Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1007 Mysterious Girl, Four European Leaders

"Mr. Qin, how much do you think this jade pendant is worth?"

Some people couldn't help but feel itchy and asked again and again.

"Logically speaking, it's priceless."

Mr. Qin shook his head: "But if we have to estimate it, the starting price must be 500 million to be worthy of it. Of course, the premise is that its owner is willing."

"Four to five billion!?"

"Is it a national treasure?"

"It's really surprising."

"The girl who can stand next to Mr. Ye is indeed extraordinary. A piece of jewelry costs four to five billion!"

"It's more expensive than the entire net worth of the fat man who just had a quarrel on the second floor."

Some people later saw the farce and couldn't help but chuckle.


The valuation of four to five billion obviously surprised everyone.

Even Ye Yang was a little surprised. The person who gave the gift was too reluctant...

He didn't even know that such valuable things were piled in his gift pile... It was a sin...

"I wonder if this young lady intends to sell this jade pendant?"

A clear voice came over.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Everyone looked over.

He seemed to be a foreigner, with blond hair and black-blue eyes.

However, the outline does not have such aggressive edges and corners, it looks more like a mixed race.

Very beautiful and in great shape.

She has an outstanding temperament, like a princess.

"I am willing to pay 600 million Chinese coins to buy it."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she told the sky-high price, which made everyone present look pale.

Very sincere indeed.

Six hundred million!

How rich is this!

Could it be that she is the daughter of a billionaire boss of a foreign company? ?

As expected, the magic city is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and the juniors of such big bosses appear from time to time...

"I won't sell it! This is a gift from Ye Yang!"

Ling Shishi stuffed the jade pendant back into her chest and protected it over her heart.

Six hundred million is a lot.

It's almost as much as twice her family's wealth.

But she said nothing would be sold.

"Where's the eight hundred million?"

The girl still didn't want to give up and continued to explore.

"Not for sale! No amount for sale!"

Ling Shishi snorted: "Don't try it, I won't sell it for 10 billion!"


The girl sighed, smiled slightly, and didn't care. She just found this jade pendant very pleasing to the eye and liked it very much. If the original owner didn't want to sell it, she wouldn't buy it by force.

"In that case, forget it."

The other people watching had different expressions when they saw this, but if they couldn't even buy this girl with an export value of 600 million or 800 million, it was naturally even more impossible for them.


Ling Shishi didn't expect that the other party was quite reasonable.

"You are Ye Yang from China, Mr. Ye, right?"

The mixed-race girl stopped mentioning the jade pendant and looked at Ye Yang with a smile: "He is indeed handsome."

"Who are you?"

Ye Yang asked, now that he is famous, it is not surprising that someone knows him.

"My name is Vesany. I'm from Europe. I came to Shanghai to visit my relatives."

The girl smiled slightly and walked over.


Ye Yang nodded.

The other person was about the same age as him, tall and attractive, and it was indeed like a spring breeze to talk to him.

After a few casual conversations, the girl looked around and asked repeatedly: "Mr. Ye, would you like to do me a favor?"


Ye Yang was stunned for a moment.

"Your help is not in vain. I will give you this piece of ice silk jade as a thank you gift."

Vesany blinked.

"How can I help you first?"

Although the other party is a beautiful woman, there are so many beauties around Ye Yang, so it is impossible for him to get dizzy just because of beauty.

"emmm... there is a crazy guy who has been following me. He will probably come back to haunt me soon. Please help me block it~"

Vesany blinked her big eyes and said seductively.

"Ordinary idiots can't follow you, right?"

Ye Yang said with a smile.

This girl is obviously not an ordinary person.


Vesany scratched her head: "He's not a powerful person, he's just a European conglomerate."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Ahem...he is the son of the Balor Consortium, but with Mr. Ye's current energy and face, he will definitely be able to stop him!"

Vesni held Ye Yang's hand and said coquettishly.


He is now at the top of the world, so he naturally knows about the Balor Consortium.

Like the United States, Europe also has its own top ten financial groups.

Balor is one of them.

And it's extremely powerful.

Although the United States and Europe both say they have the top ten financial groups, only those that can truly be among the top ten financial groups in the world are worthy of being called the best in the world.

Five of the United States are ranked among the top ten in the world, and four are in Europe.

The remaining one is the Japanese consortium.

Therefore, the top ten financial groups in the United States are also divided into top five and bottom five.

Among the top ten consortiums in Europe, there are four leaders.

In the international capital society, these ten major financial groups are the top forces.

Of course, there are many other terrorist forces in this world.

There are many terrorist forces that are hidden, rarely exposed, or unable to expose themselves to public opinion and operate in secret, which can also be compared with these top ten financial groups.

Including the financial oligarchs of Tsarist Russia, China’s state-owned groups, the aloof Rothschild family who do not form a consortium but rely on their own family, and the ultimate organization of the dark world behind the black source...

They are not weaker than the top ten financial groups in the world, and even some of them are worse.

The Balor Group is one of the four leading European Groups.

It is stronger than the Sals Group that it defeated before.

It is in a high position.

Being among the top ten Groups in the world, it naturally has a kind of transcendent pride and glory.

It is not comparable to the Groups that cannot squeeze into the top ten in the world.

"You really give me a difficult problem."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

But he did not refuse.

Of course, he would not make such a decision just because of a piece of jade and soft words from Visene.

It is because the Balor Group itself has a tense relationship with China.

Recently, the companies directly and indirectly controlled by it have been exposed to scandals such as boycotting Chinese products and releasing insulting Chinese advertisements.

And they refuse to repent.

Even, whether it is the last $300 billion bet between Australia and the Bay, or the current competition for the top universities worth 6 trillion Chinese yuan.

They are all behind the scenes.

They are naturally on the opposite side of Ye Yang.

For Ye Yang, it is a sure win if he can easily ruin a good thing for their Group.

"You agree!"

Visene was very surprised: "Then you can be my boyfriend first! Or be my half-brother who has been lost in China for many years!"


Ye Yang rolled his eyes.

This Visene was pure and innocent at first sight, like a fairy, but I didn't expect that after a few words, her performance was so different...

She is simply a crazy girl.

"But there is a condition."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"Ah!? What condition?"

Visene's face fell: "You really want me to pay the price of innocence, right? Its..."

"Well, I mean you have to tell me your true identity after this matter."

Ye Yang sweated.

(Second update)

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