Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1006: Top-quality blood jade worth over 100 million

"This Mr. Ye is the big boss of the Jade Mining Company in Beijing. You are just a dealer, but you dare to talk so shamelessly to him!? I think you don't want to do business anymore!"

Jiang Chufa said coldly.

"What? The big boss of the Jade Mining Company in Beijing!?"

The fat man was instantly confused. This was too much luck...


"This is just an identity of Mr. Ye. You really don't know how high the sky is. How dare you, an ant, compete with the sky!"

Jiang Chufa looked grim: "In China, your business is impossible to do!"

In one sentence, his business collapsed!

The fat man was so frightened that his lips trembled, and he quickly knelt on the steps and begged for mercy.

However, Ye Yang obviously didn't listen to his plea for mercy, and went directly up the steps to the second floor with Jiang Chufa.


The fat man looked defeated.

He has several partners in his business. If this happened, those people would probably be so angry that they would join together and kick him out.

"Fortunately I still have you...!!!"

The fat man looked at the woman in black stockings with tears in his eyes.

The girl in black stockings was silent for a moment, then walked away.

"Why are you going!?"

The fat man was shocked.

The girl in black stockings spat on his face: "I've long disliked you for being so greasy! I'm just acting with you for your two stinky money! You don't really think you have anything to attract girls after you have no money, do you? ? I'm going to find the next one! Goodbye!"

After saying that, Sayazi ran away!

"Oh shit!"

The fat man's anger suddenly surged: "Come back here!"

He made a mistake, stumbled in his steps, became unstable, turned into a ball, and rolled down...

Where can I roll quickly while walking downstairs?

The girl in black stockings was instantly crushed by the fat man and rolled downstairs in her arms. It was extremely miserable!

“Give me back the bracelet!!!”

The fat man was so angry that he tried to snatch the bracelet from the girl in black stockings.

Where can a girl in black stockings be willing to do it? !

The two of them fought together on the spot, with their black stockings broken and their fat bodies spread across the floor. The scene was very impactful...

Second floor.

Fine jade.

Don't dare to come up if you don't have a net worth of hundreds of millions.

There were a lot fewer people than on the first floor, but there were still many people.

Jiang Chufa personally accompanied Ye Yang and Ling Shi to select jade poems.

Although Ling Shishi has good eyesight, compared with someone like Jiang Chufa who has been involved in the jade industry for decades, she is far behind.

Accompanied by Jiang Chufa.

No one here dared to lie, and basically everyone told the truth.

"This is a good piece. If it is polished into a small piece of jade and engraved with various texts and pictures, it can be mounted on the belt. This is how princes and princes in ancient times dressed up."

Ling Shishi played with the piece of jade in her hand, looking very fond of it.

"How much?"

"Ten million is enough for this piece."

The small shop owner kept saying.

This is the best jade. Now that Ye Yang and Jiang Chufa are here, they can't ask for a high price. They can only give the lowest price with heartache. If they sell it to others, they will start at a minimum of 1,200, 3,000,000.

Ling Shishi's mouth opened wide, obviously she didn't expect it to be so expensive.

Her family's total wealth is only a few hundred million, and her father only gives her a million as pocket money a year. It takes ten years of not eating or drinking to save 10 million...

"Let me do it."

Ye Yang smiled.

"No! I said I would give you clothes, how can you spend money on the materials!"

Ling Shishi pursed her lips stubbornly: "Ten million is ten million!"

She took out the card.



The small shop owner looked at Ye Yang's expression, then smiled bitterly and swiped his card.

"Where did you get so much money?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Ahem, my dad's credit card."

Ling Shishi laughed and said, "I accidentally picked up the wrong one!"

Ye Yang shook his head and laughed, you must have stolen it!

Sure enough, not long after, his father called me: "Did you take away my credit card again!? Why is it overdrafted!?"

"Buying a gift for my boyfriend!"

"What!? You!!! You loser! That's 10 million!!! I..."

"My boyfriend is Ye Yang!"


There was silence for a while.

"Oh, I'll top up the card limit later. Just have fun."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.


Ling Shishi raised her head and said arrogantly: "My father told me to be very careful!"

Ye Yang had a dark look on his face...


"Is there a third floor?"

After buying the jade materials, Ling Shishi was very happy. She looked at the stairs to go upstairs and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, the third floor is full of the best of the best. Only those with a net worth of tens of billions are qualified to go up there."

Jiang Chufa smiled slightly, but with him leading the way, there was no need for any asset verification.

third floor.

A net worth of tens of billions is enough to qualify.

The popularity suddenly waned, and no one could be seen in the entire building.

Occasionally I saw a few, and most of them knew Ye Yang and greeted them respectfully.

In this magical city, Ye Yang is regarded as a powerful figure in the business world, and there are almost no real big shots that he doesn't know.

On the contrary, those small upstarts with a net worth of only hundreds or hundreds of millions did not know him.


"They are indeed the highest quality jade."

There is a faint warmth in Ye Yang's golden fingers, proving that these are real rare treasures.

Ling Shishi was dazzled by what she saw, but it was a pity that she really couldn't afford these.

There are tens or hundreds of millions of treasures at every turn, which she cannot afford at all.

Walking to the innermost part, the lowest price starts at 100 million.

Ling Shishi was amazed.

For her level, the jades she usually comes into contact with are probably between tens of thousands and millions. Jade of tens of millions is rare, let alone hundreds of millions...

"Such a small piece is also priced over 100 million!?"

Ling Shishi opened her eyes wide and looked at the black and red jade in front of her: "This texture is similar to the one you gave me, Ye Yang..."

She pulled out the warm jade from her chest.

Compare it with the small black and red jade in front.

The boss sitting behind the black and red jade straightened up instantly, looking at the jade pendant in Ling Shishi's hand with extreme surprise.

"My God... It's a top-grade blood jade!!! The carving on it is also at the master level. It looks like an ancient artifact with traces of Taoist consecration. The value is inestimable!!!"

As a master of the jade industry, he had no self-control in front of this jade and exclaimed directly.

"Just a casual glance, can you tell so many things?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised. He has received too many gifts in recent years. He looked through them for a long time today and found this pendant that looks high-end and restrained, but is definitely a treasure.

I didn't expect it to have such a big background! ?

Many people were attracted by this low breath.

After all, the old man who sold the blood jade is a big boss in the jade world. The fact that he can change color is enough to explain the problem!

In the crowd, the girl who was choosing jade and just spent 120 million to buy a piece of top-grade ice silkworm jade was also attracted by the sound...

(First update)

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