Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 987: The Li Family’s Abandoned Son, the Three Gods’ Wine Party


A great war ended.

300 billion US dollars, all belonged to Ye Yang.

However, many of them were mortgaged with assets.

Ye Yang was too lazy to care about these trivial matters, so he asked Yu Momo to do it.

If the assets are worth collecting, they will be collected. If the assets are not suitable or it is more troublesome to collect, let the gambling parties exchange the money themselves, and then come to exchange the money.

Now, everyone knows that Ye Yang almost knows what is going on behind this gambling game.

In the midst of suspicion.

Ye Yang also released the news that the debt collection of the Xiangwan Li family can be slowed down and there is no need to urge more. In addition, he is very grateful to the Li family for facilitating this gambling game, giving money and fame, and will visit them to thank them another day.

The eyes of the major forces suddenly turned red!

Although this statement is ambiguous, the implicit meaning is clear.

A little taste will make it clear what it means...

"We were tricked by the Li family!"

"This is a trap set by him and Ye Yang!!!"

"Damn Li Jiazi!"

"If you have the guts, don't leave China in this life, otherwise I will kill you!"


Various shouts came from all over the world.

Many friends of the Li family broke off relations with the Li family.

"After years of friendship between our two families, this is how you repay us!?"

"I was blind to make a friend like you! My father almost skinned me because I believed in you, a devil who knows a person's face but not his heart!"

"Break off relations! Pay money!!!"


Various voices came.

Like a mountain and a sea, it crushed Li Jiazi, causing him to fall ill and lie on the bed with a pale face.

In fact, all parties knew very well that this might be Ye Yang's strategy.

But they were no longer in the mood to think.

The internal structure of such a large power was not originally a monolithic entity. Now, the faction that advocated investment at the beginning must vent their anger, explain, and do something to consolidate their position in the original power.

And Ye Yang sold Li Jiazi out.

It just gave everyone an outlet to vent.

All the anger was poured on Li Jiazi.

The truth is not important, everyone needs this scapegoat.

The fake is also true.

"Ah!!! Damn Ye Yang!!!"

Li Jiazi roared in grief, but choked herself and coughed fiercely.


Li Laocheng was overseas and was moved by this big storm, and was invited back by the Li family.

Now the Li family's shares in the group are being sold, cash flow is exhausted, and the situation is worrying.

There is no way, only to find the old master to come back...

Li Family Manor.

Li Laocheng returned in a dusty state.

After all, he is a hero of the old era, with skills, credibility, and connections. He calms down public anger and suppresses public opinion. He has courage and determination.

After spending several days, he finally pulled the Li family back from the brink of collapse.

But the losses were extremely heavy and the vitality was greatly damaged.

After several days of busy work, he finally had time to take a breath and came to Li Jiazi's bed.


Li Jiazi was extremely aggrieved.


Li Laocheng looked at Li Jiazi's behavior and shook his head: "I have repaid the favor I owed your mother. From today on, you are no longer my son. You, go!"


Although Li Jiazi had expected it, he did not expect Li Laocheng to be able to make a decision on the father-son relationship. This was something he did not expect...


Li Laocheng had been heartbroken and disappointed for a long time. He turned around and did not want to hear a word.

The Li family bodyguards came over, one on the left and one on the right, and lifted Li Jiazi from the bed.

"You!!! I am the current head of the Li family! You rebelled! Dare to bite the master!?"

He screamed wildly.

"You are no longer the head of the family, shut up!"

"Say less, we will give you a good place!"

The two bodyguards sneered.

The situation is different now, and the phoenix that has fallen from the scaffold is no better than a chicken, who will pay attention to his shouting.


Li Jiazi knew that the matter was irreversible.

"Damn old man! You are so heartless! You owed my mother back then, and you can never repay it anyway!!! Do you think this is the end! You..."

Li Laocheng's veins popped: "Throw it out!"

The two bodyguards immediately understood, and their legs were like the wind, and they took Li Jiazi out in a flash...

Li Laocheng sighed.

Walking to the head of the bed, looking at an old photo: "No matter what, you shouldn't provoke Mr. Ye..."

He looked up and sighed, then said: "Contact Mr. Ye, I will visit him tomorrow, I hope he will agree."


Ye Yang didn't know about the chaos in the Li family these days, but he also knew that they would not have an easy time.

300 billion US dollars is not a small amount.

In Africa, it is enough to affect the fate of more than a dozen countries...

You know, Gambia, known as the universe kingdom of Africa, has a GDP of less than 3 billion US dollars.

300 billion US dollars, in front of such a country, can do almost anything...


On this day.

The outside world's heated discussion about the top of the Bay has not ended.

In the top box of the top restaurant Fulinmen in Xiangwan.

The three parties have gathered together to eat and drink.

A table of top dishes and drinks, including top red wine and top white wine.

A table costs about several million.

This is extremely luxurious for ordinary people, but for the three gambling gods, it is an ordinary meal to improve their lives.

Especially for Ye Yang, it is a commonplace meal.

"It tastes good, but the environment is a bit bad."

"This is how it feels like a commonplace meal, close to life."

"Haha, I've been traveling all year round, and I've been to many high-end environments. It's okay as long as it tastes good."

Ye Yang, Stephen, and Zhou Dexing chatted and laughed.

"Before this battle, you two really talked about it."

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Ye Yang said with a smile.

"Haha, in this game, my momentum was mostly used to suppress Menasi cleverly."

Stephen laughed: "This old guy looks chubby, but he is very proud inside. I have looked down on him for many years. This time, I just want to punish him! By the way, help my partner!"

"Has it reached this point?"

Zhou Dexing shook his head with a smile.

At the beginning, they didn't know the depth. That night, the two of them just talked briefly and tested each other's tone.

I thought Stephen was inclined to Ye Yang, but I didn't expect that he was an iron undercover.

It would be fine if he let the game go, but he also tried every means to deal with that Menasis...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic to Menasis.

Among the four great gambling gods in the world, he was the only one who was excluded, and everyone was not proud of him.

Not only that, except Zhou Dexing, the other two were thinking about how to deal with him.

This is too miserable.

After laughing.

Ye Yang also looked serious and asked the doubts that had been suppressed in his heart for a few days: "Mr. Zhou and I have never met before, I don't know why he let me go this time?"

(Second update)

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