Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 996: Shadow Emperor Miro panics


Ye Yang replied to these kind letters.

It means that everyone does not need to worry too much.

"The latest ranking of top international universities will be in five days, right?"

Ye Yang flipped through the information. The top international education evaluation organization hosted by Yu Momo will conduct a routine evaluation in five days.

The international academic evaluation agency conducts comprehensive strength rankings of international institutions at the end of each year.

Ye Yang obtained the status of president of the evaluation agency during the construction of Huaxia Jiuzhou University, which can ensure the fairness of the evaluation process.

The evaluation of comprehensive strength has various specific indicators.

Calculated according to previous indicators, Huaxia Jiuzhou University is now not only the world's top university, but even if it is elected to be the world's number one, it is only just shy of its reputation.

But among the hard indicators, there is no such thing as reputation or public impression.

Judging from these objective indicators alone, Huaxia Jiuzhou University can now rank first in the world in this competition.

So, he didn't panic at all.

However, it is certainly impossible for all the forces involved in the gambling to stop.

He will definitely take action in secret.

However, no matter what move is made, it will follow.

The objective strength is there, and I feel at ease.


United States, Salz Group's main office.

Shadow Emperor Sars Milo held a cigar in his mouth and read the report: "The next round of international school competition is about to begin?"

The new secretary nodded.

Don't dare to neglect.

The last secretary was fired because he made mistakes regarding Ye Yang.

She didn't dare to neglect reporting on this aspect.

"Well, tell the evaluation agency that a rigid indicator will be added to this year's indicators, such as the year the school was founded, or something like that. As long as it does not meet this indicator, it will not be selected as a top international university."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Milo's mouth.

They control most of the educational discourse in the world, and they set the rules.

You are a piece of trash in a corner of China. Even if you are really capable, we still have to award the honor. As long as I don't agree, you are just garbage after all!

He put his legs up on his desk.

He smoked a cigar and sneered.

"The will of China? But you are too young! You can defeat us a hundred times, but if we win once, you will be gone. Why are you fighting me!?"

He laughed darkly.

Since sitting on the throne of the top ten shadow emperors in the United States.

No one has ever made him lose so many times. The name Ye Yang makes him hate it to the core.

This time, he said that he would get Ye Yang's compensation of more than 10 trillion yuan at the next gathering of emperors.

Prove to the world that the Sars Consortium is still one of the secret rulers of the United States! ! !


The news was quickly dismissed.


Sars Milo couldn't believe the reply message he saw in front of him.

"How dare this institution reply to me and reject me!? How dare they!? Don't they know the monopoly of the Sals Foundation in education!? As long as we don't invest in them, their institution will be dissolved by the end of the year!"

"As long as we withdraw our investment, no one will dare to take over!"

"Under the pressure of our capital, haven't we already obtained six institutional member seats? Shouldn't we sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and fully control the international academic evaluation institution in our hands!?"

He asked questions again and again, feeling that the reply in front of him was ridiculous to the extreme.

"There have been many changes in the international academic evaluation organization in the past two months, but because we are too large, we have not paid attention to the trends of this organization. And before yesterday, we always maintained six parliamentary seats and did not lose the highest control. So I don’t pay much attention to its internal changes.”

the secretary said.


Milo already felt that something was not quite right.

"what happened?"

The secretary told the investigation report: "

International academic evaluation organization, composed of the president and nine members. The president himself has the final say. When encountering major events, the remaining nine members each have one vote to vote. However, if six of the nine members support a resolution, the president only has the right to postpone the implementation of the resolution.

If all members support a resolution, the president can only agree.

Two months ago, the former president of the organization announced his resignation as president, and the new president took over. "

Milo nodded: "That's a good thing! The previous president himself was always against us. If he hadn't tried his best to stop our capital invasion, all nine members would have been ours."

The secretary continued:

"The identity of the new president has been kept secret and has never been shown. He has only maintained contact with the previous president. Of course, there are also reasons why the consortium does not pay attention to this change."

"Just yesterday, the old president ran for parliament again and defeated the one we put in..."

Milo frowned: "It's understandable that he lost to the former president in the election for members."

"But with five out of nine, the advantage still lies with me!"

The secretary continued: "They collected information about the dirty deeds behind another congressman. After reporting it, they sent another one of our people to prison. The person elected by the new president will succeed him."

"As a result, we lost two councilors in one day, and only four of the nine councilors were ours."

"When the resolution was being made today, the new president expressed his rejection of our proposal."


Milo knocked on the table: "What a treason! Check it out! Let me see what the identity of this new president is. How dare he openly disobey the orders of the Sals Foundation! Believe it or not, I will have their organization disbanded!!!"


The secretary lowered his head and handed a piece of paper to Milo.

The intelligence organizations of the top ten consortiums in the United States are extremely powerful. They just didn't pay attention to this matter before. Now they are searching with all their strength and the identity of the new president was quickly found out.


Milo's mouth was wide enough to fit twenty sausages.

"Ye Yang!?"

"He bypassed our eyes and directly took control of the academic evaluation institution!?"

Milo was confused.

This is another miracle.

Now, he really doubts whether there is a god helping Ye Yang behind him. Every operation is so fresh and refined, and everything he does can be successful! ?

He felt guilty.

The last trump card was stolen...

"how so!?"

He couldn't believe that it was almost impossible to do this through formal procedures and with the power of the Sals Consortium's eyes and ears in the organization.

"Ye Yang seems to be an old acquaintance of the old president. The two of them have already thought of this conspiracy. The replacement of the old and new was completed in an instant when the two of them contacted each other through a single line. Two council seats were replaced together yesterday. This is a game. A long-planned and well-planned strategy against our consortium! "

"According to the ancient Chinese proverb, this is called taking the fire under the cauldron? Or is it a secret attempt?"

(First update)

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