Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 994: The whole family goes to jail

"No more..."

Ye Yang sneered: "No more, that's it? Do you know how much effort Liu Yuan put into this wedding? How much he paid? It's not easy for an ordinary person to hold a wedding. Do you think you treat it as a joke? Are you so selfish? "

"If you don't work for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Hu Caifeng's father was used to doing evil things. He said it directly at this time. After he finished speaking, he realized that he had spoken out of turn and slapped himself twice.

Ye Yang sneered: "You are breaking the law and harming others. You sound so high-sounding. You don't need to be punished by heaven and earth. I will kill you now!"

Hu Caifeng's father was so scared that his lips trembled. If his daughter's previous things were discovered, it would be the end!

At this time, he said repeatedly: "We will refund all the expenses of Brother Liu Yuan! We will also pay for mental damages. We will pay the money and admit our defeat!"

"Oh, Dad! Why are you being so cowardly with him? I am a woman. Who dares to offend a woman in this society? Even if he is a big shot, I just need to post a video saying that he harassed me or threatened me, and the public opinion on the Internet will all stand on my side. If I don't blackmail him, he will have to kneel on the ground and thank me!"

"You are actually begging for mercy!? I am dying of laughter!"

Hu Caifeng sneered.

"Shut up!"

Hu Caifeng's father has been in society for so many years, and he knows everything. He directly slapped Hu Caifeng twice.

"Why did you hit your daughter? She is not wrong! Now, let alone bullying us women, even if we don't worship them, it's a crime! Just post a video of accusation and say a few words, without any evidence, you can ruin a star or a male student! Haven't you seen the recent news?"

"What about the senior sister Yodo from Kyoto University, who said that her junior touched her buttocks, and then the Internet bullied her junior, made him socially dead, and expelled him from school! Even if it is proved to be defamation later, isn't this sister Yodo still living happily and without any punishment?"

"And that..."

"Okay, shut up!"

Hu Caifeng's father went up and slapped Hu Caifeng's mother twice.

"These things are only for the general public! If you really meet someone powerful, will these cheap tricks of yours still work? I told you a long time ago that we only make money by relying on poisonous chicken soup, so that you won't get too deeply involved, but you really took it seriously!"

"These things are only useful for "suck-ups, incompetent, low-level, tool men" who "have no mouth, can't resist, can only work, can only be pua willingly, can only be constantly exploited for their labor value, have no will to resist, and live from day to day!"

"You can't tell anyone! Do you want to kill our family!?"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, although this old man acted viciously, he saw things very clearly.

Unfortunately, these cannot erase the fact that they violated the law and committed crimes.

Especially this happened under his nose!


The law enforcement officers came.

"Mr. Ye!"

Ye Yang's reputation was heard by everyone in the high-level circles of Jilin Province.

These people obviously knew part of Ye Yang's identity, and they were all respectful when they came here.

"Have you investigated what I said?"

Ye Yang asked.

"It has been fully verified, and their crimes can be confirmed! Moreover, we have also found some other things."

The leader raised his mouth and sent the information to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Good guy!

No wonder such a rubbish can make money.

Hu Caifeng's father opened an equipment supply store, and the initial capital came from Hu Caifeng himself.

Moreover, each of Hu Caifeng's early income was large and the source was unclear.

After in-depth investigation.

Only to find out...

His family is a professional criminal gang.

Live broadcast on gray dating software to deceive people.

Ye Yang glanced at the screenshot: "Is the woman in this picture Hu Caifeng?"


The team leader scratched his head, looked at the real Hu Caifeng, and broke out in a cold sweat: "This... the beauty effect is a bit extraordinary."

Ye Yang nodded involuntarily.

But he was also relieved. In the past news, some old men with big stubble on their faces, greasy and ugly, looked like 28-year-old girls after beautification in front of the camera.

It is normal to beautify this short, fat, dark and ugly woman into such a decent image.

"They used this dating software to set up a trap. They made appointments, opened a room, and then set up a trap. They extorted money from people. Of course, many of the men ran away the moment they met, so they waited for the men who took the bait to go in and immediately sealed the door to commit the crime. The nature of the crime was extremely bad."

"However, a while ago, the trap failed and she accidentally got pregnant, so she wanted to find a scapegoat. Mr. Liu was unfortunately chosen."


The team leader added some details.

The people present were stunned.

Good guy!

This is too awesome!

Liu Yuan gritted his teeth: "No wonder you are not embarrassed! It turns out that you are habitual criminals of traps! Habitual fraud! Habitual extortion!!!"

He now wants to strangle this family to death with his own hands.

Fortunately, he still has some blood.

Otherwise, he would have been cheated to death, and after marriage, he would have been sucked dry and completely killed by this weird family!

Perhaps in the dark places of this world, many tragedies like this have already happened...

"It's over..."

Hu Caifeng's father collapsed on the ground, and it was all over.

After the silence of all the relatives and friends, a discussion broke out.

Liu Yuan's parents were so ashamed that they wanted to find a crack in the ground to hide in, regretting why they forced their son to get married.

"Okay, take them away!"

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"You dare to do it! Believe it or not, I will take a video! I will make you famous directly!"

"Who dares to touch us!? I will sue you for abusing women!!!"


Hu Caifeng and her daughter did not understand the current situation at all, and they jumped with their mobile phones.

However, it was obviously useless.

Or it could be said to be...


"Warn once! Warn twice!"

They obviously did not understand.

"Do it!"

Just throw him down and take him down!

He was bleeding from the nose...

"Interfering with law enforcement, aggravating the crime! Take him away!!!"

Soon, the whole family was taken away.

Leaving behind a wedding scene full of sighs.

Liu Yuan's parents also burst into tears and promised that they would never force their son to get married again. Obviously, they were also scared by this incident.

Ye Yang smiled and said to the silent Liu Yuan: "Don't worry, I have a team of lawyers who will ensure that they will receive the highest level of punishment allowed by law."


Liu Yuan nodded: "This time... it's really thanks to you, brother Ye!"

His eyes were red with emotion.

"Why do you mention this? We have been friends since we were young, and our friendship is priceless. By the way, what kind of store do you run in America?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Clothing store."

Liu Yuan sorted out his thoughts, sighed, and said.

"Yeah. Have you heard of Tang Han Zhihui?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Of course, Tang Han Zhihui has emerged in the fashion industry recently, with great momentum, surpassing countless old brands and becoming one of the largest fashion brands in the world today!"

(First update)

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