Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 997 Evaluation Team Enters China


Soon, the news that the international academic selection organization will conduct a new round of comprehensive ranking of international universities spread to the pages of people who pay attention to this news.

Originally, such niche things were generally only participated and paid attention to by people in the academic community.

However, this time, the number of attentions has skyrocketed! ! !

Not only the relevant academic personnel and the companies involved in the bet are paying attention.

Many people who were attracted by this matter are also paying attention.

This has caused the popularity of this matter to explode.

Not only is the bet involving the winning and losing of 10 trillion Chinese yuan involved in people's hearts, but the people of China are also looking forward to China really having a top-notch university in the world.

Although Tsinghua and Peking University are strong, they are still outside the top ten.

They cannot be called the top in the world, but can only be called the top in the world.

Only by entering the top ten in the world can it be considered to be in the top ranks! ! !


"Is it really possible? "

"I will always believe in Ye Shenhao!"

"When has Mr. Ye ever lost? The three gambling gods can't beat him. Do you think he will lose this time?"

"It's so funny. This is not gambling. If it doesn't work, it won't work! This time, even the top ten financial groups in the United States have joined in. Do you think they are joking? The three gambling gods are just flies and ants in front of such big men. They can be crushed to death at will!"

"The top ten financial groups are terrifying existences that manipulate the direction of the world."

"Hehe, don't kneel down. They can manipulate the direction of the world. The world has long belonged to the United States. They haven't even conquered Ahan for so many years. Do you really think China, Russia, and Europe don't exist?"

"At least it's too easy to crush an individual rich businessman like Ye Yang."

"I don't think so. A divine land alone is enough to break all forbidden spells. It may not be weaker than these top financial groups!"

"He is bound to lose. I said that even Jesus can't change it!"

"I think he is bound to win!"


On the Internet, a frenzy has been set off again.

There is a great deal of controversy over whether Huaxia Jiuzhou University can be rated as the world's top university in this evaluation.

After all, there are still not many people who really know Huaxia Jiuzhou University.

Perhaps they have heard about Jiuzhou University because of a certain construction phase or some explosive news, but there are not many people who really understand the strength of Huaxia Jiuzhou University now.

After all, ordinary people are just eating melons.

How many top teachers, international professors, Nobel Prize winners, international-level laboratories, and academic-level A projects does Huaxia Jiuzhou University have now? Even if you have seen such data, you will forget it another day.

Even if you notice these, most people don’t know what these numbers mean...


"In a few days, the expert group of the International Academic Evaluation Organization will enter the major universities in China."

"The results will be released on the day of the three-month deadline."

"That's right."

"The results will be known at that time. I am really looking forward to it!"


Including internationally, there are many discussions.

This bet is somewhat hot in various countries.

Especially the United States.

Even the Sals Consortium has gotten involved, so of course there are many people watching...

Miro knocked on the table and watched the video of the expert group entering Huaxia Kyushu University and Ye Yang personally leading the team to welcome them. The scene was full of gongs and drums, firecrackers, and it was very lively. It didn't seem like a welcome, but more like a celebration in advance.

In Miro's eyes, it was particularly dazzling.

"In this battle, the more than 100 billion US dollars is a small matter. This is related to whether our Sals Consortium still has a monopoly in the education industry, and it is also related to our face as one of the top ten consortiums in the United States."

"I won't allow others to think that the times have changed!!!"

He hammered the table.

The other managers of the consortium were all silent.

It can be seen that Miro was really angry.

The top ten consortiums have maintained their glorious image of being undefeated in the world. Any failure is an irreversible blow to this invincible image.

What's more, this time it has set off such a big heat. If they lose, what a heavy blow it will be to the Sals Consortium! ?

He won't allow this to happen!

"Think about it, everyone, come up with three countermeasures for me, otherwise don't come to work!"

Sals*Miro knocked on the table and said angrily.


Everyone looked at me, I looked at you.

Everyone lowered their heads to think about countermeasures.

No one wanted to lose their job...

But they found that the Sals Consortium could do very little about this matter.

After a thorough investigation, they found that this was in Ye Yang's home court, China. No matter how powerful they were, they couldn't get in and couldn't control anything.

Moreover, Ye Yang was a backbone figure in China.

He couldn't be brought down by any small action.

Whether it was controlling public opinion or controlling the subsequent direction of this matter...

Even the root cause of the problem they wanted to solve in the end - Ye Yang.

But finding out his true identity determined that if they really took action against him, it would inevitably set off a war between superpowers, which would not be worth the loss.

The Sals Consortium couldn't afford such consequences...

"A bunch of losers!"

Sals*Miro roared, because he couldn't think of any way, so he could only be helpless and furious.

This matter was handled according to the formal procedures, everything was fair and square, and there were no loopholes.

The size was similar to that of the Sals Consortium, and there was no way to destroy it...

The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became.

"Try some spies and gray methods. This is our last resort."

"Let's see if we can regain power within the international evaluation organization, or launch a public offensive against Ye Yang as the president after the results come out. But at that time, we can only strive to be undefeated, and don't even think about winning. ”


The Sars Consortium is in chaos.

Inside Huaxia Kyushu University.

Evaluation expert group.

Verify assessment qualifications item by item.

In order to avoid suspicion, Ye Yang stopped contacting the evaluation team after the welcome, and only conveyed four words of absolute fairness to the council.

"Our annual evaluation mainly has three aspects."

“Among them, the comprehensive situation is divided into six items:

Academic reputation accounts for 40%. Employer reviews account for 10%. The teacher-student ratio is 20%. Citations from teachers’ papers account for 20%.

The proportion of international teachers accounts for 5%. Proportion of international students: 5%. "

"Teaching resources are divided into six categories: teaching environment, laboratory level, number of high-level projects, corresponding project funds..."


"Of course, within each face or item, there are many smaller items."

"Together, a score will be given, and the final score will determine the school's ranking."

After the experts from the evaluation team finished their explanations to the school, they began to conduct practical investigation and verification.

This kind of investigation and verification has many projects.

Strive for authenticity.

So it is quite time consuming.

Everyone is nervously waiting for the results...

(Second update)

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