Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1004: The super rich also take the subway?

After a long time.

The heat is gradually going down.

The reallocation of these trillions of cash flows has set off quite a wave in the international economic market.

But for ordinary people, it is not tangible.

After all, the hand of the market is invisible.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, and in the confrontation between the general trend, Ye Yang's momentum is even more victorious!


Ye Yang stretched, and this matter finally came to an end.

He flipped through his phone and found a girl to go out on a date with.


"I've seen a lot of news about you recently, Ye Dashenhao!?"

Ling Shishi put on an ancient costume today and was full of energy.

At the last Crescent Auction, Ye Yang auctioned a set of Tang Dynasty costumes for her, colorful neon clothes. as a design reference.

She went back and used the best materials to make an ancient costume based on the design elements of Tang Yi.

It looks delicate and agile with a touch of Tang Dynasty charm, which is very beautiful.

"well enough."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded: "It's just a hot search for a few more days. People will forget about it in a few days. Do you still remember what was the first hot search on Weibo four days ago? "

"Well...that's true."

Ling Shishi scratched her little head.

"Did you make the clothes yourself? They're really nice."

Ye Yang looked at Ling Shishi's outfit with a smile on his lips.

"Hehe~ I also want to make you a costume. Let's take to the streets in Hanfu. The handsome men and beautiful women will be a hit on the street!"

Ling Shishi puffed up her chest and said expectantly.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang smiled.

He handed the small box in his hand to Ling Shishi.

"What's this?"

Ling Shishi opened it curiously and found a jade pendant with some ancient characters engraved on it.

"It's said to be a peace charm. I thought of giving it to you as a gift, so I took this. Do you like it?"

"Hehe, this handsome guy gave it to me. I like it very much."

Ling Shishi handed the jade pendant to Ye Yang: "But I would like it even more if handsome man Ye brought it to me personally!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly, clasped his hands together, and put the jade pendant on Ling Shishi's neck. Ye Yang's nose was full of Ling Shishi's faint fresh body fragrance, and a few strands of Ling Shishi's hair were fluttering. The tip of Ye Yang's nose made him couldn't help but take a deep sniff.


Although Ling Shishi was more open-minded and casual in her speech, when it came time to touch each other cheek to cheek, her heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate and her face turned red.

"Your face is as red as a ripe and sweet apple."

Ye Yang looked at Ling Shishi's embarrassment and smiled.


Ling Shishi pouted and turned her eyes: "Oh, by the way, I asked you to come out this time because there is a jade material exchange meeting in Kunshan. If I want to make ancient costumes for you, these jade ingredients are indispensable. , I want you to go and see it with me.”

Ye Yang said oh.

Kunshan is very close to Modu, and both are connected by subway.

"Oh what! It's so perfunctory!"

Ling Shishi pouted.

Ye Yang laughed: "I was wondering if we should take the subway there? I haven't taken the subway for a long time, and I have forgotten what it feels like."


Ling Shishi had never taken the subway before.

I grew up in a wealthy family and had a car to pick me up and drop me off. How could I go back and squeeze into the subway?

“But I heard that the subway is very crowded!”

Ling Shishi muttered.

Ye Yang was stunned: "There are actually not many people working during working hours on weekdays."

"Hey, if there are many people, I will go with you."

Ling Shishi pulled Ye Yang: "I haven't taken the subway yet!"


Ye Yang looked at Ling Shishi's curious look, smiled and shook his head. Sure enough, children who have been rich since childhood will always lack a lot of experience in life...

Thinking about it this way, it is not surprising that those directors on TV can produce TV series in which poor students rent large villas and receive tens of thousands of dollars as illegal money.

After all, in the minds of those directors who were born into wealthy families, no matter how poor a person is, they will only become this poor.

Afterwards, the two walked into the subway station.

During working hours on weekdays, there are indeed not many people in the subway station.

After all, those who don’t have to go to work during working hours are rich people. Who will take the subway?


On the subway.

There were some old men and women, as well as young people who came to visit the magic city.

Ye Yang and Ling Shishi were sitting on the subway seat, talking and laughing.

"So this is what it feels like to take the subway..."

Ling Shishi said with a smile.

In the subway, many boys' eyes were straightened.

Although there is no shortage of pretty girls on the subway, Ling Shishi is a bit too outstanding.

The clothes she wore seemed to be of high quality. Such a super-excellent little girl was naturally incompatible with riding the subway. People couldn't help but look over there.

"Huh? There's someone next to this beautiful girl!"

"Still a man!"

Ye Yang wears the Temperament Medal, which makes it difficult for others to notice. To put it bluntly, it is used to reduce his presence. After all, with his current popularity and handsomeness, sitting in a crowd, it is difficult not to be gathered together for autographs. It is painful. Unspeakable.

"Hmph! He Fang Xiaoxiao actually stole my true love! Although I only took one look at her, she is already my goddess!"

"That's right!"


The boys in the carriage all stared with jealousy in their hearts...

"Hmm? This man looks familiar?"

"Who is it? I don't know..."

"Let me take a closer look..."

Not long after, someone spotted Ye Yang.

"I'll go! Ye Shenhao!"

"Who is that?"

"The one who has been popular recently, the number one in the world, the founder of Huaxia Jiuzhou University, Ye Yang, President Ye!"

"So young!?"

"Isn't this Ye Shenhao, who is very popular on the Internet?! He is also the president of Kyushu University?!"

“Oh my god, super bosses take the subway too!”

Soon, everyone in the carriage looked over with fiery eyes.

"I'm actually sitting in the same carriage as the boss!"

"Could it be that they just look alike?"

"I don't think anyone can imitate his temperament. Moreover, with such a beautiful beauty beside him, it must be Ye Shenhao!"


"Give me an autograph!"


The girls all came over and wanted an autograph.

Ye Yang has black lines all over his head. He would have known better than to take the subway job on a whim. It makes him think of the sweet things...

As soon as you are recognized, you have to sign your name all the way...

Fortunately, Huaxia's subway is very fast. After arriving at the station.

He took Ling Shishi and slipped away...

"Handsome Ye, you are too popular!"

Ling Shishi covered her mouth and smiled.


Ye Yang shrugged: "I wanted to be famous when I was poor, but now that I'm rich, I don't want to be famous anymore. It's really a bit troublesome."


Ling Shishi nodded in agreement. The next moment, she picked up her phone and pointed the screen in front of Ye Yang with a strange expression: "Look, you are on the hot search again!"

"Pfft!!! I'll just take the subway!"

Ye Yang was speechless.

(First update)

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