The two of them were very happy.

"Hello, Chairman."

"Good afternoon, Chairman."

When Zhang Hao entered the hotel, many greetings rang out continuously.

All the way to the chairman's office.

Jiang Xueqing and Jiang Xueyu were dressed up and greeted him at the door.

Throwing themselves into Zhang Hao's arms with a rich fragrance.

Although they are still gold medal waiters, they only receive Zhang Hao.

Of course, when Zhang Hao is not around, they also have to take care of other work, which is equivalent to Zhang Hao's intimate secretary in the hotel.

"You are so beautiful today."

Zhang Hao hugged them gently, with a bright smile on his face.

Facing these two well-behaved and beautiful baby girls.

Even the worst mood will become happy.

Therefore, any boss wants to find a super beauty as a secretary.

The two sisters happily asked Zhang Hao to sit on the sofa.

One was busy making tea, and the other began to massage his shoulders.

They all smiled like flowers, with bright eyes and good looks.

They were in high spirits.

"Hello, Chairman."

Li Xi came in with the financial manager.

He came back yesterday.

He traveled for a whole month.

Such benefits make many people envious.

But Li Xi was very worried.

He just wanted to live a life with his wife, not to travel alone.

"Sit down."

Zhang Hao pointed to the sofa.

After the two sat down, Zhang Hao smiled and said, "You are in good spirits."

"You lost five pounds."

Li Xi touched his forehead and almost cried.

"A smiling tiger is still a tiger even if he is thin."

Zhang Hao complained in his heart, but he said: "It is better to be thin than fat. You used to exercise too little, but now I think you are fine. Health is the most important thing."

"How dare you say that to me? You fainted for no reason last month. You should go out for a walk, and you are not allowed to bring a beautiful woman with you. You are alone..."

Li Xi said with a dark face.

"You don't know this. I practiced internal martial arts and broke through the key bottleneck. I was unconscious for a while. Now I am the world's number one tough guy. Have you seen my videos of horizontal bar and dunking?" Zhang Hao said proudly, and somersaulted continuously in the office.

Rub, rub, rub...

More than a hundred somersaults in a row.

His face was not red and he was not out of breath.


Li Xi's eyes were straight.

The financial manager was also stunned.

This is too awesome, right?

What a terrible physical fitness is this?

"Tell you, I can last more than three hours at a time."

Zhang Hao whispered in Li Xi's ear.

Of course, this is just bragging.

If the show-off fails, maybe the system will compensate me?

"Tsk, you just worked as a monk for a month, and you think I don't know?"

Li Xi sneered.

Although he is abroad, his wife is managing a hotel.

And he is also a super hacker.

With his superb skills, he is naturally well-informed.


Zhang Hao was completely speechless.

This smiling tiger is really not simple.

He even knows that he has been a monk for a month?

But that time at Aomen...

Does it count?

Close to three hours.

It should be very awesome, right?

I am not just bragging.

But, this counts as a failure to show off, right?

System, please compensate me quickly.

"The host is already the world's number one tough guy, and the theoretical endurance time is estimated to be 3.5 hours." The voice of the system sounded.

"Damn... so awesome?"

Zhang Hao was stunned and ecstatic.

The world's strongest man, including endurance?

But he was also a little worried.

I am so strong, what woman can stand it?

So he said proudly in Li Xi's ear: "In fact, I talked half an hour less, I was afraid that you would feel inferior."

"Are you still addicted to bragging? Don't you see so many beauties here?"

Li Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

That was not believed at all.

The two of them started smoking and puffing.

For a long time, they didn't talk about performance.

Zhang Hao was absolutely sure that the hotel would lose money this month.

Look at Li Xi's listless look, you will know.

So there is no rush.

Li Xi didn't want to talk to Zhang Hao about performance at all.

Because it was not his credit at all.

He was an honest man, and he was soft-hearted.

He was willing to take the blame for his subordinates who made mistakes, but he didn't like to take credit for himself.

"How is the performance this month?"

Zhang Hao finally asked.

"More than 320 million..."

Li Ximin said.

"Loss of more than 320 million?"

Zhang Hao's eyes lit up like two light bulbs.

That doesn't mean he has to compensate 320 million.

How many billions?


This is called planting flowers intentionally but they don't bloom, while planting willows unintentionally but they grow into shade trees!

"I said the profit is more than 320 million."

Li Xi said unhappily.

What kind of boss is this?

Seems to be looking forward to losses?


Zhang Hao seemed to feel that a thunderbolt with a breath of destruction hit him.

Suddenly his whole body was numb and the world was spinning.

His internal organs were burning and his skin turned into charcoal.

The ecstasy in his heart also turned into grief and disappointment.

My more than 320 billion, gone again.

What's the use of this more than 320 million?

Damn it.

Earned again?

And earned more?

Is the smiling tiger so powerful?

It's useless to lure the tiger away from the mountain?

"What's going on? I feel a little cold?"

"The chairman seems to be grinding his teeth?"


The four of them were all muttering in confusion.

The hotel is not losing money. It should be very happy to make so much money.

Illusion, it must be my illusion.

"Why is the profit higher this month?"

Zhang Hao asked with gritted teeth.

"Although Mr. Li went on a trip, he issued orders through the Internet and handled the company's affairs in a timely manner. The employees dare not slack off. The operation is orderly. Customers are very satisfied, and there are more repeat customers. Profits have also increased."

The financial manager said.

"Damn, this smiling tiger is so vicious. Can he still intimidate employees when he goes abroad? Can he also command remotely?"

Zhang Hao was secretly afraid.

The most blind thing he did in his life was to misjudge Li Xi, a smiling tiger.

Otherwise, how could he let him be the general manager?

The result was to shoot himself in the foot.

"Mr. Li, I like to watch animals on the African savannah. Do you like it?"

Zhang Hao suddenly asked.

"Bison and lions? Wolves? Giraffes? And rhinos and crocodiles? I like them too."

Li Xi didn't know how to write the word "death", and agreed with great joy.

The three women were confused. Why did they suddenly talk about animals in the African grasslands?

Is this the wild imagination of men?

"That's great."

Zhang Hao slapped his thigh, "I really want to go to the grasslands, but I don't have time. Since you like it, then you can take people to the grasslands and shoot a TV series about the life of grassland animals. We can enjoy it ourselves, and maybe we can sell it and make a small profit. I approve you to use 200 million funds. Find someone immediately and set off as soon as possible."

Send you, a smiling tiger, to Africa and see how you can remotely manage the hotel.

If there is no loss next month, I will read my name backwards.


The smile on Li Xi's face froze instantly, and he almost collapsed on the spot.

Is Zhang Hao crazy?

What kind of TV series do you want to let a layman like him go to Africa to shoot?

I just came back for one day.

Only one day!

"Chairman, I'm not a director, and I don't know how to make TV shows. Can you let someone else do it?"

Li Xi begged with a sad face.

"Others? No! It has to be you. You understand me best and can make the TV show I want."

Zhang Hao said.

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