Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1002: The real counterattack! Millions of online live broadcast rooms

"This is just the beginning."

Ye Yang's words gave the person in charge a reassurance.

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

The person in charge had a premonition that Ye Yang not only had a card to protect himself, but perhaps he could also use public opinion to backfire!

Fight back!

Fight a beautiful counterattack with public opinion! ! !

Let these guys with evil intentions walk around without food! ! !


Soon, all the process and data about this evaluation will be announced on the official website! ! !

"Have you heard of it!? This time, the International Academic Evaluation Organization has announced the evaluation data of the top ten universities in the world!"

"Is it?"

"Quick, go take a look."

"Those data are all in professional terms, can we understand them?"

"They basically use simple and easy-to-understand language, so we can get a rough idea."

"Then go quickly!"


Soon, many people flocked to the official website of the International Academic Evaluation Organization.

"I'll go! Make everything really open and transparent!!!"

Everyone was stunned.

"Even the number of teachers, their names, how many laboratories, and what the experimental projects are, except for the confidential data, are basically all disclosed! Even without those confidential projects, the published data alone is enough to crush other Those universities."


"Let me just say that Ye Shenhao will never cheat. It is impossible for such a big boss to make such obvious lies."

"I think so too."

"The loser must be unhappy. He is here to dig up dirt and engage in public opinion propaganda."


The direction of the wind changes instantly.

"Haha, this is what they said. Do they mean what they say!?"

"That's right, I just made up some data and said it's true!"

"That's right!"

"I don't believe that a newly built school has such a huge advantage! In almost all projects, it has the potential to crush other schools! It's simply outrageous! Dozens of Nobel Prize-winning teachers?! It's really funny! Do you know how many Nobel laureates there are in the world now?”

"It's really hilarious!"


All kinds of discussions came and went.

Just when the two sides were quarreling...

The International Academic Evaluation Organization issued an announcement:

In view of the doubts on the Internet about the fairness of this review, the following challenge is issued.


"Any organization with evaluation qualifications can enter Huaxia Jiuzhou University to verify the accuracy of the data. Each verification only needs to pay 100,000 US dollars. If there is a problem with the data, Huaxia Jiuzhou University can pay tens of millions of US dollars in compensation!"



"They are not afraid of checking at all!"

"Ten million dollars for finding out the problem? Awesome!"

"It seems that there is little chance that this data is fraudulent..."

Although everyone knew in their hearts, including those who bet against Ye Yang, the possibility of this data being false was almost zero.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to post this kind of activity, which requires endless confidence!

Except for Huaxia Jiuzhou University, there should be no other university in the world that dares to do this...

However, many money-losing forces have gritted their teeth and do not believe in evil.

"It must be done!"

"Contact a qualified agency and pay them to check! I don't believe that there is no problem at all!"

"that is!"

"It's probably just a bluff, and there are a lot of problems in it!"

A group of forces gambling against Ye Yang clamored.

They lost so miserably this time. Compared with the amount they lost, one hundred thousand US dollars was just a drop in the bucket.

For them, it's a matter of spending $100,000 to try their luck...

Huaxia Jiuzhou University has received many applications in the past few days, and each application comes with one hundred thousand US dollars.

The project leader was very happy.

"Boss Ye is so awesome. He asked people to send money over and begged to be slapped in the face, haha..."

He was extremely impressed.

Naturally, these evaluation organizations did not pull any tricks at Huaxia Jiuzhou University. According to the announcement requirements, the entire process of these evaluation organizations entering Huaxia Jiuzhou University was videotaped. If they told lies, they would be exposed in an instant!

Each evaluation team came in with high spirits, all striving for tens of millions of dollars.

But within a day or two, they would walk out of the Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy dejectedly and have to admit in front of the camera that there was nothing wrong with this evaluation.

Ye Yang thought for a while and felt that this was not fun enough.

As a result, they sometimes deliberately exposed some fake tricks to extend the investigation time of these evaluation teams. For every extra day in the Huaxia Jiuzhou Institute, they would have to pay an extra $100,000.

Made another round of small money.

Not much, just a few hundred million...

"Haha, it's so easy to make money."

Ye Yang shook his head, these idiots rushed over to give money...

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to.

A week has passed, and all the evaluation teams have withdrawn from the Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy.

As these evaluation groups bowed their heads in front of the camera and admitted the authenticity of the data, they became more and more convinced of the awesomeness of Huaxia Kyushu University.

What was originally a public opinion crisis turned into a propaganda trend to reshape the golden body of the Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy as time went by...

More and more people know the true strength of this school.

All kinds of data were revealed, leaving everyone stunned.

Many Internet traffic owners also took the initiative to come and get traffic, helping to interpret those data that ordinary people could not understand, and then compare them with the international level.

The audience shouted that it was awesome and was extremely excited.

Huaxia Jiuzhou University not only did not fall in the public opinion war, but it became more and more popular and was about to become an undefeated golden body! ! !

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

The first step of the counterattack has been thoroughly implemented.

It's time to really start the counterattack! ! !

He asked the International Academic Evaluation Organization for the previous list of members and related evidence.

Then, he started a live broadcast directly on his personal account!


"Ye Shenhao!"

"Starting live again? It's been a long time since the last time!"

"Finally showed up in person!"

"Huaxia Jiuzhou University is awesome! I don't know when I can call you the president in the future?"

Instantly, a bunch of diehard fans poured in.

There are also many foreigners who pay attention to this matter. During this period, they have opened accounts in Huaxia to follow Ye Yang.

Or directly enter the live broadcast room on the international Douyin port.

This port was opened up by Ziji specifically for Ye Yang, and it is unique in the entire Douyin.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has soared horribly.

It has almost reached the highest number in all previous broadcasts!

It is about to approach 10 million people online!

After all, this time, even international friends rushed in! ! !

Moreover, the popularity of Huaxia Jiuzhou University is extremely high! ! !

"Recently, the events of Huaxia Jiuzhou University have attracted widespread attention. Today, I mainly want to show you some facts."

Seeing that almost everyone had arrived, Ye Yang smiled and spoke.

(First update)

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