Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1008: I have heard of him before I have seen him?

"Huh? That's it? Okay."

Vesany said a little disappointed.


Ling Shishi looked left and right, feeling hostility rising everywhere.

Next, she doesn’t have as much money as she does!

Neither one is as tall as the other.

A little unhappy...

Ye Yang looked at Ling Shishi's little face and smiled slightly in his heart. He smiled at Mr. Qin and said, "I want this raw material of blood jade."

"Mr. Ye buys it, of course it is the best price."

Mr. Qin is a leader in the jade industry, with a very high status. He usually travels around the most prosperous cities, so he naturally knows Ye Yang's identity.

In the end, he bought the piece of blood jade for only 180 million.

Ye Yang played with the blood jade in his hand, and then handed it to Ling Shishi: "A gift for you."

"How can I give two gifts in one day? They are too expensive!"

Ling Shishi shook her head. She only had five or six hundred yuan on her neck. She wanted another piece of blood jade raw material...

For a moment, the thought of competing with Vesany for beauty was out of the question...

"Take it and use it as you wish."

Ye Yang grabbed Ling Shishi's little hand and placed the blood jade in her palm.

"Hmm... Then I will use this piece of blood jade to create an accessory for you!"

Ling Shishi's ears were slightly red and she kept saying.

Ye Yang smiled and didn't care about this.

Vesany shrugged and told herself 'I don't care'...


Wandered around the exhibition hall for a while.

You can see a fleet of luxury cars approaching from the window.

All Lamborghinis.

Seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, are arranged in a row.

Stopped in front of the building.


The car starts.

A group of high-looking men in black walked down. They all had tall and straight postures, as if they were carved from the same mold.

The men in black formed two lines and walked on both sides.

Wait until they all line up.

A lead-gray top-of-the-line Lamborghini Sixth Element drove in.

Many car-savvy people nearby exclaimed in exclamation.

After all, the Lamborghini Sixth Element is the most difficult to buy, and this light gray ultimate model is also the most expensive model in the Sixth Element.

Just such a car is worth over 100 million.

None of the colorful Lamborghinis on the road ahead is an ordinary model, and each one costs no less than 50 million! ! !

"What a grand display!"

"The richest man in China doesn't travel in such a grand manner, right?"

"What do you know? We in China are very restrained and low-key. People of the older generation don't drive luxury cars even if they have money. Even if they drive luxury cars, they usually won't be photographed by you."

"Oh... But even if you want to be high-profile, it's probably difficult to be so powerful."

"It is indeed an international-level luxury car fleet."

"What's this? Some time ago, when Ye Shenhao blocked Prince Bill of the Mason Consortium at the airport in Ye Shenhao, more than 200 top-notch luxury cars came out and crowded the highway. At that scene, I It’s still fresh in my memory!”

"Yes, although this scene now can be regarded as an international level, it pales in comparison to the pomp that Ye Shenhao put on that day."

Many people recall that day.


The Mason Consortium is among the top five conglomerates in the United States and one of the top ten consortiums in the world. It is not comparable to the Salz Consortium.

Even the young prince of the Mason Consortium dared to block it, so no wonder he dared to start a direct war with the Sals Consortium.

And they are also starting a war in the field of education, which they are most proud of...

In the end, he beat the opponent until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his face was disgraced.

Everyone was talking about it.

The venue was filled with voices discussing Ye Yang...


Bolen Balor stepped out of the car.

He was preparing to receive the exclamations and adoration from the audience, but found that not many people were looking at him.

He was greatly embarrassed.

He originally came from Europe with great momentum, but this time he appeared in front of the Chinese public for the first time. He wanted to create a big show, shock the world with a direct battle, and let China know that he was one of the four most romantic young men in Europe.

The result is this...

He couldn't believe it.

In his opinion, China is just a rising star, and it should be much worse than Europe in terms of development and prosperity.

His team of top luxury cars came down.

The whole audience should exclaim, become the center of attention, and then instantly become famous on the Internet and become the focus of Chinese people! ! !

Sweeping through the famous young generation in China, they directly became the only true god!

Not only is it very different from what I imagined.

And the crowd is still talking about another person's name...

Nowadays, China is going global, and it is difficult to bypass China when doing business. All the big guys who have some status are learning Chinese. The world Chinese craze is almost like the English craze a few hundred years ago, and has become a popular language all over the world. Normalcy and second language...

As the son of an international consortium, he naturally understands.

"Ye Yang? Who is Ye Yang!?"

"You actually stole my name?!"

He was holding his breath inside, but externally he still wanted to look like a handsome nobleman and smile confidently.

Those men in black all shouted: "Master Baolun of the Balor Consortium has arrived!!!"


The people nearby were embarrassed.

These foreigners have learned Chinese culture thoroughly, how can any of the guests call so and so when they arrive...

Bao Lun may not have known it, but it was mainly to show off. As soon as he raised his head, he stepped inside.

"But the Balor Consortium sounds so familiar..."

"One of the top ten financial groups in Europe, right?"

"One of the four leading ones!"


"Sure enough, he is a powerful person. How does he compare with those famous rich second-generations in China?"

Someone asked.

"I don't know how many times stronger he is than them. There is no comparison."

"That is a super financial group that influences the direction of the international situation! If you convert the assets at random, it is worth tens of trillions or even hundreds of trillions! It is not comparable to the so-called richest people in our country. The new generation of their financial group is not even a rich second-generation that is popular on the Internet."

An experienced person explained.

"How does it compare with Ye Yang, the rich man?"

Another person asked.

"It's hard to say... Mainly because I don't know Ye Yang's true strength at all. The strength he has shown now is too vague, but I think he is at least stronger than this Bowron."

"How do you say it?"

"How do you say it? He is also an existence that defeated the Sals Consortium head-on. He is an existence that can confront the giant, one of the top ten consortiums in the United States."

"Although Balor is one of the four leaders, it is impossible for a junior to come out and do anything to the Sals Consortium."

"After analyzing it this way, compared with Mr. Ye, isn't Bowron nothing?"

"Ahem, it seems to be true..."


Before Bowron even walked to the door, his heart was surging with anger.

His face was flushed.

Hearing his name before seeing him.

"Compared with him, I am nothing!? A bunch of fools! Sit in the well and look at the sky! Don't let me meet that Ye Yang!!!"

He was so angry that his teeth were itching.

(First update)

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