Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 998: We come here to prove ourselves

over time.

The expert team's verification is also getting more and more in-depth.

The leader's head was sweating.

Before coming here, they had never thought that a new university in China, no matter how famous it was and had unparalleled momentum, would only be established for a few months.

How could it be so powerful that it could even compete with the world's top universities?

They originally thought that the "absolutely fair" directive issued by the parliament was to make things difficult for Huaxia Jiuzhou University, conduct strict investigations, and conduct everything according to absolute standards.

But now they finally understand.

This is helping Huaxia Jiuzhou University in disguise!

They all knew about the bet. As long as it was absolutely fair, considering the current strength of Huaxia Jiuzhou University, winning the bet would be too simple.

“The school’s resources are unparalleled in terms of evaluation. No university in the world has such terrifying resource support, from the investment in selecting students, to the advanced level of the laboratories, the majestic project resources, the terrifying teachers, and even Considerations and investment in entrepreneurship and further education.”


“The perfect college.”

"Existence that transcends time..."

Everyone on the evaluation team expressed this emotion.

In contrast, based solely on the basis of admission fairness, Huaxia Jiuzhou University has completely surpassed the so-called top universities in the world.

Those universities are relying on the resources of their predecessors.

But there are many shortcuts to admission, which don’t even require grades, let alone the student’s own ability, but rather the connections and resources of the student’s family.

As long as you can find a big boss to write a letter of recommendation, or spend ten million or even one million dollars to build a fountain garden or something, you can enter and study.

As for the others, there is no need to compare...

The only, pitiful advantages other universities now have.

Only history has more graduates than Huaxia Jiuzhou University, and more famous alumni than Huaxia Jiuzhou University...

Of course, this item is not included in the scoring system at all.

Judging from the ratings alone, Huaxia Jiuzhou University is well-deserved to be the number one university in the world.

But the evaluation team is still facing a huge problem...

Can a university that has no graduates really become the number one university in the world?

Huaxia Kyushu Academy is so special.

According to normal development, a school that can develop to this stage must have a history of running schools for decades, hundreds, or even hundreds of years.

This situation cannot happen now.

Therefore, the scoring system does not consider this aspect at all.

They were in trouble.

A school with no graduates cannot prove the ultimate teaching quality of its school if it reaches the top of the world.

Wouldn't that be a joke?

This controversy sparked a huge debate within the review team.

I haven't been able to decide on the final score of Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy for several days...


The outside world is nervously waiting for the final news.

Everyone is waiting to see.

Even the most powerful Shadow Emperor in the world is troubled by it.

Things have come to this point.

Any external force can play a very small role...

We can only wait for the evaluation team to make their final decision.


The teachers and students of Huaxia Jiuzhou University are also working day and night. They know their own shortcomings and obviously want to do something for the school before the evaluation ends...

On the last day of review.

within the evaluation group.

"What we evaluate is the university, just the university itself, the quality of teachers and students, the environment, and resources. Everything should be about the internal quality of the school. Why should it involve things after graduation? Are there any graduates and whether it is a good school? , does it really matter?"

"Can such a school really not produce good students?"

"But for a school like this that doesn't even have graduates to be among the top in the world, isn't it a miracle in human history?"

“Can we really call it a good school if we can’t prove that we can teach good students?!”


There was still a lot of quarrel between the two sides.

For a while, there was no conclusion at all.

"After we submitted the issue, the congressman gave us full authority to handle it without any interference."

"It's letting us make up our own minds and putting it all on us."

"...It's a kind of trust and it's also a kind of pressure."


The evaluation team was silent.

Before sunset, they had to make a final decision.

The sun is now halfway down.

Time is running out...

"I think it should be based on the standards we already have. Things outside the standards are not what we should consider. According to the rules, we should give as many points as we should."

"I think we should be responsible for the scores we give. Schools that don't even have graduates don't deserve scores!"


The evaluation team leader looked at both sides and knocked on the table: "There is no time, let's vote."

"China has a voting rule, which is to draw straight characters."

Although the team leader has some power, it is difficult for him to speak out in this situation where the two parties are clearly at odds.

After all, this decision will definitely set a precedent in the history of human education.

It is an extremely important decision for the entire human education.

He knew that he was not qualified to take on this responsibility and make this decision alone.

"I don't agree with the rating of Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy!"

The tellers put a cross on the side they disagreed with.

"I think we should follow the original rules."

Another commentator weighs in.

The teller wrote a horizontal line on the agreeing side...


Time passes little by little.

The afterglow of dusk also fades away little by little...

The voting has also reached the final stage.


The votes on both sides remained deadlocked.

The sun is going down.

at this moment.

The door is open.

The last rays of the setting sun suddenly shone in, making the entire hall suddenly light up...

Everyone looked over.

No one expected that at such an important moment, someone would break in.

"who are you?"

Someone asked dissatisfiedly.

"Students from Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy!"

The person in charge, standing tall and tall in Jiuzhou school uniform, is Ye Xiaozi.

Behind him stood many students from Kyushu University.

"...Stakeholders are not allowed to be present during the evaluation! Even if you plead for mercy, it is useless! We have always been known for our absolute impartiality. No matter whether it is wealth or feelings, it is impossible to affect our final decision. Please get out!"

The deputy team leader frowned and shouted coldly.

"We are not here to offer money, nor are we here to ask for favors."

Ye Xiaozi looked determined and refused to take a step back.

After getting up, many students were united and showed no signs of weakness.

"Then why are you here?"

The white-haired team leader smiled slightly, with a glimmer of hope in his heart.

When there is a deadlock, this kind of new light is needed to break the situation.

"We are here to prove ourselves!!!"

(First update)

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