Qin Yin worked a day at the company. After returning to the villa to enjoy a sumptuous and delicious dinner, the housekeeper Lily thoughtfully asked the maid to fill the bathtub with water and drip rose essential oil to relieve fatigue.

After taking a bath, she wore a white bathrobe and lay lazily on a bed, surrounded by several technicians giving her a massage.

These technicians were skilled and had moderate strength. After a massage, Qin Yin's fatigue immediately disappeared and she was full of energy.

She returned to the bedroom and changed her bathrobe. She thought that she hadn't heard the Godly Rich System mumbling in her mind for several days, and she was not used to it.

Qin Yin shouted with consciousness: "System?"

There was silence in her mind, and there was no response.

Her slender eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her thoughts were not confused by the silence of the system, nor did she become panicked.

At this moment, Qin Yin was surprisingly calm.

Various conjectures flashed through her mind, the worst of which was that the system disappeared and would never appear again.

After a brief moment of surprise and reluctance, she recovered: "I have achieved a leap in my career with the help of the system, and the money in my account is an astronomical figure that ordinary people cannot earn in several lifetimes. I really can't be greedy and can't expect the system to exist forever."

The system will disappear, it can't be eternal.

This idea had been thought of a long time ago, but what surprised Qin Yin was that she didn't expect it to be so soon.

She raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, took a deep breath, took out a management book from the bookshelf and opened it. Although her eyes were focused on the pages, her brain was still unable to control her mind.

After more than ten minutes of ineffective reading, Qin Yin simply closed the book and stopped embarrassing herself. She went to bed and covered herself with a thin ice silk quilt to sleep.

The next morning.

She sat in the restaurant, looking at the table full of delicacies, but she felt that there was no taste when she ate it.

Lily, the housekeeper in a maid outfit, looked worried: "Miss, you are a little tired. Did you have insomnia last night? Do you need me to ask some professional sleep therapists to help you adjust your work and rest?"

"If it is because of work, Miss, you should also take good care of yourself. As the saying goes, health is the capital of revolution."

Qin Yin paused while eating breakfast.

Does she look really haggard?

She did toss and turn and didn't sleep well last night. She was confused when she thought of the company that was running under her.

Can she really manage the company? Can she be responsible for the careers of the artists under her?

Qin Yin smiled back.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

It may be difficult ahead, but she will persist. After all, her starting point is higher than many people now. It would be too hypocritical to keep complaining without any reason.

Qin Yin cheered up.

After finishing breakfast, she got in the car and the driver Qi Ruanruan was responsible for sending her downstairs to the company.

Shen Linxi found that Qin Yin worked more seriously and attentively today. She did not pretend to understand what she did not understand, and was able to humble herself and ask him for advice.

After several days of high-intensity and serious work, Qin Yin walked into the chairman's private elevator with her bag and high heels.

A long-lost voice sounded in the silent mind.

[Host, long time no see. ]

The voice of the Shenhao system is no longer the cold and indifferent mechanical sound before. After returning, the voice has become as gentle as the spring breeze.

Qin Yin's pupils shrank slightly: "Are you... still the previous system?"

A low laugh came from the system in his mind.

[Of course. ]

[This time he disappeared to upgrade the kernel. The Shenhao system has added a task function. I'm sorry that I have worried you during this period. ]

The upgraded system sounds very nice.

It is also more "humane" than before, no longer making people feel inaccessible, high above, and indifferent to all living beings.

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