Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1003: One man fights for a lifetime, wins 6 trillion

"Someone broke the news that I am the president of an international academic evaluation organization."

Ye Yang sighed: "This is for fairness, I have to do it!"


"What's going on?"

"Please explain in detail, Ye Shenhao..."

"I have a feeling that there will be another explosive point."

"The reporters have something to write again..."

Now that many evaluation teams have entered China for verification, the data of China Kyushu University has almost been confirmed to be true.

Naturally, no one doubts what Ye Yang said now.

Just as Ye Yang started broadcasting, inside the Sals Manor.

Sals*Miro sighed.

His clever plan was originally very clever.

In the end, he was pitted to death by his teammates...

As long as Ye Yang is the president of the International Academic Evaluation Organization, then there must be doubts.

As long as no one verifies the doubts, then the compensation can be refused because of the doubts.

This is the best state.

But just because he knows this, it does not mean that the thousands of forces participating in the bet understand this.

There are always some stupid people who can't see through the situation and have to go to verify it. As a result, the clever plan he came up with was directly used by Ye Yang, and he even slapped him back.

He was very upset.

These stupid teammates!

Too stupid.

However, this is not difficult to figure out...

After all, there are not many forces that know that Huaxia Jiuzhou University is really awesome, just like him.

Most people still suspect that Huaxia Jiuzhou University is fake, so it is understandable to verify it.

Even if these people don't verify it, those evaluation agencies will go to investigate for the tens of millions of dollars in prize money.

It must be said that Ye Yang is indeed one step ahead.

He was thinking about what to do next.

Then he heard the secretary say that Ye Yang started broadcasting today...

He was so shocked that he quickly got up from the bedroom.

"What!? Let me see."

Because of the time difference, Ye Yang started broadcasting during the day, and Sals was naturally late at night.

Seeing what Ye Yang was going to reveal, Sals' eyes were shocked.

"It's over."

As expected.

Ye Yang then listed all the evidence that Sals was trying to control the international academic evaluation organization.

The backgrounds of the six members.

The evidence of crimes and collusion of several of them...

Real videos, chat records, voice...

Everything is solid evidence! ! !

Ye Yang sighed: "The Sals Consortium monopolizes more than half of the world's educational resources and has the final say in the education industry. If I don't get elected as the president, this evaluation will definitely be controlled by them!"

"The result is foreseeable!"

"I can't allow a strong school to be buried because of conspiracy. My trillions may not be a lot of money, but it will be a loss for mankind! It is a huge scam that affects the history of education!"

"If you were me, would you allow this to happen!?"

He asked in a resounding voice.

"Absolutely not!"

"So that's how it is!"

"This consortium is so hateful that they actually plan to use such a mean method!"

"That's right, it's so despicable!!!"

"I look down on them!"

"Is this one of the top ten consortiums in the United States!? That's it!? Haha, I can't stand it!"

"The truth is out! Ye Shenhao is so righteous! He has great means, facing the conspiracy of the Sals Consortium, he defeated it with his own schemes!!!"

"If it were someone else, he would have been fooled into silence long ago! ”

“That’s right! This Sals Consortium is too dishonest!”

“That’s right. If they had half the integrity of Ye Shenhao, they wouldn’t do such a thing! Mr. Ye, as the chairman of the evaluation organization, is not partial to anyone! In comparison, the difference is obvious!”

“Pay up! Let these unethical consortiums pay up!”

“Ye Shenhao is totally fine, except that the statement that trillions of dollars is not a lot of money is a bit too Versailles…”


For a moment, the truth was revealed and the public was outraged!

The direction of public opinion has completely changed!

Everyone is asking these gamblers to pay back the money quickly!

And they call them shameless villains!!!

In order to ensure their own credibility and save their last face, many gamblers had to pass on the blame to the Sals Consortium, confirming the authenticity of the news.

"That's right, we were also deceived by this Sals Group!"

"If we hadn't been fooled by them..."

"We were completely unaware of it. It was all done by the Sals Group. It has nothing to do with us. We still want to question why the Sals Group did such a despicable thing! It caused losses to our company!"

Under the pressure of public opinion, those who shirked the blame shirked the blame, and those who paid back paid back.

Under Ye Yang's planning, the huge offensive, in just one week, the offensive and defensive situation was immediately different!

Sals*Miro knocked on the table frantically: "A bunch of idiots! Stupid pigs! Pigs!!!!!!"

He was very angry.

The Sals Group was obviously the last to enter at that time. It was good enough that they didn't scold these garbage, but these garbage actually bit them back! ?

This time, the Sals Group's face was completely lost...

He gritted his teeth.

Since becoming the Shadow Emperor, when has he ever been so angry! ?

In the end, he participated in a gambling game, which was originally just for fun. After all, he has always looked down on China's power, let alone in the education sector.

In his mind, this time was simply a war between a dragon and an ant, and he could earn trillions of dollars with just a flick of his finger.

As a result, he was defeated miserably!

Not only was he defeated miserably!

He also ruined the reputation of the consortium!

It can be said that he lost everything!


Looking at the reminder of the Shadow Emperor's meeting in the mobile phone message.

He didn't want to click it at all.

After all, he knew that this was definitely a mockery meeting, and the only target of mockery was no one else, but him...

But in the end, he still sighed and clicked in.

"Miro, didn't you say you were going to win?"

"What's going on?"

"Isn't education the domain of the Sals Consortium? Someone actually killed them!"


Several shadow emperors who hated Ye Yang and China directly questioned the crime...

And Ye Yang.

With the efforts of Jincheng Law Firm, all the gambling money was recovered.

A full six trillion Chinese yuan!!!

Huge amounts of wealth poured into Ye Yang's various accounts or companies.

Even Ye Yang was moved!

After all, although his assets are now tens of trillions, he doesn't actually have that much cash. Adding the two trillion and eight trillion in cash before, it is enough to nearly double his cash flow.

"This feeling is so wonderful."

Ye Yang clenched his fist.

One person wins the world!

He did it!

This is the biggest victory in his life in terms of money, no one else! ! !

(Second update)

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