Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 985: Supreme Heavenly Royal Flush

"The first table is open!"


Everyone looked over nervously.

Two straight flushes! ! !

You know, the probability of any straight flush appearing is only one thousandth in terms of probability!

Two sets appear together, one in a million!

"As expected of the God of Gamblers!"

"It's a royal flush! The last good luck that others may not encounter in ten years seems to be in their hands, but it is inevitable!"

"Whose is bigger!"


After the dealer made the appraisal, he smiled at the camera: "Mr. Ye's is a Royal Flush, which is even better! At the first table, Mr. Ye won!"

“I’m going, Royal Flush!!!”

Everyone was shocked.

There are many types of straight flush cards, and it is the largest card type.

There is only one Royal Flush, and it is the King of Flushes!

When it comes to difficulty, I don’t know how many times more difficult it is than a straight flush!

The probability is far less than one in a thousand!

Only when five cards of the same suit, 10, J, Q, K, and A, are drawn together can it be considered a royal flush.

For a straight flush, you only need five consecutive cards of each suit.

Every time a Royal Flush appears, it is in the battle of the God of Gamblers. Ordinary people, playing cards in their lifetime, will almost never be able to get a Royal Flush!

Because the probability of a royal flush is one in 6.4 million! ! !


"Ye God of Gambling is well-deserved!"

"First round, win!"

"Just winning one game is of no use at all. According to the rules, if he loses the next two games, he will still have to pay 300 billion US dollars. This game is the same as not winning!"

"Haha, that's right!"

"I don't think the outcome can be changed, I still lose!"

"That's right! It's said that Stephen, the God of Gamblers, likes Ye Yang and wants him to be his grandson-in-law. Maybe he made him his grandson-in-law on purpose!?"

"Well, the real outcome will be decided at the next table. That Menaces seems to have a bit of hatred for Ye Yang. He has neither nice words nor a good look. At least he tried his best."

"Well, you can see how capable Ye Yang is at the next table!"

"Is this God of Gamblers worthy of his name?"

Everyone paid attention.


Li Jiazi's face was ashen. When he saw Stephen's broadcast, he smashed the wine glass in his hand: "This old immortal, you know he was the one who let the water out in the past! Rubbish! Damn rubbish! Damn it!"

He cursed viciously, but found that he wouldn't have been able to stop it even if he had known better.

They were planning a conspiracy to instigate Zhou Dexing and Menaces to get Ye Yang.

He also participated in the competition in his own name, and what attracted the world's attention was the gimmick of the battle between the Gods of Gamblers. The three Gods of Gamblers have independent wills and are not his subordinates at all. They can arrange whatever they want.

They are willing to provide financial support because they are begging others to do things.

Now that it has developed to this stage, it can only be a mute eating Coptidis chinensis, unable to express its suffering.

"But this Menace definitely won!"

He stood up and wanted to stick his head in the TV.

He watched Menasis deal with the cards without blinking.

This bet was secretly initiated by him.

If you lose.

His friends and Ye Yang's enemies would probably send people over to strangle him to death.

After all, that’s $300 billion!

Although it was cobbled together by various families, it was considered a massive hemorrhage.

The most important thing is that if he loses this time, the money he invested will not be enough in cash, and he will have to sell off his basic shares. In serious cases, the Li family will lose its dominant position in the group.

By then, the old man will probably be so angry that he will come back from England and smash him to pieces on the spot.

Thinking of that future, he begged his grandpa to sue his grandma, cramming his words into words, telling Ye Yang to lose quickly!

At this table, Menace must win! ! !



The deck is revealed.

Everyone wanted to make their necks ten meters long and stretch their heads to the table, just to know the answer one second earlier...

“Both sides, it’s a royal flush!!!!”

The croupier screamed in horror.

She has opened countless cards in this kind of scene, and she has never seen such a scene in her life.

What an incredible thing! ?

The probability of two Royal Flushes appearing at the same time is 1 in 6.4 million times 6.4 million...

The result is greater than one in 360 billion! ! !

What is the difference between this and zero? !

They even suspected that this was the first time in ancient times that the same table had two sets of royal flushes...


"What does this mean!? Is it a draw?"

"I don't understand..."

Some of the spectators who came to watch the fun did not understand the card game. When they heard the news, they were dumbfounded and muttered.


"With the same deck of cards, there can be no draw."

"For a royal flush, compare the suits."


Gambling saints popularize knowledge.

In their entire life in the gambling industry, they have never seen such a scene, and they kept watching it.

"Mr. Menaces drew a Royal Flush of Hearts!"

The dealer announced.

"Hiss... Mr. Ye Yang is in danger!"

"It's a Royal Flush, the second best of the four types of Flushes!"

"It's really scary!"

"As expected of a being who once claimed to be the best in the world and seeks defeat alone, he indeed has endless confidence! He actually opened the second best card in the world!"


Royal Flush, there are four types of cards, from high to low, they are the four levels of heaven, earth, man and ghost.

The suits are spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds.


Li Jiazi clenched her fists, this is almost a sure win!

Ye Yang smiled slightly, indicating that the dealer can announce the outcome.


The dealer swallowed his saliva, suppressed the extreme shock in his heart, and said slowly: "Mr. Ye opened a spade flush, which is the best card in ancient and modern times! The Supreme Heavenly Royal Flush! The king of cards, the final winner, is Ye Yang, Mr. Ye!!!"


Menasis sighed hard and sat down in a chair dejectedly.

That deck of cards was originally made by him with all his efforts and at an unknown price.

In the end, Ye Yang stole the cards and swapped the deck.

He got the earth royal flush in Ye Yang's hand.

The game that was originally sure to win was reversed by this sneak attack.

And he was also good at stealing and wanted to change the deck back, but he didn't expect that Ye Yang would actually know the golden pressure top that had long disappeared in this world, leaving only the legend...

That was clearly a secret technique that did not exist in reality, imagined by the predecessors!

Even he, who claimed to be the No. 1 gambling god in ancient and modern times, could not figure out the magic technique, how could Ye Yang, a young boy, figure it out! ?

Haha, impossible!

It's impossible!!!

He roared in his heart.

Ye Yang looked at Menasis's eyes that couldn't afford to lose, and smiled slightly. He didn't have a good impression of the other party, and the other party also lost in technology, so there was nothing to complain about.

(Second update)

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