Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 995 March is approaching


"There is still a shortage of Tang Han Zhihui's agent in Ji Province. If you are interested, you can take over and do it."

Ye Yang thought for a while and said.

"As for the agency fee, I can help you pay it. Just pay it back to me after you make money."


These few words made Liu Yuan confused.

The provincial agent of Tang Han Zhihui!

The franchise fee for such a world-class brand is ridiculously expensive and beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Brother Ye, do you have connections with Tang Han Zhihui?"

This agent is not something you can just take if you want, it’s not something you can do if you have money.

Liu Yuan was a little surprised.

"...So be it."

Ye Yang smiled: "To be precise, this brand is under my name."


Liu Yuan was completely stunned.

"I asked someone to check it out. Your overseas store did a good job. It started from scratch and built a pretty good store. If you didn't buy it for zero yuan, you should be doing well."

Ye Yang smiled and said: "I still believe in your ability. I'll lend you another start-up capital, and you can go ahead."


Liu Yuan was a little embarrassed.

He has already accepted Ye Yang's huge favor.

If he were asked to help get this agency right now, he would owe too much...

Ye Yang knew what Liu Yuan was thinking, and he also smiled at this time: "It's not like I gave it to you for free. Think of me as borrowing it from you. I won't be done with it until you make money and then pay it back. Fair trade is not a favor." "

Liu Yuan held Ye Yang's hand.

He really lacks such an opportunity now.

Starting from scratch again, I don’t know how many years it will take to start working. With the blessing of such an agent, plus the start-up capital provided by Ye Yang, it is simply a ladder for him to build a life!

"Don't say anything anymore. If something happens in the future, in one sentence, no matter what happens, Liu Yuan and I will not frown!"

Tears streamed from the corners of Liu Yuan's eyes.

Only when you have experienced the real ups and downs of life and see hope again can you understand how precious this hope is and how rare true friends are.


Ye Yang put his hand on his shoulder and patted him.

"Why are you talking about this! You escaped a disaster today. You should be happy. Let us go have a drink!"

"That's right! You have escaped from the clutches of the devil! It's too late for us to be happy for you!"

"Ha ha……"

The other groomsmen also laughed.


Liu Yuan also nodded.

Ye Yang asked the doorman of Xinghuang Mansion to drive over in an extended Bentley and drive a few people to Spring City Yu Haiming Hotpot.

This is considered one of the high-end hotpot restaurants in Spring City.

Mainly because it's expensive.

Except for Ye Yang, the others have basically never had a meal of this level until now.

But today he narrowly escaped death and escaped a disaster. Liu Yuan would treat a few buddies to a good meal no matter what.

A meal for five people cost six to seven thousand yuan.

It was a great pleasure to eat.

After this matter came to an end.

Ye Yang flew back to the Magic City.


Get up the next morning.

Ye Yang looked at his phone and found that a demonic wind had spread all over the Internet...


He looked at the titles.

"The myth of Ye Shenhao is about to end!" 》

"Ten trillion in cash compensation, Ye Yang is heavily in debt!" 》

"About Bankruptcy?" Ye Yang may sell assets to pay off debts! 》

"Betting against the whole world, can Ye Yang afford it?" ? 》


Various posts and articles began to go viral online.

There are obviously promoters behind this.

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Within three months, Huaxia Kyushu University became the top university in the world.

That's the first clause of the bet.

At the beginning, more than 1 trillion yuan of funds came into the gambling pool.

If he loses, he will pay 10 trillion.

If he wins, the foreign capital participating in the bet pays double.

"You just lost two trillion to me, now you can't help but think about rushing to give me another two trillion?"

The corner of Ye Yang's mouth curled up.

The March period is coming soon, and those behind the scenes can’t sit still.

"Why should he win?!"

"It's due soon! There's no news at all that Huaxia Jiuzhou University has been certified as a world-class university!"

"No matter how much money you invest, it's useless! Ye Yang will definitely pay the price for his arrogance!"

"Wait to sell off the Shentu Company to pay off the debt!"

"Humph, those people in Europe and the United States are just staring at the divine soil, wishing they could take it into their hands. Ye Yang is so stupid, he gave the company away by himself!"



The comment area represents various interests, and all kinds of sunspots appear.

"I think Ye Shenhao will definitely win!"

"We, Ye Shenhao, have always been able to create miracles! You are destined to be slapped in the face!"

"Some people always think that they are very smart, the best in the world, and can predict the future, but they don't know that they are the stupidest one!"

"Ha ha……"

"I hope Ye Shenhao will prove himself and make the European and American consortium pay the price!"

"It's so funny. Not only European and American consortiums, but also many domestic companies have invested. There are really too few companies with national responsibility!"

"Yes, the kind of atmosphere in the past few years has spawned businessmen who basically cannot be called entrepreneurs. Eight out of ten are vampires! They are all just wallflowers who are unscrupulous for profit. Calling them capitalists is just a compliment. them!"

"At the critical moment, they are digging into the corner of our Ye Shenhao. They are fighting against their own people! It can be compared with those puppet troops and traitors back then!!!"

"I hate them so much!!!"


Ye Yang's fans and people with a sense of justice are cheering for him and worrying about him...

Everyone realizes that this may be a battle for bone correction in China.

Everything depends on whether Ye Yang can get the world's top certification for China Jiuzhou Academy within the deadline...



Ye Yang received messages from many people.

Some were sent by Chinese industrialists and entrepreneurs, who expressed their willingness to do their best to help Ye Yang. If Ye Yang needs help, he can contact them.

There are also people from all walks of life who help Ye Yang collect information and do their part...

Looking at this information.

Ye Yang was quite moved.

No matter what era it is, no matter what the world has become, China always has a group of people who take the world as their responsibility and work tirelessly for the glory and rise of China...

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

He said silently in his heart.

(Second update)

PS: I may have something to do tomorrow, and I may come back on the 25th to update.

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