Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 982: The battle between the four gods begins at the top of Ao Bay

In everyone's attention.

Ye Yang walked into the palace at the top of Aowan.

The waiter leads the way.

The place for this battle was in the golden hall on the highest floor of the palace.

Red carpet, decorated with gold and white columns.

From between the pillars, you can see the crowds of people at the top of the mountain in Aowan, you can also see boats sailing on the sea in the distance, and you can even see herons flying in the blue sky.

It's a wonderful venue.

The reporters were kept ten meters away from the gaming table and forbidden to speak.

The three gambling gods were already sitting at three tables.

There are mountains of chips on the table.

Represents $300 billion.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and exhaled: "Ye Yang, come and challenge."

"Please choose the order of engagement?"

The waiter bowed and asked.

"Since it's one versus three, it's natural to fight at the same time, no order required."

Ye Yang said calmly.


The waiter's eyes trembled: "Are you sure?"

This sentence, naturally, spread to all corners of the world as the live broadcast of the reporters' cameras.

Everyone was shocked by Ye Yang's grandeur.

"So brave!"

"Are we actually going to fight at the same time!?"

"If you were full of energy and in the best condition at the beginning, you might be able to beat one person, but now you are fighting three people at the same time..."

Everyone was sweating for Ye Yang.


"Too crazy!"

"Knowing that you are bound to lose, why not find a better way to lose?"



There are also many people who hope that Ye Yang will lose.

Either out of jealousy or out of interest.

"What do you think?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

Monte Carlo gambling king Menace sneered: "You should..."

Before he could finish speaking.

Zhou Dexing and Stephen both nodded in agreement: "I think it's okay!"


Menaces looked around at the two people in surprise, with a trace of doubt in his heart.

If it is a battle below the level of the God of Gambling, the competition will naturally be the ultimate in magic, and the competition will be gambling skills and arithmetic.

Examine personal abilities.

However, once it comes to the realm of the God of Gamblers, the comparison is a kind of 'power', which involves a mysterious and mysterious realm.

A wheel battle, one against three, seems simpler, but in fact, it requires Ye Yang to fight against all the power of the three gambling gods one by one.

And fight at the same time.

The power of the three gambling gods will affect each other, but they will not produce better results.

As the saying goes, laymen see the excitement, while insiders see the joke.

The outside world thought that Ye Yang's move was to make it more difficult for him. In fact, when the real gambling begins, the overall pressure he needs to face will be reduced a lot.

"There's something wrong with you two!"

Menaces murmured in his heart, but since two of the three had already agreed, his own opinion could not influence anything, so he could only nod along.

In this world, except for the four people present, no one can understand the difference between a wheel battle and a one-on-three situation at the same time.

Everyone was marveling at Ye Yang's courage and courage.


Three beautiful dealers are standing in front of three tables.

On the opposite side of each table, two hole cards are allocated.

The three gambling gods entered the country with their will, and suddenly the wind blew up around them.

"Is there a sea breeze?"

The reporters looked around in surprise.

Today is obviously a windless day?

Centered around three tables, each table seemed to be caught in the heart of a miniature hurricane.

The wind blows.

The brocade curtains on the palace pillars were blown and disturbed...

Ye Yang immediately felt a pressure he had never felt before.

Although he is now the ultimate human gambler.

But these three are not far from the extreme.

You can win against any of them alone.

But facing the power of three people at the same time, the difficulty is indescribable.

It's like, you could be the fastest mather in the world, but you're on your own.

The second, third, and fourth people in the world are in a group.

At the same time, whichever group finally calculates more questions will definitely lose.

If there were no arrangements before this competition, even if he tried his best today, winning two out of three would be the best outcome.

Unfortunately, everything was not as beautiful as his enemy expected...

He stepped up and walked to Stephen.

He looked at his own cards and smiled at his opponent.

They launched chips worth tens of billions of dollars respectively: "Follow."

The third card from both sides was dealt...

Ye Yang didn't look at it, just put the cards on the first two cards, and then walked to Menace's table.

"Humph, boy, you are so crazy! Let's see how you die today!"

Menaces sneered. He prided himself on his unrivaled gambling skills. Even Zhou Dexing and Stephen were not noticed by him. They just shared the same name and gave them a little favor.

Two people are enough to compete with him for fame!

If there is another one, wouldn't it appear that the name of the God of Gamblers is worthless! ?

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Then please."

He opened a corner of his trump card and looked sharply.


Menassis sneered, looked at his two trump cards, and laughed out loud:

"You can't win."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

He rubbed the cards with his fingers, feeling wind blowing all over him.

The two wind forces are tearing at each other.

Menaces snorted coldly and kept tapping his fingers on the table.

Unseen by everyone, in the dark of the second table, two forces were fighting to the extreme.


After struggling for a long time, Menasis's fingers bounced off the table as if they were electrocuted.

He looked at Ye Yang in doubt.

Ye Yang smiled at him and put out chips worth 10 billion US dollars.

"Hmph, let's see how many rounds you can last!!!"

Menasis was defeated in the first round and looked at Ye Yang coldly in his heart.

Under the pressure of the three gods, he must have consumed a lot of energy to win one round, and he couldn't last until the cards were opened.

But he always felt something was wrong.

He couldn't use his strength and couldn't swing his arms freely.

But it was inevitable that the three gods were on the same field and their momentum would check and balance each other, so he didn't think much about it.

As long as the general direction was three gods against one, the check and balance that Ye Yang had to endure was much greater than his.

Ye Yang casually put the third card on the first two cards and walked to Zhou Dexing's table.

For this legendary figure, many movies have been remade in the past few years, but compared with the real deeds, those movies are too conservative.

In his peak period, he fought against the Thirteen Saints at the top of Aowan, saved hundreds of billions of funds in Xiangwan and Aowan, and made his own contribution to development.

You know, China was not as powerful as it is now, and the 10 billion back then was a huge sum of money.

Ye Yang respected him very much. After bowing his hands, he turned over a corner of the bottom card and took a look.

He breathed a sigh of relief, bowed to Zhou Dexing again, followed the 10 billion US dollar chips, and pressed the third card.

He walked back to Stephen.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated.

Before the Hong Kong-style five cards were opened, they were all in the form of hidden cards, and no one could guess what the result would be...

(First update)

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