Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 983: The Gambler Sighs, the Decline of the Age


Just like that, Ye Yang walked to the other table one by one. At Stephen’s table, he just took a look at the new cards and left.

He stayed the longest at Menassis’s table.

Often, every round, they had to fight.

Sweat dripped down Ye Yang’s forehead.

Menassis was even paler, and felt that he was about to overdraw.

He was panting heavily, and felt that it was difficult to stand up.

In front of Zhou Dexing, he needed to rub the cards, but it didn’t take too long.


“Who can see the trick!?”

“I don’t understand it at all, just wait for the result of the game.”

“Yeah… I can only wait for the final result.”


Whether it was the broadcast or the crowd outside the palace, they were all discussing it enthusiastically.

After all, this game involves the ownership of 300 billion US dollars! ! !

In the camera, only Ye Yang was seen walking around, flipping the cards, and no one knew the specific situation.

Only the few gambling saints who were watching the battle on the spot could see some clues.

In today's world, people are impetuous and distorted, and people's hearts are not as good as before in all walks of life. It is difficult for masters to emerge.

There are only three gambling gods left.

There are less than 20 gambling saints still alive in reality.

Except for those who are too old to walk, all of them came to the scene this time.

The battle of the four gods, they have been pursuing the realm of gambling gods for a lifetime, how can they not yearn for it?

Now in their twilight years, it is such a blessing to be able to watch such a grand event? !

They stood on the stairs, stood behind the fence...

"Is this the gambling god!?"

They were filled with endless emotion.

In today's world, the gambling god is not prominent, and it is impossible to watch a battle, let alone study and learn.

These gambling saints even doubt whether the legendary gambling god exists or not, or whether he is just a more powerful gambling saint who was deified by his predecessors.

Today, they felt the "momentum" of those people in the field.

They finally confirmed it.

There are indeed gambling gods in this world. This realm has long broken through the limits of being a human being and entered a realm where skills are close to the Tao, which is completely beyond their reach.

"I admire you so much..."

They all sighed while stroking their beards.

Among the thirteen saints of various countries who had fought with Zhou Dexing in the past, three of them were still present today, with frowns on their brows: "Mr. Zhou was so powerful back then, and it seems that he has more power than today."

"Maybe it's because he's old..."

An old gambling saint who was over 80 years old sighed and said with deep emotion.

When people get old, their brains don't work well, their arithmetic is far less agile than before, and their hands are slower. Compared with when he just entered the gambling saint realm, his current strength has declined seriously.

"It may also be that the four forces in the field today are clamped on each other, which really makes it difficult for people to fully exert their abilities."

A gambling saint speculated.

These ten or so gambling saints are the most professional people present.

The discussion of several people and the surrounding reporters all attach great importance to it.


The gambling saints frowned and looked at him.

"Originally, I doubted Mr. Ye's ability and wanted to challenge him. Today, it seems that he can persist in this duel until now. His ability is far beyond our realm. It is beyond our reach. It is intimidating..."


Many gambling saints nodded.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it is hard to believe that such a young man can reach this level, and his spiritual will is not inferior to the oppression of the three gambling gods.

"Being young has disadvantages, but it also has advantages. He is now in the most vigorous age of his life. His will is like a knife, which can be destroyed but not broken. This kind of toughness is really amazing."

"Except for the three gambling gods present who have a chance to beat him, even if we join forces, we are not his opponents at all, right?"


Many gambling saints laughed softly, not knowing whether it was self-mockery or relief.

The gambling world has been withering like snow in the past twenty years.

Before Ye Yang, not to mention the God of Gamblers, even the new God of Gamblers was only Stephen, the traitor.

A new female gambling king appeared in Huaxia Xiangwan, which caused a huge heated discussion. Unfortunately, she died prematurely and was murdered in Las Vegas. Otherwise, she would have been the second person who had the hope of becoming a God of Gamblers in the past 20 years.

This is a declining era.

They are now successful, rich and famous. Looking back at the industry that nourishes them, which is withering like snow, they are of course very sad.

Now seeing that Ye Yang, who is in his early twenties, can actually fight against three Gods of Gamblers with a will as sharp as a knife and extraordinary, he is somewhat relieved in his heart.

"The new era is all in that one person."

"I really didn't expect that a new God of Gamblers would appear in the place that is least likely to produce a God of Gamblers..."


The Gods of Gamblers really laughed bitterly at themselves this time.

Listening to the whispers of these Gods of Gamblers, the reporters felt that their eyes were opened and they learned many core secrets of the gambling world, which could be used when writing articles!

These gambling saints naturally don't care, after their generation is gone.

Ye Yang is the only gambling god in the world, and Stephen is the only traitor. Perhaps in the future, the names of gambling saint and gambling god will gradually become legends, and no one can match them.

These reporters are writing it down now, just as a record to prevent future forgetting...

"Finally, it's the last round!"


Many gambling gods stared at it intently.

All the audience also raised their attention to the highest level.

The reporters focused their cameras, fearing that they would miss a detail.

"Show hand!"

"All in!"

After the fifth card was in his hand, Ye Yang pushed all the chips out.

Stephen coughed a few times, sweat soaked his clothes, and was obviously in a very bad state.

Among the three gambling gods present, he was the oldest, and he consumed too much today, and his body was obviously a little bit unable to hold on...


He pushed all the last 40 billion US dollars of chips out.

It's not that the three gambling gods don't want to delay time, but they are really old, and delaying time is actually beneficial to Ye Yang.

Under this consensus, everyone knows that today the three gambling gods will strive to win or lose in the first round and decide the ownership of 300 billion US dollars.


"Should we open the cards now, or open them together later?"

The dealer asked.

"Let's open them together later."

Ye Yang was not in a hurry. At this time, he consumed a lot, but he was a super soldier physique, plus he was proficient in Chinese martial arts, and his blood was flowing.

Although the energy consumed by this battle was like fighting a beautiful woman for three days and three nights.

But it only consumed 5% of his energy.

With this support, even if the preparations made in advance today fail, the old enemy will turn against him.

He dragged the time hard and exhausted the energy of the three old gods, and finally he could remain invincible.

He walked in front of Menasis with dragon-like steps...

He knew that this round on the table would be his most difficult and last round of confrontation today.

(Second update)

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