Qin Yin picked up the coffee brewed by the secretary on the table and took a sip. The light bitter taste filled her mouth.

She put down the coffee, stood up from the chair, walked to the door, held the button and locked the office door.

Then she returned to her chair with a calm expression, and her fingers tapped the table carelessly, making a crisp sound. She remembered that the reward she got last time was a one-time version of the three-word motto.


[Host, I'm here. ]

The mechanical sound of the Shenhao system sounded in her mind.

Qin Yin licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, "Use the three-word motto "Truth" on Huarong's assistant Li Tao."

[Received the host's command, and has used the three-word motto "Truth" on the target person. ]

The Shenhao system uses skills on the marked person.


Hai City Police Station.

A female police officer wearing a police uniform and a neat short haircut sat in the reception room, and the clock hand hanging on the wall was about to point to twelve o'clock.

The female police officer counted the time while packing up her things to exchange shifts with others and go to the cafeteria for dinner.

At this time, a tall, haggard figure staggered into the independent reception room with a panicked look, his eyes dull and lifeless.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

The female police officer stopped packing and looked at the haggard and a little embarrassed man in front of her in a amiable manner.

Li Tao's pale lips moved.

"I... I want to call the police..."

"Please go ahead."

The female police officer became serious and turned on the law enforcement watch on her hand to start recording.

Li Tao stared blankly ahead, as if he remembered the whispering of a deep-sea mermaid in his mind, tempting him to tell the secret like a siren.

"I... I want to call the police. The famous actress Hua Rong illegally bought drugs and offered me a high price to poison and frame Cen Chen, a trainee of "Idol Debut."

"I injected drugs into mineral water, mixed it into the dormitory to replace Cen Chen's water, and let him drink the poisonous water, causing toxins in his body... I also put the remaining drugs on Cen Chen's bed, deliberately led the staff to check the dormitory, and created the illusion that Cen Chen was found taking drugs in public..."

After listening to Li Tao's words, the female police looked solemn.

She stood up immediately, quickly grabbed Li Tao and took him to the police station.

"You need to cooperate with our police investigation!"

The celebrity taking drugs caused a lot of noise. Cen Chen's agency has always insisted that he is innocent, but I didn't expect that there is really a mastermind behind it.


A certain activity location in Hai City

Hua Rong is a first-line actress who enjoys an independent dressing room. She sits on a chair with her eyes closed, wearing a costly dress and a thin shawl, letting the stylist do her hair.

Suddenly, the stylist's hand was not careful.


With a slight cry from Hua Rong, a hair with a follicle fell from the stylist's hand.

He quickly put it in his pocket, and then bowed in fear and trepidation to apologize.

"Teacher Hua Rong, I'm sorry, I was distracted and didn't pay attention just now, I'm really sorry..."

Hua Rong didn't even frown.

She shook her head and said softly, "I'm fine."

Then, with concern on her face, she asked the stylist very seriously whether she was under too much pressure recently, or encountered any difficulties in life that made her nervous. Her unpretentious and friendly appearance won the admiration and love of everyone in the dressing room.

The stylist found a reason to perfunctorily pass it by.

After getting her look done, Hua Rong walked out of the dressing room surrounded by a group of people. She met other stars along the way, and they all greeted her politely.

The brand event was crowded with people, and many fans gathered at the scene with banners in their hands, shouting loudly to cheer for their idols.

In addition to the fans, major media reporters and entertainment paparazzi were carrying guns and cannons, and the spotlights were flashing. The scene of the stars was exciting.

The female host in a dress held the microphone, "The next one to come on stage is Ms. Hua Rong."

As soon as the voice fell.

The cheers of fans came from the scene.

Hua Rong stepped on a pair of high heels and walked steadily on the red carpet all the way to the autograph wall.

She managed her expression perfectly, waved and smiled at the media reporters and fans present, and took the pen handed by the host to sign her name on the autograph wall.

As soon as Hua Rong finished signing, a group of policemen in police uniforms came to her with extremely serious faces.

The leading policeman was tall and burly.

"Hua Rong."

"Our police received a report from your assistant Li Tao, suspecting that you are involved in a drug case, and we have solid evidence. Please come back to the police station with us to cooperate with the investigation."

The host's microphone was not turned off.

The police's words echoed through the microphone.

The appearance of the police in the public eye made the atmosphere on the scene restlessUneasy, causing an uproar.

"How is it possible! What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Our Rongrong has been doing charity to help out-of-school children in mountainous areas for many years. How could such a kind person do something illegal?!"

"This must be a movie!"

"Ahhh, I don't believe it!"


The fans looked anxious. Some brainless fans rushed up and shouted to stop the police from handling the case. Before they could break through the siege, they were stopped by the security guards who were maintaining order at the scene.

Facing the appearance of the police, Huarong had a gentle smile on her face without any tension or excuses.

She bowed to the audience area and said, "I'm sorry, I made the fans go in vain today. You have worked hard."

After that.

Huarong looked at the leading policeman.

"Let's go."

The calm attitude calmed the emotions of the fierce fans at the scene, and they firmly believed that Huarong was innocent and wrongly accused.


Shengshi Entertainment.



Qin Yin's phone on the table vibrated. She picked up the phone and saw the explosive news pushed by Weibo and major browsers.

#Actress Hua Rong suspected of poisoning and framing

Click to enter Weibo.

In a short period of time, paparazzi and media reporters have raced against time to write news. Once released, it caused an earthquake and heated discussion. The huge discussion made this news quickly rush to the hot search.

[What the hell? Hua Rong's reputation collapsed? Surprised.jpg]

[Suspected of drug abuse? This reminds me of the 18th-tier trainee incident that happened a few days ago, and Hua Rong was also a star promoter in that show. Oh my god, it's really scary to think about it. Swallow saliva.jpg]

[That's ridiculous, how could it be possible? Hua Rong is a first-tier star with extraordinary status, why would she frame an 18th-tier celebrity who hasn't even debuted yet? ]

[People are opening a store in front of the police station. I just saw Hua Rong get out of the police car and enter the police station. Image.jpg]

Hua Rong’s house collapse spread rapidly, and it was in a semi-confirmed state, waiting for the police’s official response.

Qin Yin raised her eyebrows when she saw the video of Hua Rong being taken away, and sighed casually that the other party’s mentality of not changing his face when the mountain collapsed in front of him was really good.


The matter was resolved.

Suddenly relaxed and felt sleepy.

Qin Yin put down the phone and stretched.

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