Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1000: The Kyushu Kingdom, the World's No. 1


Silence, lasting silence.

Then, applause broke out in the hall.

This is belated applause, this is applause for the talents of Kyushu University...

Even those committee members who had previously insisted that there were no graduates who were not worthy of scoring could not help but applaud.

The students of Huaxia Jiuzhou University left.

But the shocking style they left behind remains!


Only the few people installed by the Sars Consortium to set the pace had dark faces, knowing that the situation was irreversible...

"They didn't use any twisted tactics."

"They have proven themselves with their own strength."

“The previous doubts about this university and these students have naturally disappeared.”

Team leader Pang Bo sighed, and then Shen Ai's eyes flashed with infinite light: "Does anyone want to take back their decision?"

His eyes scanned everywhere.

After a short silence, the deputy team leader stood up, walked firmly to the blackboard, personally erased his horizontal line, heavily used chalk, and wrote the next horizontal line with the consent, completing the ninth straight line.

With his leadership.

The committee members all stood up one after another and changed their previous decisions...


There is only one stroke left, and it is full of eighteen straight characters, and it is agreed.

There are only two lonely horizontal and vertical strokes, dwarfed by the different branches.

Team leader Pang Bo looked deeply at the two black-faced monsters, with a faint smile on his lips. Finally, he turned around and completed the eighteenth correct character with his consent.


The audience burst into thunderous applause...

"The Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy awarded the score according to the original rules, and the resolution was officially passed!"

The team leader dropped the hammer and solemnly announced the result...

The applause was even louder.

The two black-faced monsters were eager to find a crack in the ground to escape. Sars Milo would definitely kill them both.

The light of dawn rises at this moment.

A piece of news, following this morning light, runs through the Internet, and in an instant, flows to the whole world...

Dingding Huaxia, Kyushu University, the best in the world!

This sentence seems to have a unique magic power.

Let the world boil.

Everyone who paid attention to this matter was filled with emotion. The various forces behaved differently. Some people sighed while others were excited.

Ye Yang also got up unusually early today.

He looked at the report in his hand.

His eyes sparkled with excitement and enthusiasm.

"After all, I didn't disappoint you."

He stood up and said: "Let's go, I will personally celebrate the success of my Huaxia Jiuzhou University!"


He doesn't want to keep a low profile anymore.

He is already number one in the world, yet he is so low-key!

After the F1000 landed, a fleet of luxury cars was already waiting there.

Koenigsegg One1 clears the way.

Many famous cars followed.

The convoy was distinguished and drove through Spring City.

The news that Huaxia Kyushu University was ranked No. 1 in the world has now spread like a craze.

Many people were celebrating on the avenue.

This is the glory of China!

You can even hear firecrackers and see fireworks.

Ye Yang sat in the car and saw many people waving to him.

After all, Ye Shenhao is the only one in Ji Province who can create such a fleet of luxury cars.

Huaxia Kyushu University is particularly lively today.

Many people have spontaneously come over to celebrate, and bigwigs from all over the world are coming...

But Ye Yang didn't want to see him.

He came to an auditorium and walked in quickly.

A beautiful figure flew into his arms.

"Brother! You are finally here!"

Ye Xiaozi smiled sweetly.

Ye Yang nodded: "I heard about what happened this time. Thanks to Xiao Zi, he came to the rescue at the critical moment. He is so handsome!"

Ye Xiaozi chuckled: "I helped my brother save more than ten trillion, why don't you share some with me quickly?"


Ye Yang nodded indifferently.

"Are you kidding? Brother, you and I don't know yet? You must have a back-up plan. Even if I don't come to the rescue, you still have your own methods."

Ye Xiaozi smiled.

"It's just a little less glorious."

Ye Yang nodded and did not deny it.

"I just thought, brother has already done a lot. As a member of the Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy, it's time for us to work hard for ourselves. We can't rely on brother to do everything..."

Ye Xiaozi said seriously: "I also want to prove that I can really share my brother's worries..."


The brother and sister were talking in the auditorium, and there was a door guard outside so no one could disturb them.

And at this moment, as the news fermented.

All parties in the world are in infinite shock...

A school's ranking, although important, is not the most important.

The most important thing is the meaning and moral behind this matter...

Many people know that the Sals Consortium, one of the top ten consortiums in the United States, is involved in this matter!

Moreover, it is the enemy!

That Ye Yang, riding on the reputation of the top ten financial groups, tore up the education monopoly, and truly became the number one in the world!

Compared with this meaning, it seems that the astronomical figure of six trillion yuan that Ye Yang will collect debts has become insignificant.

Everyone is marveling and sighing.

From Huaxia's nuclear fusion research and development, to Falcon 1 wafers, to the complete rise of the Divine Land, to today's breaking of the education monopoly, Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy has become the number one in the world.

One thing after another seemed to indicate that...

A brand new era is really coming.

The undefeated myth of the top ten financial groups.

The era when the United States controlled the world hegemony seemed to be history...

The top floor of the Sals Financial Group.

Sals*Miro frowned, his face was very ugly.

"You are really capable!"

Sals*Miro's face was ashen.

In the end, he still failed to prevent this result from happening...

The face of the Sals Financial Group has been lost anyway.

When Ye Yang bet against the world, there were two conditions, namely, the world's top within three months and the world's first within a year.

Now, he has completed both agreements in three months!

For each bet, you have to pay one times, and now, you have to pay four times the money of the bet to repay the debt.

At the beginning, 1.5 trillion yuan was added to the gambling pool, and the four-fold compensation means that many parties around the world who bet against Ye Yang have to pay back his terrifying wealth of 6 trillion Chinese yuan together! ! !

Even for the top ten American financial groups, this is a terrifying number that cannot be ignored.

The current GDP of the entire American country is only more than 20 trillion Chinese yuan.

Behind it stands the top ten financial groups.

In terms of property, each financial group has an average wealth of less than 20 trillion. Of course, the power and monopoly resources behind it cannot be calculated entirely in terms of money.

Even so, 6 trillion Chinese yuan.

It is still a terrifying cash flow.

"It's like adding wings to a tiger."

Salsmiro shook his head: "It seems that now we have to set our goal to prevent Ye Yang from getting compensation..."

After all, once the 2 trillion lost in Sanga Shen Ao Bay is added.

In just one month, if the cash flow of 8 trillion Chinese yuan flows into Ye Yang's group, it will have a significant impact on the world's economic midway and even the future international economy...

And this impact must at least be unfavorable to the Sals Financial Group.

He must stop all this from happening! ! !

(First update)

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