The famous actress Hua Rong was just taken away by the police. The brands she endorsed and other business partners remained calm and silent.

It was not until the early morning that the Haishi Police Department issued a notice confirming that Hua Rong was guilty of illegal poisoning and framing. Major brands hurriedly announced the termination of the contract.

Countless staff members worked overtime that night, and Hua Rong's fans also couldn't sleep. The true fans cried because of the collapse of their idol.

[Wow, I don't believe this is fake. The official Weibo account of the Haishi Police Department must have been stolen @Haishi Police Department]

[My sister Rong, you are confused. You have beauty, money, figure and status. Why do you want to die? And it's such a big news. ]

[Flies don't bite seamless eggs. Sister Rong didn't know Cen Chen before. Why did she frame him? I believe there must be a hidden story. Crying.jpg]

[Has Hua Rong been possessed? Or maybe her mask was too perfect before so she was not discovered. But now I am not shocked by anyone's scandal in the entertainment industry. I have experienced too many things. 沧桑.jpg]


The results of the expedited DNA test came out.

At 12 noon on the third day, Shen Linxi, who got the test results, came to the office at a brisk pace, raised his hand and knocked on the door, and pushed the door open after hearing Qin Yin's voice inside.

"Boss Qin, the test results are out."

He handed over a document respectfully.


Qin Yin picked up the document on the desk, gently opened it with her slender fingers, and skimmed through the tedious, complicated and boring professional knowledge in front of her.

Her eyes fell on the final result - 99.9% parent-child relationship.

Qin Yin raised her eyebrows, with a deep dark light in her eyes, and closed the document calmly, thinking of the mother of Huarong assistant Li Tao in her mind.

She looked up at the man in front of her who was as tall as a pine tree. "Assistant Shen, Li Tao's mother will arrange for someone to take good care of him."

Even if Li Tao had his reasons for accepting Hua Rong's money, his filial piety was touching, but this was not a reason for him to commit a crime and frame Cen Chen.

If he hadn't investigated thoroughly, Cen Chen would have been ruined and kicked out of the draft, and the reputation of Shengshi Entertainment would also be affected.

Li Tao would have to pay the price for what he did.

"I will arrange it carefully."

Shen Linxi nodded seriously.

Qin Yin stood up and picked up the documents on the table.

"Let's go."

Shen Linxi followed respectfully.

Today's sky was gray, and purple thunder flashed from time to time in the sky, as if it was going to split the sky apart. The scene looked majestic and thrilling.

Bean-sized raindrops poured down, and the dust in the air was washed clean, and there was a faint fresh fragrance of trees and soil.


Shen Linxi pulled out a pure black umbrella from the rack in the hall and opened it to shield Qin Yin from the rain. Raindrops dripped down the edge of the umbrella and fell to the ground.

They walked to the parking lot.

The driver Qi Ruanruan was waiting there.

The three of them got into a low-key black business car.

"Go to Rose Garden."

"Okay, Miss."

Qi Ruanruan fastened her seat belt and started the car. The black business car drove steadily in the rain and headed towards the destination.

Shen Linxi sat quietly. Without asking, he guessed that Qin Yin was going to find Wen Jinyu's brother.


The black business car entered the Rose Garden community unimpeded. The driver waited in the car. Qin Yin and Shen Linxi came to the floor where Wen Jinyu and his brother Wen Haoran lived.

"Ding Dong--"

Ring the doorbell.

"I'm here."

As the door opened, a round little head poked out, looking up at the person at the door.

Qin Yin touched Wen Haoran's head, and changed into a pair of clean slippers with Shen Linxi before entering the room.

In the living room, Wen Jinyu sat obediently on the sofa, holding a first-grade Chinese textbook in her hand. In the open kitchen, Yan Feng and Cen Chen were busy cooking in aprons.

Seeing the documents in Qin Yin's hand, Yan Feng looked at Wen Jinyu and his brother again, and had a guess in his heart. He took out the prepared food and took off his apron.

"Jinyu, Haoran."

"Do you want to know about your mother?"

Qin Yin did not choose to send the children away or perfunctorily.

Wen Jinyu put down the Chinese textbook in his hand, and rubbed his slightly swollen eyes with a pair of thin hands, with no sadness or joy in his eyes.

"Sister Yin, you asked me this because you found my mother's information? My brother and I don't have any memories of our mother, so we don't know what it's like to be a child who is loved by his mother."

"Even if there is no love, every child has a natural longing for his mother. Whether it's good or bad, I want to know about her."

Wen Haoran was wearing blue overalls, with his little handsThey twisted together in silence, lowered their heads, and didn't look directly at the eyes of other people at the scene.

"I listen to my brother."

He didn't feel much about his mother's existence, and it didn't matter. He had depended on his brother for these years, and only his brother was his family.

"You tell them."

Qin Yin looked at the thin little brothers, felt sour for their understanding and precocity, and handed Hua Rong's information to Yan Feng.

Yan Feng's hand holding the information trembled slightly.

He took a deep breath and opened the information, repeating the results of the investigation on the paper clearly.


Wen Jinyu and Wen Haoran didn't understand the complex knowledge, but they heard that according to the biological identification in the information, they were Hua Rong's children.

Knowing that Cen Chen and Yan Feng had been framed by Hua Rong, the two brothers showed hesitation and guilt on their faces.

"I'm sorry, Brother Cen Chen."

"I'm sorry, Uncle Yan Feng."

Cen Chen and Yan Feng did not vent their anger on them, but hugged them and used their warm embrace to comfort their restless hearts.

"Silly child, she is her. What era is it now? It is not popular to say that the son repays the mother's debt."

Cen Chen has been attacked by netizens in succession these days, but his mood recovered after resting at home. There was no resentment in his eyes when facing the twins.

Wen Jinyu withdrew from their arms.

He walked to Qin Yin nervously, "Sister Yin, can you take me to see her?"

Wen Jinyu had many doubts in his heart. He wanted to meet this nominal mother in person and asked her why she abandoned them.

"Okay, of course."

Qin Yin nodded in agreement.

After Wen Jinyu and his brothers finished their meal, a group of people left the house and came to the parking lot. Wen Jinyu, Wen Haoran and Cen Chen got into the car driven by Yan Feng.

Qin Yin rubbed her temples while sitting in the car. "The fact that Hua Rong has two children should be kept secret. The children are too young to be disturbed by the outside media reporters."

Even if there is no such scandal.

Hua Rong's illegal poisoning and illegal drug purchases alone will never be able to turn things around.

Shen Linxi responded.

"Okay, I'll take care of it."

Qi Ruanruan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, drove quietly. Not long after, the car arrived at the door of the police station, surrounded by a group of reporters and paparazzi who wanted to find out the news.

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