Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 988 Dong Anbang visits again, top secret mission

"Haha... Mr. Ye, I really didn't give in to you."

Zhou Dexing smiled and wanted to make a haha ​​before avoiding the topic.

But seeing Ye Yang looking at him, Stephen also put down his wine glass.

He had no choice but to suppress his smile and said seriously: "Okay, since Mr. Ye really wants to know, I will just say it casually, and you can just listen to what you want."


He twirled the wine glass and said, "I actually know Mr. Ye's true identity."


This sentence made Ye Yang a little surprised.

His true identity has many layers. I really can’t guess which one Zhou Dexing is talking about.

"Mr. Ye represents China's Zhengxu. Am I right?"

Zhou Dexing smiled slightly.

Now that Stephen is here, he can't speak too clearly.


Ye Yang laughed, knowing that Zhou Dexing should know that he was a Chinese lieutenant general or deputy.

He nodded and acknowledged.

Stephen didn't understand what he was hearing, but he understood some of the meaning.

But I can't guess the specifics.

"Although I have used gambling to prove my truth throughout my life, it was also the only way to make a living in that chaotic era. I have always had feelings for my motherland."

Zhou Dexing sighed with emotion: "If the Li family doesn't be clever this time and unite so many foreign forces to bet against Mr. Ye, I will follow the agreement I made with the Li family and take action for him."

"But he should never collude with external forces to harm Mr. Ye."

"I know Mr. Ye's contribution to China in the past year or so, and I have admired you for a long time. Forgive me for not being able to help foreigners deceive our own people."

He shook his head and said firmly.


Ye Yang felt warm inside.

Although he has thought about many reasons, he really has not thought about this reason in depth.

Zhou Dexing is now in his twilight years, and naturally he doesn't want to hide anything from Ye Yang, so he simply tells the cause and effect:

"More than twenty years ago, Xiangwan and Aowan were attacked by foreign financial giants. They wanted to use this as a springboard to invade the mainland market and defeat the Chinese market, which was still fragile at the time. The whole of China was trying its best to block it. This blockage not only has a bright side. There are also fierce battles in the dark.”

"I'm part of this war too."

Ye Yang was moved. He had only heard that Zhou Dexing fought for China alone among the Thirteen Saints of the various countries, but he had never asked in detail about the specific matter.

"Is it that time in 1998?"


Zhou Dexing nodded.

"That time, the hot money giant used all means and launched an all-round financial attack. The gambling industry also made waves."

"This is where the Thirteen Saints entered China, hoping to get a piece of the pie. The capital sides of various countries promoted the showdown through pressure from all sides."

"The Supreme Committee at the time contacted me and hoped that I could come forward to challenge."

"So, with the battle at the top of Aowan, you all already know the result."

Zhou Dexing smiled slightly.

Ye Yang nodded, also in awe of Zhou Dexing.

"After that time, I kept in touch with people in the system and formed friendships."

He shrugged: "And he basically doesn't leave the world anymore."

Ye Yang nodded.

If so, it would make sense.

Although no one from inside the gambling came to ask about specific matters this time, they probably did a lot for him secretly.

He couldn't help but feel a little moved.

China's system does things sometimes in a subtle and silent manner.


"Haha, how can the Li family not lose?"

Ye Yang thought of the Li family again, it was so miserable...

Three opponents, two moles.

Only one Menace was an honest man, but ended up in a state of disgrace and humiliation.


Speaking of which.

All three of them laughed...

It was a very enjoyable dinner.

It didn't end until midnight.

In the past few days, Ye Yang took his family to have fun in Xiangwan.

Wherever he went, people greeted him and gathered around him to sign autographs, so he had to wear a temperament medal to minimize the attention of others.

Disneyland in Xiangwan and many amusement spots were all visited.


The golden week passed quickly.

But now the Golden Week craze has long passed.

Ye Yang is also preparing to take his family back.

After returning to Ji Province, I stayed at home for more than half a month and spent a good time with my parents.

Huaxia Kyushu University is not far from home.

Ye Xiaozi can still go home after school.

The whole family is also enjoying themselves.

At the end of October, because of a top-secret envelope, Ye Yang returned to the Magic City.

Yundingshan Manor, secret room.

Only Ye Yang knows the password here, and it is a top-secret place.

The highest-ranking person in the country like him would have such a space for top-secret talks.

The room is equipped with various state-of-the-art domestic anti-monitoring technologies to ensure absolute safety.



Ye Yang was already sitting on the sofa, waiting for the important person to arrive.

"Da Da..."

The secret rooms were opened and then closed again.

Ye Yang stood up and shook hands with the burly man in general uniform: "General Dong."

"Brother Ye."

Admiral Dong laughed: "Long time no see. Don't be so outspoken. We have interacted with each other several times. Just call me Old Dong."

"Thank you for the organization's arrangement this time."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

General Dong smiled slightly, knowing that Ye Yang was talking about the $300 billion bet in Xiangwan: "Mr. Zhou told me that even if we don't entrust him this time, with your ability, Brother Ye, you can win this game."

Ye Yang nodded, and did not deny it, but it would take a lot of energy, and that feeling was still very bad.

This time, because Stephen worked a lot, he planned to give him $30 billion, but the other party didn't care, just said that if Ye Yang insisted on a return, he could use the money to invest in the Xiangwan project.

As for Zhou Dexing, he didn't take any of it, just said that he would make a friend of Ye Yang.

The two sat down.


"Old Dong, this time you come, you should not just come to see me, right?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.


General Dong Anbang paused for a moment and took out a confidential document from his arms.

"Given your familiarity with controlled nuclear fusion, the core part of this mission will also be completed by you, Mr. Ye. This mission is higher in level than the last Awakening Lion Plan."


Ye Yang's eyes also became serious.

The last Awakening Lion Plan was intended to strike the Black Source Organization that invaded China. It was of a very high level and eradicated at one go.

He led the team to eliminate the enemy headquarters.

This mission is actually slightly higher in level than the last one, which shows how important this mission is.

He opened the file bag with the word "top secret" printed on it and took out the red-headed document...

(First update)

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