Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 986: Three victories in three battles, the God of Gamblers

The so-called golden top.

It is to use peerless gambling skills to seal the potential of the cards, just like Wanjun gold pressing on the deck of cards, setting the trend and finalizing it. After pressing, no matter whether it is to peek at the cards or change the cards, it cannot be used.

However, as a price, the caster cannot move the top card before opening the card, otherwise it will destroy the potential of the card.

Therefore, Menassis's plan of stealing the sky and changing the sun has nowhere to be used after the golden pressure is overthrown, and can only be left in vain.


He said nothing and turned towards Zhou Dexing's table.

"We won! We have won now!"

"If you win two out of three, you can already get a huge bet of hundreds of billions of dollars!"

"Does he think he can still win the third table!?"

"If that's the case, then you can really rely on the old god's reputation to become the most famous person in history!"


More than a dozen gambling saints sighed.

I have never heard of anyone who can compete with three people in the same realm and win them all.

Even those legendary gambling gods that only existed in the Middle Ages or Chinese history are the same, if the gambling world also has a history.

If Ye Yang also gets a winning card in the third card, then he will be the first person in recorded history!

"I don't think it's possible!"


Li family manor.

Li Jiazi blasted the TV and broke the transparent TV.

It's over.

All is lost!

Now we can only hope that Ye Yang will not win three consecutive games.

If he loses only one-third, although the Li family's cash flow will be wiped out by him, there are still many industries that can make a comeback sooner or later.

"Why is this happening! This is not fair! How is this possible!"


He looks like a madman.

"Ahem, Master, are you still watching!?"

The old housekeeper asked from the side.

The big-breasted girl was hiding nearby, not daring to speak. It was she and the old housekeeper who thought that there used to be a God of Gamblers who owed favor to the Li family, so they asked them to come out and suppress Ye Yang.

As a result, Li Jiazi had no sense of contentment at all. He was greedy and insatiable, just like a second-generation rich man who rose up under cover.

Not only must he play, but he must play until he is completely uncontrollable!

He even secretly contacted many powerful people, including friends of the Li family and enemies of Ye Yang!

These forces all gathered together under Li Jiazi's instigation, pooled together 300 billion US dollars, and forced Ye Yang to the gambling table.

Now, we have to accept huge losses...

Li Jiazi's spine is now running cold, and the game that must be won has made him play like this.


He must know whether he lost 100 billion or 300 billion in the end.

The old housekeeper broke into a cold sweat and handed over his mobile phone...

The top of the Australian Bay.

Ye Yang walked up to Zhou Dexing.

The dealer opens both sides.

His mouth grew again, but after seeing the Supreme Heavenly Royal Flush just now, when he saw this scene again, he was just surprised for a short while, and then announced:

"Mr. Zhou Dexing and Mr. Ye have drawn two more royal flushes!"



The whole audience was amazed.

All were shocked by the God of Gamblers' magical skills.

The Royal Flush, which had not been seen for many years, actually came out in five pairs at this small table of three and six people! ! !

Could it be that, as in the legend, the God of Gamblers has become so skilled that he can show whatever cards he comes up with?

Only by confronting another God of Gamblers can they disrupt each other's momentum.

Otherwise, if you grab it casually, it will at least be a flush!

"Alas, Mr. Zhou Dexing was humble enough to let me wait..."

A Japanese gambling sage sighed when he saw this scene.

"Yes, I just saw it today. The God of Gamblers is like a mountain. It is not something we can shake."

"We were too naive at the beginning, thinking that relying on the number of people could exhaust the energy of a god of gambling... In front of such a skilled being, it obviously doesn't take much effort for someone to defeat us."

"Not to mention the Thirteen Saints, even the Thirty Saints may not have been able to defeat Mr. Zhou in the beginning."


Several gambling saints who participated in the Battle of the Thirteen Saints back then were extremely emotional...


Now in his twilight years, Zhou Dexing can draw a royal flush against the odds of the God of Gamblers.

What should he do now that he is in his prime and has always been like a knife?

"Which side has the stronger suit!?"

Everyone is waiting to see.

The dealer paused for a moment.

The beautiful boss at the top of Aowan walked up in person and solemnly announced: "Mr. Zhou Dexing, it is the Royal Flush of the Grass Flower, and Ye Yang, the Royal Flush of Hearts, the third table, Ye Yang wins!!! !”

This sound was solemn.

Although the words were gentle, when they fell in everyone's ears, they sounded like a big bell in Honglu! ! !

“Win out of three!!!!”

"One to three, kill them all!!!"

"At the top of Aowan, all three gambling gods in the world have been defeated!!!"

Outside the stadium, cheers like mountains and seas erupted.

Today, countless people from all over the world came to watch this game.

After the news spread.

Aowan and Xiangwan both burst into cheers...

"How powerful this is!"

"The greatest god of gambling in ancient and modern times!"

"The God of Gamblers!!!"

Names like this are circulating among the people around the world who are paying attention to this game.

Everyone related to the gambling industry is once again famous by Ye Yang! ! !

“It’s incredible!!!”

"The person who said before that we, Ye Shenhao, will be defeated, come out and get beaten!"

"Who's talking about winning or losing, and who's talking about defeat!? Once the final outcome is revealed, all the sarcastic people will disappear!"

"Hahaha, it's so fun! It's so fun! Ye Shenhao, awesome!!!"

No matter what profession or profession, as long as a Chinese person makes such a shocking move, it will inspire 1.5 billion people of the same clan!

"In this battle, Mr. Ye will be crowned the God of Gamblers!!!"

The hustle and bustle of the outside world was so high that even the top of Aowan, a place where the sea and sky seemed to be cut off from the interference of worldly things, felt the shock.

Ye Yang had already known the outcome in his mind, and now he hugged Zhou Dexing with a fist in his arms: "I accept."

Zhou Dexing laughed: "I didn't let you down, it was just a fair fight. We could have had a good fight back then, but it's a pity that you and I are not in the same era. I am no longer in my prime now. In this era, you are indeed invincible." People can overwhelm me, so I can only accept the defeat.”


Ye Yang smiled, knowing that Zhou Dexing was not telling the truth.

In this scene, he could only conclude that Stephen was an undercover agent. As for Menace, he was an iron wolf. Zhou Dexing was the biggest variable.

If Zhou Dexing fights against him at all costs today, he will be in big trouble.

He could feel that Zhou Dexing was the strongest among the three.

However, he really couldn't figure out why Zhou Dexing had any reason to help him...

They had never even met each other before...

Could it be that Stephen secretly convinced him and made him betray him on the spot?

When I find a chance to ask...

He breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it involves the ownership of 300 billion US dollars. Although it is not too much, it is still money!

In any case, this battle has finally come to an end...

(First update)

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