Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 993: Father Hu was surprised that the best man was a billionaire?


Some of the people who helped had a good relationship with Liu Yuan, so they recorded this section and sent it to him.


Among the groomsmen who were complaining, Liu Yuan's eyes stood up in anger after watching the video.

If you don't discuss the car rental before marriage, then discussing it after getting married is a fraudulent marriage.

Not to mention having children, finding someone to marry and take over is pure fraud!

"This is too much!"



Not long after.

Hu Caifeng called him.

Liu Yuan frowned, sneered, and answered the phone.

"My family has discussed that we don't want the RV. This is to give you the last bit of face. Come back and get married as soon as possible! Don't blame me for not letting you get off the stairs if it's late!"

Hu Caifeng's tone was still extremely arrogant.


Liu Yuan hung up the phone.

"After suffering such a big loss, it would be too easy for him to just file a lawsuit and ask her to pay some money!"

Someone said.

"What else can be done?"

Liu Yuan sighed.

Ye Yang patted him on the shoulder: "As long as you are willing, I will help you to the end."

"Brother Ye!"

Liu Yuan was very moved.

At first, I thought that Ye Yang would ignore these old buddies as he became prosperous in recent years, but so far, it seems that Ye Yang is still the loyal and loyal person he used to be, and he has not changed just because he has money.

"Let's go! Go back! Show her some color!"

The groomsmen were also extremely angry and kept talking.


Hu Caifeng was afraid that Liu Yuan would regret it, and knowing that Liu Yuan was coming back, she asked him to go directly to the wedding venue.

Wedding scene.

"Haha, aren't you back again? Aren't you done with it!?"

Hu Caifeng raised her head and felt that she had given Liu Yuan enough face.

At this time, in front of everyone, of course, I have to find my own face.

Liu Yuan sneered, walked directly to the wedding large screen control computer, and played the video.

Hu Caifeng's family was angry at the receiver, saying that there was no one to support their children.

All manifested.


The wedding scene was chaotic.

Liu Yuan's parents were also so angry that their faces turned pale.

They didn't expect that the daughter-in-law they had spent so much effort to marry would turn out to be this kind of thing.


Hu Caifeng's face twisted with anger: "I let you take over just to see you! Don't be so shameless! What on earth do you want to do!?"

"I just want to make you angry! Let you know what you are!"

Liu Yuan was extremely angry.

Let the cameraman show all the three conditions Hu Caifeng mentioned before, as well as the scene where many girlfriends were sarcastic.

"Stop! Are you going to cause trouble!? How dare a mere trash man attack us!"

A group of best friends got together to smash computers.

The scene was chaotic for a while.


Hu Caifeng's father stood up.

Everyone looked over.

I think he finally realized his mistake and wanted to apologize.

But he yelled angrily: "Liu Yuan, you are very brave! Do you know what I do! Believe it or not, I will make you speechless!? Hurry up and remove the video!"

"Don't you have some money!? Want to fuck me? Come on!?"

Liu Yuan is now willing to give up. If he wants to explode, he will explode. If he is a coward, he is a dog.


Father Hu Caifeng didn't expect Liu Yuan, who usually looked very honest, to be so tough.

What a mistake!

"How can a person like you find a wife without my daughter?!"

Father Hu Caifeng shouted angrily.

"I'll be a bachelor for the rest of my life and I don't want to end up with a vicious family like yours, breaking my bones and sucking out my marrow!"

Liu Yuan said coldly: "Marriage is for a better life! It is not a purpose or a career. Rather than being consumed by the vicious perverts of your family, it is better to remain single!"

"You're right!"

The whole audience burst into applause.

"Who encouraged you and gave you such courage! It's impossible for someone like you!"

Father Hu Caifeng shouted angrily.

Ye Yang sneered: "Who else needs the courage to do this? What your family has done is comparable to being exterminated. People and gods are angry, but as long as there is still human nature, they must unite to deal with you!"

"Who are you!? Where did this little shrimp come from, talking arrogantly here!"

Father Hu Caifeng sneered.

How could someone like Liu Yuan have any awesome friends? He mocked without any pressure.

At this time, a late guest came in.

Seeing Ye Yang: "Boss, you are here too!"

"Well, I'm the best man today."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"What's going on? Doesn't it look pleasant?"

The middle-aged man looked at the video scrolling on the big screen, and his expression was ugly: "This is too much!"

At this time, Hu Caifeng's parents, who were in a stalemate, both ran over: "Master Li!"

Li Fan looked at Hu Caifeng's parents: "What's going on? I just heard that you are using the financial resources of our gym to threaten other young people?"

"What?! Damn, just talk nonsense!"

Hu Caifeng's father kept pretending to be weak.

They provide fitness equipment, parts, and maintenance to Welsh Spring City Gym. Everything depends on the care of the gym owner Li.

"Okay, from this video I can see the character of your family, so let's stop our cooperation!"

Hall Master Li said coldly.


Father Hu Caifeng was so confused that he just gave up! ?

Is this too childish?

He turned his eyes and looked at Ye Yang in disbelief. Just now it seemed that Director Li had called him the boss! ?

There are such important figures in Liu Yuan's groomsmen group! ?

"What are you looking at! This Mr. Ye is the general owner of our Welsh Gym! The Welsh Gym has a market value of tens of billions now!"

"Ten billionaire!?"

He took a deep breath.

If he had known that his son knew a super boss of this level, how could he dare to do it so blatantly! ?

It’s not just bullying Liu Yuan who is an honest person! ?

"Isn't this world kung fu superstar Ye Yang!?"

"I was just here watching a show and eating melon, but I didn't expect a big star to come too! He's also Liu Yuan's best man!"

"Oh my God! I like him so much!"

"Ye Shenhao!"

All the young guests recognized Ye Yang: "Ye Shenhao, I am your fan!!! It's the first time I'm so close to a billionaire! I'm so excited!!!"


The words next to each other frightened Father Hu Caifeng out of his wits.

It’s over, this time it’s a nail in the coffin.

"Ahem, it's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

Father Hu Caifeng said repeatedly: "I heard from Liu Yuan. It's us who feel sorry for him. We shouldn't have such dirty thoughts! Let's not get married until we get married!"

(Second update)

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