The station sister recognized Qin Yin and was very excited, with a pair of eyes full of joy.

Then she asked with a slightly red face if she could take a photo together, and immediately smiled after Qin Yin agreed.

This picture makes people wonder whether the star this station sister came to chase was the boy band or Qin Yin.

Qin Yin left quietly after the visit. That night, the station sister posted the photo online, which immediately caused a heated discussion.

[Ahhh! Director Qin was also there, and I didn't even notice it. [Breaking tears]]

[Our Director Qin is really beautiful, please give my brother more good resources. ]

[Director Qin is simply an independent woman of the new era, successful in her career and clear-headed. I don't know which stinky man will be lucky enough to get such a beautiful woman. ]

[Can you not be too strict about gender? Men are not as considerate as women. [Sad]]

[Men, get out of here, my sister is beautiful alone. 】

【If the idol I used to support slept with a girl, I would feel that the idol's reputation had collapsed. Now, if the idol I support can climb into the bed of Mr. Qin, I will sigh with satisfaction, "My brother has made it!" [Laughing to death]】

It was late at night when Qin Yin returned to Haishi.

She washed up, put on a white nightgown, and lay on the bed to browse Weibo.

After playing with her phone for a while, Qin Yin got out of bed and went to the study to get a financial book to study.

The system can't be there forever.

Even if the system is bound to her for a lifetime, knowledge is ultimately hers only when it is in her own hands.

The night gradually became darker, and it was not until late at night that Qin Yin put down the book in her hand and fell asleep.

The next day.

Qin Yin came to Shengshi Entertainment.

Special assistant Shen Linxi handed her the pile of documents.

Qin Yin sat on the black desk, buried her head, and signed her name on the document with a pen in her hand.

She put down the documents and pen tiredly, raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows.

She smelled a mellow aroma at the tip of her nose, and then Shen Linxi put a cup of coffee with milk on the desk.

Qin Yin picked up the coffee and tasted it. The taste was mellow, and a mouthful of coffee instantly dispelled the fatigue of handling official business.

She raised her eyebrows: "You have good skills. Have you systematically learned how to make coffee?"

Looking at the cup of coffee on the table, Qin Yin couldn't help but think of Uncle Huo making coffee in the flower shop.

There are many men with skills these days.

Shen Linxi looked humble: "It's not that difficult."

Hearing his concise answer, Qin Yin's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the all-round special assistant given by the system, and his learning ability in all aspects is very good.

I really don't understand why the system chose an ordinary person like me when it didn't bind such a potential stock?

Qin Yin couldn't help but imagine.

She picked up the coffee on the table and took another sip, throwing away the messy thoughts in her mind.

Qin Yin put away her lazy look: "Assistant Shen, during this period of time, you should pay more attention to whether there are directors and screenwriters with outstanding talents. If there are, open up the conditions to recruit them into Shengshi."

"If you really can't find them, outstanding students who graduated from the directing department can also be recruited for training."

"Now the film and television industry likes novel adaptations. You should pay attention to the works with high popularity and good plot content on the Internet, and you can buy the copyright of some IPs."

The artists signed by Shengshi Entertainment are indeed quite good, but Shengshi can only cooperate with other directors or companies.

This situation is relatively passive. Only by being self-sufficient can we ensure that the artists will not be suppressed in the future, and the company's potential value will be further improved.

False fire and false red are not really red!

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