Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1011: Visene's True Identity


What the other party said was unpleasant to hear, but there is really no law that prohibits him from talking trash.

When encountering such a situation, beating him up is the best choice.

“As for the Balor Group.”

Ye Yang said coldly: “I have been paying attention to this group for a long time. Go back and tell your father and grandfather to restrain themselves. Don’t jump too much. Don’t be sarcastic in the international arena and shoot some insulting videos and advertisements. Without China’s help, I can overthrow your entire group by myself!”


Bowlen was stepped on, and subconsciously wanted to show off and attack Ye Yang.

In his heart, his Balor Group is above any individual and is one of the transcendent forces in the world.

A Chinese dared to say that he could fight one of the four leading sheep in Europe alone?

It’s just a fool’s dream!

However, if you don’t say good things at this time, you will be beaten.

He looked like he was crying, and he kept saying, "I know, I know, Mr. Ye, I will definitely convey your words! You are right, I was reckless today, please let me go... It hurts too much... I need a doctor..."


Ye Yang was speechless.

Among the opponents he had fought, this guy was the most spineless one.

He became a coward after being beaten twice...

He shook his head and felt that it was meaningless.

This is just a useless and trash offspring of a big consortium. It would be a shame to argue with such a person.

He glanced at Visene and finally said, "Withdraw yourself from the candidate for fiancé. If you appear in front of Visene again, it will not be your sternum that will be broken next time."

After saying that, he withdrew.

Those black-clad bodyguards quickly ran away and helped Paulen Barlow to see a doctor...

Ye Yang smiled. No matter how you look at it, this kind of person is not compatible with a girl like Visene.

In what way are they compatible?

He can actually become one of the candidates. Sometimes, this big family is not reliable.

"Hehe, thank you so much."

Wesney smiled.

"This Bowron doesn't look like an honest man. Even if I teach him a lesson, he may not do what I say."

Ye Yang has seen too many opponents.

He can tell Bowron's character at a glance.

"It doesn't matter."

Wesney shook the phone in her hand: "I took a picture of everything just now. Even if he doesn't apply for withdrawal, my family will unilaterally break the contract. At the very least, I will not betroth me to such a coward."


Ye Yang gave her a thumbs up.

This girl is quite smart.

"Okay, I've helped you. It's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Ye Yang smiled slightly. He was indeed a little curious about Weisney's identity.

"Emm... I have no problem with my status, it's too simple to repay you with this. I'll treat you to another meal, and we'll talk while we eat."

Wesni took Ye Yang's hand and unexpectedly performed a knight's salute: "What do you think, Mr. Ye Yang?"


Ye Yang was amused in his heart, you are a middle school girl...

"Okay, let's go."

Kunshan Hesonglou.

"I have been looking forward to Chinese food for a long time!"

Wesni ordered expensively.

She is not short of money.

She ordered the most expensive dishes and Chinese wine.

It cost less than 100,000 Chinese coins.

"This is a national-level famous restaurant, it should have Chinese characteristics."

Wesni tasted the famous squirrel mandarin fish in the restaurant.

This is a delicacy that only the emperors in ancient times could enjoy.

Now everyone can eat it.

"Well!!! Chinese food really has its unique charm."

Wesni felt the impact of the food and enjoyed it very much.


"This wine is too spicy!"

It was her first time drinking white wine, and Visene was very shy. She flinched and swung her tongue, blushing.


Ling Shishi was amused.

Ye Yang couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, let's get back to business."

Visene pulled her hair back, trying to save her image.


Ye Yang and Ling Shishi both looked over expectantly.

"I come from a country called Senlub in Europe. Our country still retains the royal tradition. I am the legitimate princess of Senlub... Of course, in the current social situation in Europe, the royal family is just an honor."

"There is no real power, let alone a princess like me."

Visene shrugged: "But the European chaebols and consortiums like to marry with our ancient royal bloodline. After all, Europe attaches great importance to the theory of bloodline. Although in modern times, the influence of this doctrine is still very large."

"Marrying with the royal family is what the rising stars of modern Europe like to do most and are most enthusiastic about doing."

"No If you are a wealthy person, your bloodline will not be recognized, and it will be difficult for you to get into our ancient circle. "

"But the consortiums are different. They usually have a long history and profound background, and can even influence the world situation and the direction of various countries."

"The marriage between such a consortium and the royal family is what both sides expect to see."

"So there is today's farce."

"The Balor Consortium is a bit too arrogant. It's ridiculous that my father and others can't see the true face of this consortium. They just want the Balor Consortium's money!!!"

The white wine is very strong. Visene got drunk after drinking a few glasses, and now she complained vigorously.

"It's a new era now. The old royal family has lost their power. In the face of a large family, they don't have much money. A top power can still have 10 billion or even 10 billion in activity funds per year."

"Many royal families don't even have 100 million a year."

"They all put pressure on my father and want our royal family to marry more with the current powerful consortiums..."

"In fact, they just want to sacrifice my life for their sensual pleasures. Humph, wishful thinking!"

Visene pouted and sneered.


After listening to it, Ye Yang felt a little emotional.

Even the princesses have their own troubles...

Of course, it is the troubles caused by receiving 100 million pocket money every year.

"I really admire my sister."

Ling Shishi was a little hostile to Visene at first, but after a conversation, she found that Visene's character made her admire her.

The three of them chatted happily.

The meal lasted from noon to night...

And Paulen Barro was lying on the hospital bed, wailing.

"Ye Yang! I want you to pay a heavy price!"

"Ye Yang! You are too arrogant!!! I will let the family crush you! Let you..."

The nurse next to him frowned and looked at him.

Ye Yang is the prince charming in her heart, how can she allow this ugly foreigner to curse dirty words! ?

Then he stabbed the needle fiercely.

The nurse studied human anatomy and knew how to make people hurt the most without getting hurt.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! It hurts!!!!"

The screams came out from the Bowren ward immediately...

(Second update)

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