Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 992: I won’t get married

"What do you mean?"

Liu Yuan gritted his teeth and asked angrily.

"What, you still don't agree!?"

The vicious girlfriends nearby all helped to speak out.

"Letting you kneel down and kiss your shoes will destroy the unnecessary dignity in you! Master said it well, only when a man is willing to throw away all his dignity for you can he love you!"

"That's right, just do it!"

Liu Yuan's eyes were red, love?

Love this shit!

They just can't find a partner to match, and there has never been any love.

Even if we don't talk about love, I lose my dignity to show that I love you, then how can you show that you love me?

Could it be that the so-called love in the eyes of a master is a man loving a woman? Are all women heartless and loveless creatures?

What a fallacy!

Liu Yuan knew that these women were a little over-the-top, but he didn't expect that they would be so ridiculous at such a major wedding event!

"As for asking you to buy a car or a house, isn't that something that comes with marriage!? And you are talking to us Hu Caifeng? You are so ridiculous! A man like you is simply rubbish! You don't take the initiative to offer the car and house, and you still ask us to open your mouth? Are you? A man?"

The poisonous chicken soup ladies all mocked each other: "That's right! Do we still need to teach you common sense!?"


"I have no money anymore..."

Although I was very angry, I had really paid too much in organizing the wedding, giving the bride price, and all kinds of expenses, and I couldn't regret the marriage lightly.

I can only swallow my anger.

"If you don't have money, transfer your parents' house to my name!"

The woman said coldly: "Anyway, I won't marry a man who doesn't even own a house. Even a male bird looking for a female knows how to build a nest first!"

Liu Yuan was really angry: "Then I will go to the wild and build you a nest with bricks that can only be used for sleeping. Are you going to live in it!? Does the bird want gifts and hardware!?"

He could only say this, you are not even as good as a mother bird. He kept it in his heart and did not dare to say it.

"You!? Okay, you have a temper!?"

Hu Caifeng jumped up from the bed in an instant, like a reincarnated goblin, and started acting up on the spot: "Can you pass the transfer or not!?"

"Not only do you have to transfer the ownership, but you also have to sign a slave agreement! We have prepared everything for you! After marriage, you give up all rights as a human being. We, Hu Caifeng, are your masters! Whatever you say! She will have all the financial power and all the housework. You do all the work, and you hand in your salary card! It’s up to us, the woman, to decide whether to have children or not!”

"That's right, isn't it popular now to sign something before getting married?"

"The fact that we didn't ask you to sign in front of your relatives and friends at the wedding is enough to give you face. Don't be shameless!"


Ye Yang thought of the news he had seen before, where the men were forced to sign such an agreement at the wedding. As a result, the men could not bear the insult and left angrily.

Some people in Huibo's comments think that this man is not good enough and he can't stand it anymore. He will be violently abused sooner or later in the future. Well done! And I can’t understand why the man didn’t sign.


Liu Yuan's fists clenched so hard.

How had he ever received such insults since he was a child? ?

If he hadn't been robbed in the United States, he could have found a normal person with his savings.

I thought that looking for this kind of rubbish among the rubbish, the other party would be a little self-aware, and a poor man would be paired with a weirdo.

But the other party obviously has no such consciousness at all.

Boys basically already know how poor they are, but these women obviously haven't realized how weird they are.

It's hard to tell whether a social scum of this level is a simian or a human being. How come you deserve to put forward such a condition?

"Ouch! He's clenching his fists!"

"Hurry up and take a picture of him! This is evidence that he has violent tendencies!"

"He will definitely commit domestic violence in the future!"

"Just because of this, you have to pay another 200,000 yuan as a deposit. As long as you suffer domestic violence in the future, this money will always belong to us, Hu Caifeng!"

"That's right!"

All the girlfriends want to take pictures with their mobile phones.

"You guys have gone too far!"

None of the groomsmen could stand it anymore. Although they knew it was someone else's wedding and it was hard to talk about it, they still couldn't help but angrily yelled.

"Too much!? We don't know how much we have given in! At the beginning, we thought that only Prince Charming could be worthy of us! If there was no other way, who would marry you chickens and dogs!?"

The best friends all mocked.


The groomsmen were all indignant, but it was Liu Yuan himself who made the final decision, and there was nothing they could do.

Ye Yang patted Liu Yuan on the shoulder: "Make a decision."

Liu Yuan took a deep breath, his expression changing several times.

Ye Yang waited quietly for him to make a decision.

Whether to compromise with reality and evil, or to live a little more of yourself.

You can only make your own choices. Help is meaningful only when a person has the will to survive.

If he gives up, even if it can help him now, his future life will not be smooth.


Liu Yuan clenched his palms with bloodstains, then took a deep breath and looked at Hu Caifeng with bloodstained eyes: "I will pay you back all the expenses for this wedding. I am now I have no money, but even if I borrow money and break my head, I will sue you for cheating! But after this incident, I will buy you a big mirror! "

He turned around angrily: "This marriage is not done today!!!"

The groomsmen all cheered and gave Hu Caifeng a few poisonous chicken soup old ladies a middle finger, then whistled and followed Liu Yuan out with their hands behind their backs.

Ye Yang nodded.

Making this decision is not easy for a man who is frustrated, under tremendous mental pressure in life, and is about to enter middle age.

But since Liu Yuan still maintains this attitude towards his life.

He will not stand idly by.

The bridesmaids kept scolding me.

"Let's go! If you go, don't come back!"

"You're suing us!? You still want the money back in our hands!? Stop dreaming!"

"Trash man! How dare you resist!?"


They were dumbfounded until Liu Yuan and his party really left.

"Haha, let him go! He will come back crying and begging me soon!"

Hu Caifeng sneered: "Chinese women are so valuable nowadays! If someone is willing to marry him, why don't you kneel down and thank Longen? His family won't let him make this choice! Trash men can't do it in reality!"

"what happened!?"

Hu Caifeng's parents rushed over, looking unhappy.

The few outsiders who were helping here were so angry just now that when they saw Hu Caifeng's parents coming, they thought they were going to educate this woman.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they opened their mouths, they scolded him: "It's hard to find an honest person, why do you force him to leave?"

"Haha, I can't leave. You have to come back and beg me later."

Hu Caifeng is extremely confident.

"You are looking for someone to take over the business. In a few months, the secret will be revealed when you get pregnant. You should tie him up quickly and slowly take over his family's property after marriage. You are too hasty!"

"That's right, we have really wasted all these years of educating you!"


Several outsiders were dumbfounded.

Good guy, I can only say one thing about this family education, it is simply awesome!

(First update)

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