Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 999 Talents are like the sea, building the reputation of China together

"We are here to prove ourselves!!!"

This sentence is very resounding.

The evaluation committee members present were all stunned.

They thought of Ye Xiaozi's thousands of words, but they never thought that what she said would be this sentence...


The deputy team leader was about to scold him when he was silenced by the team leader.

"Tell me more about it."

He has his own tendencies in his heart and cannot speak out, but at least he can make these people listen to the demands of the Kyushu Academy students.

"We know that you are doubting whether this school can teach good students. You want to cancel the grading qualification of Kyushu University because we have no graduates to prove the greatness of this school."

Ye Xiaozi got straight to the point and said directly.

"With all due respect, people who think like this are stupid and lazy."

Her eyes glanced at the evaluation committee members.

"It's simply ridiculous! Just a student! He's talking nonsense here! Questioning our evaluation team!?"

"Lawless! Get out!"


The evaluation committee members who had chosen to disagree before were furious.

"Don't worry, just listen to what she has to say."

The evaluation team leader calmly took a sip of tea and smiled lightly.

"In the previous investigation, you didn't even understand the growth and achievements of our students. Just because of this in the discussion, you deduct points for us. Isn't this arrogance, shamelessness, and laziness!?"

Ye Xiaozi stared at the rude review committee members, then she looked at the white-haired evaluation team leader, showing a confident and beautiful smile:

"Dear team leader, I am applying to the evaluation team. I hope you will at least get to know our students at Huaxia Jiuzhou University before making an evaluation in this regard."

"you are very brave."

The team leader nodded: "I grant your proof and try your best to shine your light. Perhaps, you can erase the prejudices in the hearts of the committee members."

Ye Xiaozi nodded.

She first walked onto the stage and put a PPT into the computer hard drive.

Projection followed.

This huge PPT file is a collection of achievements created by the students of Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy together.

The achievements of each student in the past few months are all recorded in it.

"Judges, my name is Ye Xiaozi, I am studying at Huaxia Jiuzhou University, and I am an ordinary freshman."

"Since enrolling in school, I have been studying the problem of Poincar's conjecture under the leadership of tutor Stanley. This is our achievement in three months..."


The reviewers are all extremely professional, and naturally know that Poincar's conjecture is one of the seven major academic problems in the world of mathematics.

For a freshman to dare to challenge this kind of problem is tantamount to fantasy.

The myth is nothing more than that.

At first, they expressed disdain.

But then, Ye Xiaozi's actual progress and surprising ideas gradually conquered the evaluation committee members who knew mathematics.

"Shocking to heaven..."

"Is this really an eighteen or nineteen-year-old freshman?"

"Throughout the ages, a rare talent..."


They all whispered, and they were even more dumbfounded when they saw the several international-level awards and honors that Ye Xiaozi had received during the process of proving this issue.

Some PhD students from prestigious universities may not be able to receive these honors upon graduation.

Although there was help from Stanley, the Nobel Prize winner in mathematics, they could see that the main ideas and strategies were indeed thought up by Ye Xiaozi herself...

Ye Xiaozi's academic talent is astonishing, otherwise she would not have been selected by the aristocratic Baoli High School as a special admissions student.

This has been vividly demonstrated in the past few months.

"It's just a genius, what does it mean?"

"That's right."

"She relies on her own talent..."

After Ye Xiaozi finished speaking, he bowed and left the stage.

The next one is a simple and honest rural boy.

His appearance was unremarkable, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted all the physics experts present.

“I come from an ordinary rural middle school, and it was the university’s selective subject selection committee that changed my destiny, allowing me to contribute to my favorite physics.

I haven't accomplished much in the past few months.

In the first month, a homemade nuclear reactor was built with the help of school resources. In the second month, I studied the fusion knowledge provided by the school's partner company: Kyushu Industrial Company, built a simple simulation model, and successfully simulated ignition on the computer. "

"Now, I am a specially hired technician at Kyushu Industrial Company. I am specialized in research related to nuclear fusion. This month, my research on nuclear physics was compiled into a paper and published in Nature magazine..."

He turned the page of the ppt and showed everyone the poor magazine photo with poor photography skills...


Everyone present was stunned.

Is this even a human being?

The gods of learning pale in comparison to such unprecedented physics geniuses...


There are still people who want to be tough, but can't say anything to refute...

Next, students from Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy appeared one after another.

Although not everyone is as stunning as Ye Xiaozi and the black earth youth, they are all among the best in the world, if compared at the same level.

No school can beat them.

Occasionally, there will be some amazing talents that make people sweat...

In just three months...

They can't believe it...

But all these things, one by one, are in front of them, and they can't question it.

How many students are there in the entire Huaxia Jiuzhou University now?

This ratio of geniuses is many times stronger than other universities, and the pressure on the so-called top universities, even if they are tied together, may not be able to breathe! ! !


They watched the second half of the night in high spirits.

After all the talents were displayed.

The Ppt came to the end.

Ye Xiaozi took the stage again.

"Huaxia Jiuzhou University, at all costs, recruits talents from all over the world and gives every talented person a chance, regardless of origin or bloodline. Only moral character and ability are considered."

"Huaxia Jiuzhou University provides academic freedom and huge resources that no other school can provide, allowing every genius to burst out to the fullest."

"Is such a university not worthy of being called the world's top?"

"Is such a university not worthy of cultivating world-shaking talents?"

"Will we, like this, be mediocre in the future!?"

Ye Xiaozi's voice was steady, but full of infinite confidence.

Three questions in a row left all the evaluation committee members speechless.

No one said no!

Ye Xiaozi bowed to the evaluation team leader: "Thank you for letting me finish all this. We have done our best and we have done what we should do..."

After that, all the students of Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy turned around and left without a trace of hesitation.

The door was closed again.

The team leader looked at the backs of those people leaving, and a surge of enthusiasm surged in his heart.

Yes, with such a group of people and such a school with infinite cohesion...

How can it not be the best in the world! ?

(Second update)

It's the 999th chapter. Xiaojiu thanks everyone for their support. This chapter is a bonus chapter. Tomorrow, it will exceed 1,000 chapters and aim to be the best in the world!

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