Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 990: Old Neighbor Encountered a Zero-Yuan Shopping Incident

"Brother Ye Yang, I saw the broadcast of your game in Xiangwan."

Lin Xueer smiled.

Ye Yang nodded.

Because there were shadows within the system behind that game, the broadcast video was not too much controlled in China. By the way, it also used it to promote anti-gambling and anti-fraud.

The effect is good.

Facts have proved that people with good gambling skills basically play whatever cards they want. If you, an ordinary person, go to gamble, you are just giving away money!

Free gift!


Ye Yang also didn't expect that the country would always find a unique angle to publicize, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

"It's so thrilling!"

Lin Xueer said: "After all, it's one against three. My little heart was pounding when I watched it!"

Ye Yang laughed and said: "It's really a big mistake for you. I should have told you earlier, but don't say this to others."

He whispered to Lin Xueer: "Actually, out of the three, two are ours~"

"Pfft! It's real or fake!"

Lin Xueer blinked.

"Hahaha... just think I'm bragging."

Ye Yang didn't explain any more, laughed, and walked into the bungalow hotpot with Lin Xueer on his arm.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time.

It is now November and the weather is getting colder.

It's a good time to have a hot pot meal to warm up the body and warm up the friendship.

I am used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas. This time I randomly ordered some ordinary meals and spent less than 10,000 yuan.

Opened a few bottles of fruit drinks.

A meal only costs 20,000 yuan.

It was the most homely meal Ye Yang had eaten recently.

However, the two of them are considered old lovers and don't pay much attention to that.

After eating, we found a top-notch KTV room in the city and made out for a while. We were very passionate. It had been a long time since we had seen each other.

I originally planned to make out after watching the movie, but the two of them were so passionate about each other that they couldn't hold it any longer.

In the dim light, with flying clouds on his cheeks and skin like gelatin, Ye Yang first had a feast of steamed buns, and Lin Xueer had a feast of mushrooms.

After eating and drinking, it is pure original water juice.

It's almost ready for dinner.

After a long time, Ye Yangcai helped Lin Xueer out. Seeing that he could no longer watch the movie, he had to send her back to Linjiang Community.


Lamborghini Poison speeds down the street.

As we were about to enter Yundingshan Manor, we saw a familiar figure from behind.

His heart moved and he parked the car next to the figure: "Liu Yuan?"

Liu Yuan is a bald man. He was his neighborhood playmate when he was a child. His relationship with him has always been pretty good. He said he would go to the United States a few years ago, but he didn't want to see him here now.

"Why are you here?! When did you come back?"

Ye Yang's eyes lit up. He hadn't seen him for several years and suddenly saw his childhood playmate. He was very happy.

He got out of the car and signaled to the community doorman not to open the door.

Now the entire Yunding Mountain belongs to him, and all the staff here naturally serve him.

"Ye Yang..."

Liu Yuan didn't expect to see him, and he was so pleasantly surprised at this moment: "I didn't expect you to really become rich! Live in a big villa and drive a big luxury car! When I first heard what those old neighbors said, I didn't believe it! "

Ye Yang laughed and said it was all due to good luck.

"Are you the one who acted in the movie? We grew up, but we didn't know you knew martial arts! You've hidden it quite well!"

Liu Yuan was amazed.

"Well, it's me."

Ye Yang nodded, there was nothing he didn't admit.

"This star is making money!"

Liu Yuan looked at the big villa with emotion.

"Haha, let's go. It's been a while. Let's go out for a late-night snack. If you want to, I'll take you in for a walk tomorrow."

Ye Yang patted Liu Yuan on the back and was in a good mood.

"Ah good……"

Liu Yuan thought for a while, then cautiously put away what he was holding, and drank Lamborghini poison with Ye Yang.

"The feeling of sitting in this supercar is different!"

Liu Yuan sighed.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang looked at Liu Yuan and estimated that this old man was not doing well recently, so he didn't talk much about money and changed the subject: "When did you come back?"

"It's been more than a month."

Liu Yuan smiled bitterly.

"What? Have you had enough girls in America?"

Ye Yang laughed.

Liu Yuan mentioned this and lit up a cigarette: "Stop talking about it, the myth of the United States has ended... When I go there, it's hard to say what I can say in the past few years..."


Ye Yang nodded: "There is a good barbecue stall in front, let's eat at that."

He chose a barbecue restaurant with a moderate price tag. Considering Liu Yuan's condition, taking him to a place where a meal cost tens of thousands of dollars at once would hurt his self-esteem.

When I was a child, this guy was very dignified. Because he was the older one among his playmates, everyone took care of his face.

Before eating a few skewers, Liu Yuan had already drank three bottles of wine.

A bit drunk.

"Brother, I've been living so well these past few years and I'm really not afraid of your jokes. It's too bad. I couldn't stay there any longer so I came back on my own... I missed the best age. I believe hard work will lead to success. Now I'm getting older too. I'm old and don't have much money.

It took me a month after I came back to find a job. During that time, I went on blind dates with more than 20 people, but no one liked me. "

Liu Yuan's eyes turned red as he spoke.

Ye Yang also had a drink, thinking about how to tactfully tell him that he could provide him with a better job.

"I'm actually still in my hometown. I came to Shanghai this time just to find you."

Liu Yuan thought about it and took out the invitation from his chest: "I heard from a few people in my hometown that you are rich now. If I just send an invitation, it may not reach you. I think it's better to come to you in person..."


Ye Yang took the invitation and took a look at it. His eyes lit up: "Wedding invitation?! You are so good. You just said that no one wants it, and you are getting married now..."

As he said, he found that Liu Yuan's face was not right.

"Is your fiancée not happy?"

Ye Yang asked.


Liu Yuan drank a bottle of wine and complained.

Ye Yang gradually understood.

Liu Yuan didn't make any foundation in the United States. He also encountered the "zero-dollar shopping" spawned by the "freedom every day" atmosphere. The store he saved money to open was sold out.

He came back alone.

Twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, no money, no house, no car, and just found a job.

After a month of blind dating, he met all kinds of weirdos, but none of them liked him.

After all, most of the women who can be reduced to blind dating are the most difficult to deal with.

They are weird and have many requirements.

Except for a few who wasted time because of their pursuit of excellence.

Most of them are not good, but no one likes them, otherwise they would not be nearly 30 years old and still rely on blind dating to find a partner.

The last one reluctantly liked him.

But it’s hard to say.

According to his description, Ye Yang seemed to see the black potato he met on a blind date last summer.

But this black potato seemed to have some money.

They were getting married after just a few days of dating, and now they came to invite him to go back to attend the wedding and join the best man group...

(First update)

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