Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 984: Final Round, All the Special Skills Are Shown

"You're doomed to lose!"

A sneer appeared on Menassis's lips.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Really?"

"No good will come of being tough!"

Menassis sneered and pushed out all his remaining chips: "Today I'll let you know what a miserable defeat is! You're really too young and don't know how high the sky is or how deep the earth is!"

Ye Yang sneered: "The three gambling gods here are suppressing me together. You are exhausted now. If you were to fight me one-on-one at this table, would you still have the capital to say this!?"


Menassis was speechless.

Gnashed his teeth.

"Humph! You're just bullying me because I'm old and weak! When I was young, I could beat three of you!"


Ye Yang laughed out loud: "When you were 24 years old?"


Menassis was speechless. He was a natural talent, but he became a gambling god in his forties.

At the age of 24, even if you play cards with ordinary gambling saints, you may not win.

Menasis originally wanted to disturb Ye Yang's mood. After all, in such a peak gambling, sometimes the difference is just a little emotional fluctuation. If the hands are slightly relaxed, the win or loss will be reversed!

Unexpectedly, he was defeated in the opposite way, and his heart was in turmoil.

Ye Yang's eyes were sharp, and he valued this opportunity. He suddenly slapped his five stacked cards!


This sound was deafening.

Everyone present was caught off guard and shocked.

It was just playing cards, why did he get so angry that he slammed the table! ?

They were all in doubt.

Only the dozen gambling saints showed surprise on their faces: "Could it be..."

They all thought of a legendary gambling god's technique at the same time. This technique, even the gambling god may not be able to perform it in full.

Only the legendary gambling gods who have left their names in ancient and modern times can use this trick...

"The art of stealing the sky and changing the day!"

The gambling saints can think of it.

Menasis naturally thought of it, and he was shocked: "You!"

He repeatedly opened a corner of his five cards, looked at them, his eyes suddenly changed, and his face turned pale: "You!!!"

Originally, he tried his best to open a set of Supreme Royal Flush in this comeback battle, but just when he had it together, Ye Yang stole the deck and replaced it with a trick!

"This kid is so vicious and cunning!!!"

He wailed in pain.

I actually made wedding clothes for others.

No wonder this kid fought hard in every game, but I always won. It turned out that he was just acting, and he was waiting for me here in the end!!!

He sighed in his heart.

Being caught by someone's flaws and stealing the day is just a matter of inferiority.

Even the level of the gambling king is competing to see who is better at cheating.

The gambling god is to practice cheating and probability theory to the point where his skills are almost like Taoism.

Each round of duel was a competition to see which side had better skills in stealing cards, changing cards, disturbing cards, and counting cards.

So, although he wanted to strongly condemn Ye Yang for stealing the cards, he could only make a sound of "you you you" and could not say anything more.

"Good! Good boy!"

His hands were shaking. He did not expect Ye Yang to have kept this trick.

"Do you think you are the only one who can do this!?"

He sneered.

He claimed that he was invincible in gambling skills, and he was still a little bit of a diamond, otherwise he would not look down on the other two gambling gods in his heart.

He also knew this magical skill that only the gambling god could understand!

However, before he could slap the table.

Ye Yang made another move, and his palm slapped on the five cards again.


This time the sound was more muffled.

This time, no one could understand.

"Didn't the trick just now fail?!"

"Looking at the face of Gambling God Menasis, it doesn't look like he failed."

"Why did you come?"

"Maybe it's to celebrate."

"Uh... slapping the table to celebrate? It doesn't fit the style of Gambling God, does it?"


Even the Gambling Gods were a little confused, looking at each other, saying that they couldn't understand Ye Yang's operation.


Stephen also looked at Ye Yang in doubt.

Originally, he watched Menasis's smile become more and more rampant after each round, and he was still very worried about Ye Yang. As a result, Ye Yang actually cheated, which made him relieved.

He was too lazy to hide, anyway, the ending on his side was doomed.

Keep looking at Ye Yang.


Menasis's slap also fell, and he turned over his cards.

His face became exciting.


"The trick failed...what happened!?"

He looked at Ye Yang with a smile on his face in doubt.

He frowned and thought for a long time before he suddenly understood. His pupils trembled: "Golden pressure! Do you know about golden pressure?!"

Ye Yang waved his hand, not wanting to pay attention to Menasis anymore, and then walked to Zhou Dexing's case.

During this process.

The gambling masters were all scratching their heads in confusion.

"What is golden pressure?"

"I haven't heard of it. Have you heard of it?"

"I don't understand it either."

"Maybe it's a gambling technique..."


Several gambling masters were whispering, but they couldn't agree on one thing.

Only Stephen showed a look of surprise, as if he remembered something. He looked at Ye Yang's back in shock, his lips trembling, and he didn't know what he was muttering.

"You surprised me."

Zhou Dexing smiled slightly.

He calmly pushed out the last chip in his hand.

"You are too kind, senior."

Ye Yang returned the greeting. During the fight, he clearly felt that although Zhou Dexing's momentum was not as strong as Menasis, he was the most dangerous and hidden.

He should be the one with the most profound gambling skills among the three gambling gods.

"I am old... I might have been able to use your second hand when I was young, but now I can only admit defeat."

He laughed.

Ye Yang nodded and did not say much. After all, there were many cameras here. If he said one more word and exposed the arrangement, it would be troublesome.

"Okay, now the cards on the three tables have been completely divided."

"Four gambling gods, shall we open the cards now?"

The beautiful boss of the top of Australia Bay came out in person. Her figure was extremely wonderful, but her face was covered with a veil, so her true appearance could not be seen. Just a pair of beautiful eyes was enough to make those who saw her fall in love with her.

"The boss of the top of Aowan actually showed up in person."

"It's been 20 years, and she doesn't seem to have aged much."

"Maybe she's the daughter of the previous boss..."

"Well, otherwise, it's too amazing for a person in her 40s or 50s to still look like a young woman."


Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

The beautiful boss of the top of Aowan shows up less often than the God of Gamblers.

The last time she showed up was when the God of Gamblers Zhou Dexing opened his cards to challenge the Thirteen Saints of the Nations...

Today, I finally saw her show up again!

"Open it."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and nodded to the beautiful boss.

(First update)

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