The old man was so angry that he said he was wrong.

"Wife, I can't live anymore. The chairman wants to send me to Africa again. I have to shoot a TV series about animals and bring it back for him to enjoy. He said he doesn't have time to go..."

Li Xi returned to the office and collapsed on the sofa with depression on his face.

I shouldn't have agreed with him.

This put me in trouble.

"He really doesn't have time. He's very busy."

Huang Qian said.

"Why doesn't he have time? Setting up a street stall every day? Flirting with girls every day?"

Li Xi said with a dark face, "I don't have time. I have to accompany my wife."


Huang Qian burst into laughter, "He hasn't set up a street stall recently. Instead, he spent 80 billion to buy Weijie Game Company and is vigorously integrating it. In addition, he went to Aomen Casino and won more than 4 billion, forcing all the casinos to pay protection fees. He also went to gamble on stones twice and made tens of billions..."

"Damn... How much wealth does he have?"

Li Xi jumped up in shock, his face full of disbelief.

"Even I can't detect his real wealth, but he is really the world's number one computer expert. I can't hack into the firewall he built... His gambling skills, hand speed, horizontal bar, and basketball are all the world's number one." Huang Qian said, "You are so lucky to have such an awesome classmate. He lets you travel around the world for your own good, but you are not grateful and are still complaining here. You really don't know what's good for you."

"But I really don't want to go. I don't like traveling."

Li Xi was so depressed that he wanted to hit the wall.

"You can delay for ten days, just say you are looking for an assistant director or something. In fact, it does take time. Wouldn't you rest well in this way? You can go out and exercise again, but you must pay attention to safety and can't get off the car casually. You have to shoot in the car..." Huang Qian said, "Two hundred million yuan of funds, no need to hire stars, no pay, enough to make a beautiful TV series, where can you find such a good thing? Alas, why is he so good to you."


Li Xi wanted to refute, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Alas, once I got on Zhang Hao's pirate ship, it seemed that I couldn't get off.

Although life was a little poor in the past, I could be with my wife every day.

How happy was that?


"Ha ha ha, smiling tiger, let's see how you can make the hotel profitable this time..."

Zhang Hao thought of Li Xi's depressed and helpless expression, and couldn't help laughing.

You made me lose face, I have plenty of ways to deal with you.

Soon, he came to the Patek Philippe watch store.

Well, very good.

All the beauties were gone.

They were all dinosaur girls.

Business was also very slow.

Almost no one was seen.

It's stable!

"Hello, Chairman."

All the employees greeted respectfully.

Especially those dinosaur girls, their faces were full of gratitude.

It was Zhang Hao's decision that allowed them to get a part-time job with a good salary.

Wu Dongfei came out with a rich fragrance.

Wearing denim shorts and a white gauze dress.

Her black hair was fluttering.

Sexy enough to make people bleed from the nose.

She happily welcomed Zhang Hao in.

He sat on the sofa.

She personally brewed fragrant tea and then sat down next to him.

"Dongfei, how is the performance this month?"

Zhang Hao said, "Don't worry, I won't be angry if there is a loss, I just want to give you a practice and temper you. You don't know, I found another gambling stone shop, spent hundreds of thousands to buy two stones, and cut out jadeite worth 2.8 billion."

"Brother, you are amazing."

Wu Dongfei was surprised, and her beautiful eyes became watery, "But, brother, you underestimated me, there is no loss this month, and the profit is 26 million, one million more than last month. Surprised or not?"


Zhang Hao's body instantly became stiff.

His face was full of shock and disbelief.

Duan Shanshan, the military advisor, had already been transferred away.

All the beautiful employees were replaced by dinosaur girls.

The business was obviously not good, how could it make money? Earn more than last month?

If making money is so easy.

I used to be rich by selling things on the street.

"Of course it's true."

Wu Dongfei took out the report from the drawer.

She spread it out for Zhang Hao to see.

"It's over, it's over, all three generals have been wiped out."

Zhang Hao looked at it, his face turned pale, and he felt heartache.

I thought I could become the richest man in the world this month.

I didn't know it was still out of reach.

"Brother, brother, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Dongfei

When she found that Zhang Hao's face was not right, she asked nervously.

"It's okay. I'm happy for you. You really didn't let me down and you've grown up."

Zhang Hao forced a smile.

Then he asked the reason for the performance improvement.

"Because of the salary increase, the junior sisters and senior sisters with low appearance are also grateful for the job, so they work very hard. The service attitude is very good and the patience is very good. Although male customers don't like them, female customers are very satisfied. There are more repeat customers. Business has improved to a certain extent. Performance has increased slightly."

After Wu Dongfei finished explaining, she said admiringly: "Senior brother, you are so amazing, you are a business genius..."

Zhang Hao wanted to slap himself a few times.

What bad idea did you come up with?

Not only did you not lose money, but you made a lot of money.

But, if you don't come up with such an idea, you won't make money?

Alas, why is it so difficult to lose money?

Or it's easier to lose money by setting up a street stall.

"Brother, I have also made contributions. How are you going to reward me?"

Wu Dongfei hugged Zhang Hao's neck and acted like a spoiled child without knowing whether to live or die.

She obviously wanted Zhang Hao to kiss her or hug her.

"I still have something to do."

How could Zhang Hao be in the mood to be affectionate with her?

50 trillion wealth flew away.

There was no interest in the beauty in front of him.

So, he pushed her away directly.

He walked away with a frown on his face.

He really couldn't think of a way to make the store lose money.

He could only turn a blind eye.

"Brother doesn't seem to like me anymore..."

Wu Dongfei was very panicked and painful, and tears almost came out.

She went back to the dormitory as soon as possible.

She called Duan Shanshan back from the hotel.

They began to discuss countermeasures.

"Shanshan, Brother... was very happy at first, why is he suddenly unhappy? What do you think I should do?"

Wu Dongfei was at a loss.

"Don't worry, did anything special happen to you during this period?"

"Special thing? There is indeed one thing, I went to Aomen with him..."

Wu Dongfei briefly talked about Zhang Hao's winning money in Aomen, and then shyly said: "On the night of the thunder, the three of us lay on the same bed. I was angry that Liu Xiyu was sabotaging, so I quietly... After more than an hour, I really couldn't hold on, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to speak the next day, so I stopped. Did he get angry because of this? But that's not right. When I returned to Shenzhen, he gave me a piece of jadeite worth 50 million..."

Duan Shanshan was stunned, her cheeks flushed, she didn't want to know such a boudoir secret.

She could only comfort him and said: "Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't have an affair with other boys. He was so good to you before, and then he gave you 50 million jadeite. If this is not true love, what is it? You haven't officially fallen in love yet. How could he not like you?"

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