Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 989: Luan Bird and Nantianmen

Four big characters came into view.

"Luanniao plan?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows in confusion.

“Did the Yutu spacecraft really find something on the moon?”

Recently, there have been rumors on the Internet that China's Yutu lunar orbiter has found something on the moon. Technology has been developing rapidly.

Not only has the military been advancing through generations, but the United States has also developed electromagnetic guns that were once only mentioned in science fiction concepts.

And it doesn’t seem to be newly researched. The technology is mature enough to be installed on aircraft carriers.

And it developed into a famous meme: The United States is responsible for the fantasy, and China is responsible for the realization.

Moreover, it has been rumored that Chinese high-level officials want to develop a space aircraft carrier and call this project the Luanniao Project.

However, most people thought it was a joke and laughed at it.

I didn't expect to see these four words on this red-headed document.


Ye Yang flipped through it, and it was roughly the same as the space carrier mentioned on the Internet, but many details were different.

The Luanniao Project is indeed developing an aerospace carrier.

After flipping through it, he found another file under the file.

"Nantianmen plan?"

Something moved in his heart.

After turning a few pages, he looked at Dong Anbang in surprise: "This!?"

Dong Anbang nodded, indicating that Ye Yang had read it correctly.


Even Ye Yang couldn't help but marvel at the Supreme Committee's decision.

This Nantianmen project is directly to build a space fortress! ! !

"One step is faster, each step is faster. We have had this idea for too many years, but nuclear fission power is not enough to complete such technology. Now that we have finally mastered controllable nuclear fusion, these two projects were launched immediately."

Dong Anbang looked serious: "First lay the foundation with the Luanniao Project, and then develop the Nantianmen Space Fortress as soon as possible and gain the right to dominate space."

Ye Yang nodded.

"Foreign space-based weapons have made us feel depressed in the past few years. Now we not only have to overtake them, but also crush them. The power of China cannot be insulted by others!"

Dong Anbang said in a deep voice.

"However, we also know that it is very difficult to achieve such a big step at the military level. The initial budget is to complete the Luanniao Project within ten years. As for the Nantianmen Project, it is still early to just propose the project concept. "

"As long as you need it, we will provide you with any support. Resources, manpower, technology, materials. As long as we can do it, just ask for it."


Ye Yang nodded.

"The application of controllable nuclear fusion kinetic energy has always been a research project of the technology company under my name. As long as the controllable nuclear fusion kinetic energy conversion is achieved, other problems are not actually too big. According to the current accumulation of aircraft carrier technology, it is enough "

"I estimate that Luanniao-1 should be built within three years."


Dong Anbang looked very excited: "Really?"


Ye Yang nodded.

"As for funds, there is no need to use capital reserves. Didn't we just win 300 billion US dollars? Put it all in first, and we will worry about the lack of money."

Ye Yang smiled.

Now he is one of China's wills. China's development is his development. The more powerful China is, the more powerful he will be.

Standing at this height, taking the world as one's own responsibility is a natural mentality.

It's just a little money spent. If this plan can really be completed, what is the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars?

Photon weapons are several generations ahead of the world and must not be exposed for the time being.

The emergence of aerospace aircraft carriers will definitely bring China's deterrence to a peak level! ! !

The greatest deterrent today is nuclear weapons.

And aerospace aircraft carriers are destined to become a fixed threat in the world alongside nuclear weapons...

after all.

Nuclear weapons can only be used in attacks.

But for an aircraft carrier floating in the sky, there are basically no weapons that can be obtained, and the weapons that can be obtained cannot be hit.

It belongs to an era of absolute technological suppression.

In an era when nuclear bombs cannot be released, it is an absolute deterrent by force!

It can be said that in China, which is protected by its aerospace aircraft carrier, no country will dare to threaten with force and will easily utter the word sanctions at every turn.

In turn, they will fear that China will sanction them.

Because they know that if there is a real fight, without the need for joint destruction by nuclear bombs, China, which has an aerospace aircraft carrier, will almost definitely win!

At that time, the offensive and defensive momentum will really be different! ! !


After communicating the details of the mission and having a light meal at Ye Yang's place.

Dong Anbang got into a special car and left.

Ye Yang locked the files in the secret room and knocked on the table.

He has decided to leave this problem to the black technology company.

"However, the movement this time will definitely be huge, and it will be impossible to hide it anymore, and we will need to communicate closely with the military during the process..."

After careful consideration.

Ye Yang decided to branch out another subsidiary under the name of Ye Shenhei Technology Company and register it as Jiuzhou Industry.

Shentu is in charge of the development of Internet technology, from virtual reality game warehouses to Falcon 1 wafers, etc., and has now reached the world's most cutting-edge scale.

The market value is close to 2 billion Chinese coins, surpassing Apple and becoming the world’s number one is just around the corner.

So, this Jiuzhou Industry specializes in heavy industry and military technology.

In future benchmark science fiction movies, the level of Stark Industries.


This company is destined to be a system-based group.

After all, it is impossible to develop a military-industrial enterprise in China without going beyond the physical constitution.

With Ye Yang's promotion and the support of the Supreme Committee.

Jiuzhou Industry was ready within half a month.

In Ye Shenhei Technology's parent company, the team originally responsible for the nuclear fusion project was all incorporated into Jiuzhou Industry, and all parties in China provided sufficient talent reserves and technical workers.

A military-industrial behemoth built its skeleton within half a month.

Details and institutional perfection are secondary, and core scientific and technological theoretical breakthroughs are the top priority.

In the process of external construction.

Internal technology research and development is also speeding up the progress of technology.


This matter is in full swing, everything is in order. Although it is large in scale, it has not splashed a spark in the outside world.

Everything is proceeding step by step.

Ye Yang is only responsible for dispatching, and he will be consulted only when there are major events. Most of the time, he is still spending his days leisurely.

"Hey! Author! Why haven't you updated yet!"

"You write so much nonsense every day!"

"Are you rich or something? Come and update quickly!!!"

"As long as you update 100 chapters, I will reward you one dollar!!!"


Ye Yang flipped through the comments section. He was traveling outside during this period and often stopped updating. He smiled slightly at this time.

He looked at his phone. The girls in Shanghai had been waiting for him for a long time and wanted to ask him out to play.

"It's not that I don't update, it's just that there are too many girls and it's hard to refuse their kindness!!!"

He sighed.

(Second update)

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