Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1001: The Sals Consortium takes action! Jedi strikes back


"How can it be?!"

"It's only been three months!"

"No. 1 in the world? It's outrageous to be No. 1 in the world!"

"Is the world's number one school so easy to run now?"

A group of companies betting against Ye Yang gathered together and were collectively confused.

The Sals Consortium is okay. After all, the family has a big business. Although it hurts a little, it doesn't hurt their muscles and bones. For them, if the money is not enough, they can just print more paper.

But for other companies, it is fatal.

They all believed at the beginning that Ye Yang would lose and there was absolutely no way he would lose the bet.

Therefore, I just pushed as much as I had, without caring about the consequences at all.

Some of them even borrowed money, not to mention four times the compensation now. It is estimated that they have to sell their assets at a low price to get it together.

In addition, there are many people who have previously recharged the US$300 billion in gambling at the Top of the Bay.

At this time, it is even worse...

Li family in Xiangwan.

Li Laocheng looked sad: "That traitor even participated in this bet before!? It's really not enough for him to commit suicide..."

he lamented.

This Li Jiazi is really dancing.

Adding the two times together, the cash compensation exceeded 100 billion!

Even for the Li family, it was extremely painful.

Such cries of pain are happening all over the world.

At first, Ye Yang bet one person against the whole world, saying that he would build the world's number one university within one year. No one believed him, and the ridicule was overwhelming.

I don’t know how many people wanted to join in, eat this blood-stained steamed bun, add insult to injury, and rush in to participate in the gambling.

Now that the final results are out, they are all dumbfounded.

Such a result is something they have never thought of and cannot accept now...

"Judging from the ratings, Huaxia Kyushu Academy even surpasses the former number one in the world by a large margin!!! It is the undisputed number one!"

"You still can't underestimate one trillion!"

"It's mainly Mr. Ye's talent and strength."

"No matter what, from now on the world's number one university will fall in China! We in China have finally reached the top of the world in terms of academic institutions!!!"

"By the way, Ye Shenhao has now fulfilled all of the original gambling agreement. Wouldn't those who participated in the gambling have to lose six trillion yuan!?"

"Haha, it's exciting to think about it. Those rubbish, envious monsters, China-haters, those guys who want to add insult to injury should be allowed to bear the price!"

"That's right!"


The word "six trillion" soon hit the hot search list together with Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy, which was rated No. 1 in the world.

It has become a topic of conversation for many people after dinner.

How much money is this?

Ten thousand yuan a month has been earned since the single-cell period, but I still can’t make that much money now!

"Yeah, it's just shocking."

"Incomprehensible wealth..."

"If I could have 600 million...hehe..."


Huge wealth always brings endless topics, whether it is an anchor paying 1.5 billion in back taxes or a real estate company owing 2 trillion yuan in debt.

It can create endless hurricanes.

This time, China won 6 trillion from the world, and the topic was even more fierce.

It has the potential to dominate the rankings! ! ! !

Ye Yang looked at the list of bets and raised the corner of his mouth: "You don't have to save face for them, all of them will be given debt repayment subsidies, and the money must be handed over within a week. If they can't be called within a week, they will file a lawsuit immediately. There are several companies that will file a lawsuit immediately." Several companies. Companies from all over the world have been beating us up, now it’s time for us to fight back!”


Fang Han, director of Jincheng Office, nodded repeatedly.

Now, this matter has become the top priority of Jincheng Office.

After all, six trillion yuan is involved. Even though they are one of the best in China, they are also among the top law firms in the world. This is the first time they have taken on a case of this level.

Ye Yang looked at Fang Han's leaving figure.

He sighed quietly.

Although many of the companies on this list are foreign companies, there are also many Chinese companies.

This made him feel a little sad.

It is endless fun to battle wits and courage with foreign enemies, but it is indeed more hateful to be slandered by one's own people.

"People's hearts are unpredictable, and it's really difficult to achieve true unity..."

Ye Yang shook his head.

This is not just a problem faced by China, but also a problem faced by all mankind.

In this era, many problems cannot be called problems at all if people are united as one.

However, because people's hearts are different, many wars, struggles, internal strife and tragedies have been forced.

He sighed, stood up, and made a separate list of these domestic companies. In the future, these companies must be more careful.


Just when the whole world is asking for money.

The Sals Consortium directly exposed the "black material"!

Almost all the companies that paid attention to this matter took advantage of the issue and refused to repay their debts.

"This organization belongs to Ye Yang, it's just talking about itself!"

"Who wouldn't give themselves an award?"

"It's just hilarious!"

"Haha, I will never pay for this farce!"

Many companies are building momentum and spending money to discredit Ye Yang.


Kyushu University Core.

Principal's room.

Ye Yang looked at the overwhelming voice of crusade.

Money-taking party: "Originally I believed in Ye Yang, but I didn't expect him to be such a person! We Chinese people don't want such a victory!"

There are also many cross-dressing gangsters.

“If you don’t love Ye Shenhao, you are not patriotic!”

All kinds of monsters, monsters and monsters appeared on the stage.

"What should we do, principal?"

This obviously has a huge impact on the newly established image of Huaxia Jiuzhou University in the world.

Ye Yang sneered: "I've been waiting for their move for a long time."


The person who asked the question breathed a sigh of relief. The boss always anticipated the enemy and always had a plan to deal with it. His worries were somewhat unnecessary.

“First publish all the data for this evaluation on the official website.”

Ye Yang said lightly.

The hard power of Huaxia Jiuzhou University is there, and it is not afraid of anyone taking advantage of it.

"And launched a challenge on the official website. Any qualified institution can conduct research on the released data by paying 100,000 US dollars. Huaxia Jiuzhou University will cooperate with their verification. As long as the data is found to be fraudulent, they will be given 10 million US dollars. Make a bonus.”

Ye Yang added.


The person in charge's eyes lit up, this is a great plan!

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "This is just the beginning."

(Second update)

It has exceeded one thousand chapters and two million words, which is a major milestone for this book.

Thank you all for your company along the way! ! !

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