Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1010 Why do we need a country? I am enough

The next moment.

A group of security guards rushed over and surrounded the black-clad men of Baolun*Balor.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to hurt international friendship? I know that ordinary foreigners dare not manage your police force, let alone my status!"

Baolun*Balor held his chest high.


Jiang Chufa sneered: "Then let's speak with facts. With your status, you should be punished accordingly for making these inappropriate remarks here today! In addition, Mr. Ye's status is not something you can insult."

"What is his status?"

Baolun*Balor frowned. He just heard outside that there was a person named Ye Yang who was considered by the Chinese people to be far superior to him.

How come there is a person named Ye who makes this old man Jiang feel that he is far inferior to the other party! ?

"As a junior of a large European consortium, you don't even know Mr. Ye?"

Jiang Chufa was a little confused.

"He spends his days drinking and partying, and has no time to pay attention to these world events. If the Balor family hadn't found such an unreliable candidate for a fiancé, I wouldn't have wanted to completely sever ties with him."

Visene sneered.


Jiang Chufa was ashamed of Visene's bold words.

"Who is he? Do I have to know him?"

Boren Balor has always been very self-righteous. As one of the four leading consortiums in Europe, his status in Europe is so high that it even exceeds the royal families of some countries. Even the leaders of powerful countries are taught by the head of the consortium.

So he doesn't think there is anyone in the world that he should respect. He has lost his awe of the world, so naturally he is too lazy to understand the world.

He doesn't even want to remember the name of China's first will.

Not to mention a young man who came out of nowhere in China...


"He is the president of the world's first university, the major shareholder of the world's second company Shentu Company, Mr. Ye Yang, who is famous in China and famous internationally!"

Jiang Chufa said lightly: "As one of the top ten financial groups, the education industry monopolized by the Sals Financial Group in the United States has been broken by Mr. Ye. You are just an ordinary junior in a financial group. What qualifications do you have to be arrogant here?"


Boren*Balor's eyes were shocked.

Suddenly felt a pressure.

His impression of China still remained in his childhood more than ten years ago. He thought that China was at most catching up with China in the later stage and had developed some achievements.

Internationally, it has no influence at all.

Especially in the business world, there is not even a real top international brand.

Whether it is the top ten financial groups in the United States, the top ten financial groups in Europe, or even the Saudi Arabian Oil Financial Group, any one of them can crush any company group in China.

But he didn't expect that the first opponent he met when he first entered China.

Just facing a large consortium that has defeated the United States?

Moreover, he looks very young...

Has China become so powerful in the past ten years?

Can anyone he meets crush the American consortium? !

He was in a dream.

He felt that his worldview had collapsed.

"It's just an ordinary world-class consortium that has never been among the top ten consortiums in the world."

He sneered: "Compared with our four leading European companies, it's one level lower! Even if he is powerful, he has to give face to our Balor Consortium!"

The people around were filled with righteous indignation and were angry about this statement.

However, those who knew about the Balor Consortium found it difficult to speak. After all, it is indeed one of the most powerful forces in the world, and what he said may not be objective facts.

"You are now on the territory of China, and you insulted Mr. Ye first. Even if the person in charge of the Balor Consortium comes, you have to apologize. As for a small character like you, apology is useless!"

With Ye Yang's status, there is no need to speak.

Standing there is majesty.

Jiang Chufa would naturally do everything for him.

"Haha, you think too highly of your Chinese!"

Boren*Barol sneered: "Our Barol Consortium has the monopoly of more than a dozen resources in the world, and also controls half of the luxury brands! If you offend our Barol Consortium, as long as we impose sanctions, you Chinese will be in trouble! There is no place to buy luxury goods!"

"Too arrogant!"

"I really want to beat this kid to death!"

"It's just a consortium, but you dare to compete with the whole of China!?"

"Threaten a superpower!? You are so brave!"

"You take yourself too seriously, don't you?!"

The people around were no longer forbearing and spoke out in anger.

"You think too highly of yourself."

Ye Yang said coldly at this time: "Taking action against you does not mean taking action against the Barol Consortium. Teaching a lesson to a bug like you is not involved at that level."

"Besides, even if we really go to war with the Barol Consortium, why would we need the power of China? I am enough!"

He stepped forward.

"Mr. Ye is awesome!"

"What a great thing to say!"

"You are worthy of being China's trump card! So awesome!"


The crowd around him all cheered and applauded Ye Yang.

Why use the power of a country?

One person is enough!!!

"You are too arrogant!!!"

Bowlen*Balor was so unreasonable that he could only attack with his attitude.

"I think I am not arrogant enough. Since you want to see what is arrogant, then you can watch!"

Ye Yang raised his mouth and pointed forward: "Catch him!"

The surrounding security forces, at this moment, all moved!

Although the dozen bodyguards were strong, they could not stand up to the crowd and were soon subdued.

Boren*Balor panicked. He did not expect that these people really did not care about his extremely noble status and directly used violence against him, the noble descendant of the top consortium! ! !

"How audacious!!! No one in the whole Europe dares to..."

Before he finished speaking.

He felt pain on his face.


He was slapped to the ground with a slap, his eyes were dazed.

"You, you!!!"

One side of his face was swollen, and a closer look showed that it was Ye Yang who did it himself!

"This slap is for your lies to me."

"This kick is for your frivolous ignorance!"

Ye Yang looked down at Boren*Balor and stepped directly on his chest, breaking two sternums!


Bowlen*Barol had thought of countless vicious words at this moment, but he couldn't say them. He didn't dare to say them. This ruthless man really didn't care about him at all and really dared to attack him!

Saying one more word would only make himself uncomfortable...

He had been spoiled since he was a child, and had never been beaten like this.

His face twisted in pain.

He almost fainted.

"Curb your ignorant pride. China is a country of etiquette. There are ways to teach people who don't follow the rules and don't know etiquette!"

Ye Yang said coldly.

"Understand... Understand... I was wrong!"

Bowlen was a brave man who didn't suffer a loss in front of him. He was ashamed and angry in his heart, and begged for mercy again and again...

(First update)

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