Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 991: I thought it was Pansi Cave, but it turned out to be a pigsty

“No problem.”

Ye Yang nodded.

How many good friends can you have from childhood to adulthood? If you don’t help them, who else can you help?

“But your fiancée doesn’t sound like a good person. As the old saying goes, you should marry a virtuous wife. As a brother, I have to persuade you.”

Ye Yang thought about it and said.

“…If I can find someone better than her, I will not agree to this marriage.”

Liu Yuan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “When people grow up, even if they have the ability, sometimes they can’t help themselves. Not to mention ordinary people like me, whether to get married or not, what to do, is not my choice.

The pressure from home and society. As an ordinary person, there is no way not to compromise…

Of course, brother, you will never have this feeling in your life.”

Ye Yang drank a glass of wine, indeed.

He understood this truth when he was very young, so he studied hard and worked hard in all aspects just to get rid of the sad fate of being an ordinary person.

But he knew.

If there is no system, he would be at most a small supervisor in the Wanmin Company, earning 30,000 or 40,000 yuan a month. People who respect him call him an elite, but he is still a pathetic worker.

If everything goes well in this life, with his ability, he may be able to buy a house in Shanghai in his 30s or 40s, buy a decent car, marry a decent wife, pay the mortgage, have children, and raise children.

Then his life passed like this...

In the eyes of those who are not doing well, he is an elite, but he still cannot escape the essence of being an ordinary person who is just a little richer than ordinary people.

How difficult is it for a person of ordinary background to achieve a real class leap?


"Oh! Let's not talk about this, drink!"

He drank all night.

After drinking, he sang a nursery rhyme, but didn't order a princess.

The next day, Liu Yuan and Ye Yang strolled around the Yundingshan Manor and were envious.

Lian asked Ye Yang, this manor must be worth at least 100 million, right?

Ye Yang smiled and said it was about the same.

Afterwards, he returned to a small county town in Jilin Province to prepare for the wedding.

The woman had many requirements.

Not only did she have to live with her after marriage and support her parents.

The per capita income of this small county town in Jilin Province is only two or three thousand yuan, and the average gift is between 20,000 and 60,000 yuan.

He asked for a gift of 200,000 yuan. For an ordinary family, 10,000 yuan is a large number, and every additional 10,000 yuan is a huge pressure. Zhang Yuan ran around to get enough money.

Ye Yang originally thought that giving such a high gift to such a rubbish woman was a dog-licking, but seeing Liu Yuan like this, he couldn't help but sigh that some people might really be helpless...

But what surprised him was.

Such a typical toxic chicken soup girl didn't ask for a house and a car before marriage...

This is also the reason why the two can get married.

Other blind date girls asked for a house and a car, but Liu Yuan didn't have one.

So, no matter what, Liu Yuan could only marry this toxic chicken soup girl, at least she didn't ask for a house and a car.

Ye Yang wanted to help him, but thinking of his stubbornness when he was a child, he felt that it would hurt his self-esteem, so he waited and see, and found an opportunity to help him again.


On the wedding day, the wedding banquet was still quite lively.

According to Liu Yuan's financial situation, he didn't want to have a big wedding, but the other party had a hard request, so he squeezed out more than 100,000 yuan to hold the wedding.

Before Ye Yang was invited, these had already been decided, and Ye Yang couldn't say anything.

Everything seemed normal.

Until the stage of picking up the bride.

The bride's family came from other places, and there was no custom of blocking the door in the Northeast.

But these bridesmaids blocked the door and refused to open it, and they had to pay before opening the door.

The boarding fee, the disembarkation fee, the hardware, etc., are all expenses outside the wedding. Zhang Yuan is now in debt, where can he have money.

The hundreds of yuan handed over were thrown back.

"Poor bastard! You are just fooling around with a few hundred dollars! You can't marry a wife without money!"

"That's right! Our Hu Caifeng is naturally beautiful and virtuous. She married a down-and-out trash man like you. Don't you know what she looks like? You're still slacking! No wonder you're still single at 30!"

"That's right! I, Hu Caifeng, was wronged to marry you. Is that all you're sincere about?"


Ye Yang frowned when he heard this. If he met such a fool, he would at least make them concussed. But now this thing in the room is Liu Yuan's future partner after all. It's not right for him to ruin it.


Liu Yuan looked at Ye Yang for help.

Ye Yang smiled and waited for him to speak. He didn't let him say the following words. He handed over some bills: "Just think of it as a loan from you. Just pay me back within 20 years."


Liu Yuan nodded.

Handed the money in.

Ye Yang sighed. He didn't mind helping his brother, but he felt dirty when he thought that his money had gone into the hands of these disgusting women.

"That's good enough. Let it in?"

A rough and arrogant voice came from inside.

Open the door.

Ye Yang almost fell.

Seeing these people boasting before opening the door, I don't know if it was a Pansi Cave with seven graceful spider spirits. In the end, there were no spiders, but a group of pig spirits...

At first glance, it was full of evil spirits.

None of them looked normal. He couldn't help but look at Liu Yuan with sympathy.

He would have to deal with these guys in the future...

Just thinking about it made his scalp numb.

Liu Yuan walked in with a stiff upper scalp.

The one on the bed is short, fat, dark and ugly.

If I have to praise it, it is that it has its own characteristics. It is really hard to find something like this in this world.

"Sigh... If the appearance of the black potato can still score 1.5 points, this fat black potato with pockmarked potatoes only feels like a 0.5 point."


He had a polite yet awkward smile on his face.

If I hadn't done well back then, I might have become Liu Yuan today...

I have the heart to think about death.

"Let's go?"

Liu Yuan said with a forced smile on his face.

"Haha, you want to ask me to leave now? I can't ask you to leave that easily!"

Hu Caifeng sneered.

"Didn't we agree?"

Liu Yuan frowned.

"That's what I said yesterday. What does it have to do with me today? We women just want to do whatever we want and do whatever we say! Only after training you to be as obedient as a dog can you barely respect women!"

Hu Caifeng sneered.


Everyone present could tell that something was not quite right.

"What do you want?"

Liu Yuan frowned.

"One, kneel down and kiss my shoes!"

"Two, buy me a car and a house!"

"Third, promise that I will have the final say in everything in the house from now on. All rights are mine and you don't have any rights!"

The woman raised her black face and looked arrogant.

"What did you say!?"

Liu Yuanhuo was so angry that he got angry.

Being able to play with Ye Yang, he is naturally not a bitch. If he hadn't been forced to have no choice, today's wedding would still exist.

(Second update)

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