The news was a big success, but the news was not good.

Lotus Publishing House was filled with cheers.

Everyone's face was filled with joy.

Because the salary was increased and the bonus was paid.

Of course, the happiest people were Editor-in-Chief Su and Yang Xiaolan.

They were grinning from ear to ear.

Because the boss was so happy that he gave each of them a bonus of 5 million yuan.

"Drink coffee?"

Yang Xiaolan also received a call from Xie Lei, "I'm very busy now and can't leave."

"You've become rich, so you ignore me?"

"No, I'm really busy, because "Starry Sky. Home" has been translated into 50 languages, and I have to send people abroad to discuss publishing."

Yang Xiaolan said.

"Are you stupid? This kind of magical book, if you give them a start, they will happily come to you, why do you need to send people?"

"That's right, why didn't I think of it?"

Yang Xiaolan's eyes lit up.

"I gave you such a good idea, come quickly, I have something important to talk to you about."



Xie Lei and Yang Xiaolan sat opposite each other by the window.

Xie Lei held a copy of "Starry Sky. Home" in her hand, and said with a smile: "First of all, congratulations on your success. You've made a fortune."

Then she said admiringly: "Three Thousand Years of Heroes is really amazing, it's simply a great writer who has never been seen before and will never be seen again, the best in the world, I admire him so much. These days, I sleep with the book in my arms. The stories in it are so wonderful and vivid, as if they really happened. Tell me quickly, who is the author?"

"You won't fall in love with him, will you?"

Yang Xiaolan asked meaningfully.

"You mean, he's a man, and he's still very young?"

Xie Lei's beautiful eyes lit up, and a surge of excitement surged in her heart.

"Yes, and he's a peerless handsome man."

Yang Xiaolan said, "How is it? Are you moved?"

"No, to be exact, this book appeared a little late, because I already have someone I like. I fell in love with him." Xie Lei said depressedly, "But, I ruthlessly rejected him, and said I would never like him. The terrible thing is that he quietly wove a love net and entangled me tightly. What I'm worried about is that he may have woven a love net unintentionally. Then I'm miserable."

"Who is it? So powerful?"

Yang Xiaolan was extremely surprised.

What a proud woman Xie Lei is?

There is no man in the world that she admires.

She has never been emotionally attracted to any man.

Unexpectedly, she was captured now?

"It's the street vendor."

Xie Lei gritted her teeth and felt inexplicably heartbroken.

Zhang Hao hadn't contacted her once in the past few days.

She even passed by his stall, but he didn't even say hello.

He treated her as a complete stranger.

Her beauty and pride might be nothing in his eyes.

Don't mention how frustrated she was.

"Isn't the stall owner Zhang Hao?"

Yang Xiaolan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and suddenly realized that perhaps only a genius like Zhang Hao could convince Xie Lei.

She smiled and said, "It's him, that's no wonder. If you surrender directly and chase him, there shouldn't be any problem. If you want to convince him, forget it."

After a pause, she said sincerely, "I have to thank you very much. It was you who gave him my business card and completely changed my fate. It also saved Lotus Publishing House."

"What did you say? Why can't I understand?"

Xie Lei's face suddenly changed.

The situation is not good.

The enemy situation has changed.

"The author of the book in your arms is him. Don't tell anyone, he doesn't want people to know."

Yang Xiaolan said.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can he be a street vendor with a heroic spirit for three thousand years? The online articles he wrote are messy and unbearable to read, which is completely different."

Xie Lei jumped up in shock, her eyes widened to the limit.

Her face turned pale.

Has the only pride in her heart been broken?

Is there no way out now that the enemy is at the gates?

"But this is the fact. When he writes online articles, he is 100% practicing typing, and the content is not thought of at all. But it can be turned into a book, which is also amazing. He types tens of thousands of words an hour. I can't help but admire him."

Yang Xiaolan's face showed deep admiration.


Xie Lei sat down weakly and bowed her head deeply.

Her face was full of loneliness.

She thought his writing was unbearable, and she also ridiculed the book he published as

Huang Wen. But he is the world's number one writer, and there is no one before him and no one after him.

This is simply a great irony.

It is also a slap in the face.

This person is more evil than an evildoer.

I am finished.

Completely defeated.

Is it really the only way to open the city gate and surrender?

No, never.

I still have one last line of defense.

That is calligraphy.

When I deposited money that time, Zhang Hao signed. The handwriting was very ordinary.

So, I still have a solid line of defense.

It can be regarded as the inner city's defense line!

"Don't be so arrogant and reserved. Just confess your love. He is a natural talent. Only a beauty like you can match him. If I were as beautiful and talented as you, I would confess my love to him."

Yang Xiaolan said seriously, "Besides, you must be quick. How can a rich man like him not have women who like and pursue him? Therefore, there must be many women chasing after him. As the saying goes, the quick hand gets the slow hand."

"Confess your love?"

Xie Lei blushed, "What's the difference between that and surrender?"

"You are just morbidly arrogant and reserved. Since he confessed his love to you first, although you rejected him, you must confess your love to break the deadlock. Otherwise, with his conditions and pride, how could he confess his love to you again? Then, there is no chance for you two."

Yang Xiaolan urged.

I am Xie Lei's good friend and bestie.

If Zhang Hao and Xie Lei get together, I can also get huge benefits.

In the future, I can take care of all the publications of Zhang Hao's books.

"That's right. Judging from the situation in the past few days, he really keeps his distance from me. I have to confess my love to break the deadlock."

Xie Lei murmured.

I couldn't help but take out my phone and started sending WeChat messages.

Last time we had dinner, he added Zhang Hao's WeChat.

"Zhang Hao, do you have time this weekend? I want to invite you to the beach."

Xie Lei said.

"No time."

Zhang Hao's reply was so stiff.

He was already very alert. This woman was a little weird.

Wouldn't she want to take advantage of me?

Last time in the hotel, it seemed that she deliberately got drunk.

I didn't fall for it.

Now he's asking me out again?

"What kind of steel straight man is this?"

Xie Lei was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

Yang Xiaolan tilted her head and laughed.

"Don't laugh. Come up with a solution for me..."

Xie Lei said with a dark face.

"Wait until he closes his stall, then go find him. It's late at night and there are many opportunities."

Yang Xiaolan thought for a while and said.

"Good idea."

Xie Lei's eyes lit up.

I don't have the face to go find him in broad daylight.

And he might not pay attention to me.

Going when the stall is closing is wonderful.

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