie Lei was talking about. Yes, they were both super rich, with the same name, and they were both so young.

How could they not be the same person?

But, in Xie Lei's mouth, the book he wrote was disgusting?

"What do you know?"

Xie Lei was puzzled and confused.

"Nothing, I mean I remember that he did contact me, and I also read his book, it's not bad, so I plan to publish it."

"Can it really be published?"

Xie Lei couldn't believe it.


Yang Xiaolan said.

"Could it be that he was really practicing typing by writing online novels?" Xie Lei's face turned a little bad.

No way, I can't crush him in writing?

"What online novels has he written?"

Yang Xiaolan was very curious, the world's number one writer wrote online novels?


Xie Lei told her.

"I say, beautiful lady, what he said must be true, he was practicing typing by writing online novels... If you want to know more about him, I suggest you Baidu." Yang Xiaolan looked at the book and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She also instantly judged that Xie Lei actually knew little about Zhang Hao, so she made a suggestion.

"What about the book he published? Is it better than my book?" Xie Lei felt that the situation was not good and asked nervously.

"There is basically no comparison between the two. However, you should wait until the book is published and read it for yourself." Yang Xiaolan didn't want to hit Xie Lei too hard.

"Fortunately, fortunately, the book he wrote is far from comparable to mine."

Xie Lei patted her frightened heart.

After chatting for a few more words, she hung up the phone.

She started Baidu.

Soon she found too many news about Zhang Hao.

The world hand speed test video, he can actually speak ten foreign languages.

The horizontal bar video, the dunk video.

The news about Aomen Casino sweeping everything.

There is even a video of Zhang Hao buying stones and winning 2.8 billion.

There is also a video of fighting the security guards, making two tough guys kneel down and shout "Your Majesty", which Xie Lei saw with her own eyes.

"Is this bastard a monster?"

Xie Lei was stunned and shocked.

Zhang Hao's excellence is far beyond the sky.

I can't catch up even if I flatter myself.

The gap is too big.

His achievements can even look down on the world.

Make anyone ashamed.

How can I compare with him?

How can I capture him?

No wonder he said that he never confessed to a woman for the second time.

Because he has the qualifications to make any woman like him.

Too awesome.

Too awesome.

But if you are so awesome, why do you go to set up a street stall?

Why do you confess to a beautiful woman when you see one?

I don’t know your situation at all. Is it wrong to reject you?

But you want to conquer my defense step by step?

Let me surrender obediently?

I won’t!

My literary talent is better than yours.

My calligraphy is better than yours.

I have the qualifications to be proud.

"It turns out that I can sign Zhang Hao's book, and Xie Lei's credit. After this busy period, I have to thank her." Yang Xiaolan hung up the phone and continued to be busy, no longer distinguishing between day and night.

“Do you know? Yang Xiaolan went to work at Lotus Publishing House, her salary doubled, and she

I was assigned a 120-square-meter house. It is worth nearly 20 million yuan. It is said that there will be a huge bonus at the end of the year, no less than 10 million yuan. "

"I heard about it too. I met her on her way to work this morning. She looked very happy and full of energy."

"Yang Xiaolan has become rich. It is said that she has joined the Lotus Publishing House with a magical book. According to preliminary estimates, it can sell 100 million copies and make 400 to 500 billion yuan."


In recent days, various rumors about Yang Xiaolan have been circulating in the Orchid Publishing House.

It is really because the two publishing houses are too close, in the same industrial zone.

The editors all know each other.

And many editors have changed jobs with each other.

"Nonsense, it's just a science fiction book, and it can sell 100 million? You are just dreaming. "

Editor-in-Chief Pang certainly heard such rumors.

There was endless ridicule and contempt.

Lotus Publishing House must be closed down after all this trouble.

Alas, such a big publishing house is going to close down?

"That magical book has been published. It's so wonderful and amazing. I bought 15 copies at once. It cost 1,500 yuan."

"I also bought 15 copies. It's so damn good. He is simply a great writer. His literary talent is amazing, his creativity is amazing, and his science fiction is as real as it is real. It's so cool."

"Three thousand years of heroic spirit is my idol. I am his crazy fan..."

"One million copies were sold out in one day. It's terrible."


On this day, the staff of Orchid Publishing House went crazy and shouted excitedly.

One by one, they held the book and read it like a treasure.

The faces were full of awe and piety.

"How is this possible? "

Editor-in-Chief Pang was also reading this book. He was shocked and moved when he saw the beginning.

Is the quality so high?

Not even a word can be changed?

Everything is perfect?

What kind of great writer is this?

Sold a million copies in one day?

Sold 1.5 billion?

Won't there be more tomorrow?

I actually missed such a great book?

Why didn't I read it at that time?

Why did I fire Yang Xiaolan?

I really want to die!

Not only Lanhua Publishing House, but countless publishing houses and countless writers are discussing and worshiping.

They are all looking for the author.

The Internet is also full of news about this book.

It also easily made the headlines today.

The next day, more than 3 million copies were sold, with a total amount of 45 100 million yuan.

On the third day, it was even more brutal, more than 5 million sets, with a total amount of more than 7.5 billion yuan.

"Don't pull me, I want to jump off the building..."

Editor-in-Chief Pang was determined to jump off the building, he really couldn't bear such a blow.

Hundreds of billions, or even trillions of wealth, were thrown away by himself.

And he became a laughing stock among his peers.

The boss of the publishing house was also furious, pointing at his nose and cursing.

He was told to pack up and get out immediately.

Don't jump off the building here, go somewhere else, no one will stop you.

So, on that day, Editor-in-Chief Pang left his job in a miserable and embarrassed manner.

He never appeared in the publishing industry again.

Many years later, someone saw him selling books on the street, and the three books by Zhang Hao were the most sold.

It cannot be said that the world is so bizarre.

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