Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1012 Blueprints and Black Technology Breakthrough


After eating, Ye Yang sent Ling Shishi and Weissini home before returning to Yundingshan Manor.

Ye Yang looked at the system page, and the face value was still less than one million.

He shook his head.

There has been no high consumption recently, so there is no huge reward.

The largest investment is the research and development of the Luan Bird Project and the establishment of Jiuzhou Industry.

Now the first sum of money invested has basically been spent.

The reward also arrived as expected.

“A high-tech blueprint?”

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

After all, it is a large investment of 2 trillion Chinese yuan, and the reward should be very strong. I didn’t expect it to be a high-tech blueprint.

Take the blueprint out of the system mall.

Overall, this blueprint looks like a disc.

The paper looks like paper, but the material is like a tablet, but there is no frame, which looks very advanced.

As he clicked, there were detailed explanations for each place.

After a day of research, he understood the blueprint thoroughly.

The super gene evolution fluid evolves not only physique, but also memory and IQ, plus the knowledge given by his various skills.

It is not an exaggeration to call him the smartest person in the world now.

In one day, he had studied the blueprint roughly.

"This is a research blueprint of a spaceship."

Ye Yang put the blueprint away.

And it contains detailed parameters and manufacturing methods of various components.

"According to the mature technology in it, this spaceship can reach sub-light speed (one-third of the speed of light, 100,000 kilometers per second), which is a planetary system spaceship. With the hibernation technology, it can travel near the star system."

Planetary system refers to the navigation within the solar system.

For example, from the earth to Mars, to Jupiter and so on.

Near star system means going to the star system closest to the sun, such as Centaur 4 light years away, but it takes twelve years, so hibernation technology is needed. Now hibernation technology has not been unlocked, and this kind of near star system travel cannot be realized.

He studied it for some more time.

It was found that with the current materials and technology of human beings, in the near future, only a poor imitation of the blueprint spaceship can be realized.

Let alone sub-light speed.

It would be good if it can stably exceed the third cosmic speed (16.7km/s).

"If we go all out, it will be less than 100 or 200 times the speed of sound (50km/s). If we use various external forces such as planetary gravity acceleration, we should be able to reach 100km/s."

"But it is too far away from the sub-light speed of 100,000km/s..."

Ye Yang shook his head.

The core technology is available, but the material requirements are also extremely high.

There are no supporting industrial facilities, so we can only make inferior imitations, which naturally cannot meet the requirements in the drawings.

"But it is enough, enough to raise the current aerospace technology of the earth by two or three levels."

Ye Yang is content with what he has.

After all, nowadays, the most powerful exploration aircraft on earth is just accelerated by various external forces, barely surpassing the third cosmic speed (16.7km/s), and just rushed out of the solar system.

Not to mention manned aircraft.

If the conventional 50km/s technology of manned aircraft can be achieved, it will crush the current era by many times.

He handed the drawings to the core of Ye Shenhei Technology Company.

The second largest site was opened in Jiuzhou Industrial Company to invest in the research and development of manned spacecraft.

Under the guidance of the scientific team of Black Technology Company, research and development was carried out in the second site of Jiuzhou Industry.


Ye Yang stretched his body.

Even if it is a poor imitation, once it succeeds, the prospect is extremely attractive.

The average distance between the earth and the moon is 380,000 kilometers. At that time, it will only take two hours for a manned spacecraft to reach the moon!

This means that human beings' ability to transform the moon will be greatly improved!

The real interstellar era is about to begin...


He attaches great importance to the spacecraft project and has invested another 2 trillion in this project.

Anyway, it is all the money from Europe and the United States that was brought in by the bet.

It's a waste if you don't spend it.

"Wait until these 2 trillion are spent, and there will be rewards again."

Ye Yang rubbed his hands, feeling that the feeling of unlimited nesting dolls is really cool.


Jiuzhou Industry has just established the second aviation industry base.

The spacecraft project has just started.

Good news came again from Ye Shen Black Technology Company.

"'s a technological explosion..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

In just half a month, good news came frequently!

"The research team has once again developed a future technology."

Watson contacted Ye Yang.


Ye Yang nodded.

Since its inception, Ye Shen Black Technology Company has spent tens of billions of his research and development funds every month.

Just less than two months after its establishment, it suddenly developed three black technologies: photon weapons, life vitality enhancement potions, and 3DVR full-substitution glasses.

Now photon weapons are floating in the orbit of the stars and have become Ye Yang's biggest trump card.

The life vitality enhancement potion is only manufactured on a small scale within the black technology company, and Ye Yang mixes it into the meals of his family and friends in various forms to help them subtly. When this thing comes out, the world will be in chaos.

After all, life span is the ultimate pursuit of all life.

The fully integrated VR glasses have been upgraded twice by black technology companies. Now the virtual reality game warehouse, which is maturely linked to 8G, has become the flagship product of Shentu Company that is about to be launched in an all-round way.


Since that big explosion, black technology companies have been eating up funds, and the following technologies are basically developed when they have black technology cards.

Now, they have finally developed another lottery on their own that can win big prizes.

Ye Yang immediately went to the headquarters of Black Technology Company in person.

"What did you develop this time?"

he asked curiously.

Watson and the R\u0026D team were sitting in the guest seats, their expressions were very reserved, and they seemed to have something to hide.

"If you have any problems, just tell me and I will solve them for you."

Ye Yang is now standing on top of the world, extremely confident. In this human society, there are no problems that he cannot solve.


It was Watson who finally spoke: "What was developed this time is a biological technology."

"In the future world, it is called Blue Gold Rice."



Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be a new type of rice? This was beyond his expectation.

After all, the words rice and black technology never seem to go together well.

"This kind of rice has been improved and can strengthen people's physical constitution and promote the improvement of the immune system. Long-term consumption can also strengthen the body's vitality and resist external diseases."

Watson said.

"Isn't this a magical rice?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised. In the future, his physique will strengthen, his immunity will increase, and he will be strong enough to kill a cow with one punch, and he will not be able to catch minor diseases at all.

What other doctor have you seen?…

The advent of this kind of rice will bring about changes in human society! ! !

Following Watson's narration, he felt the infinite value of this rice.

"So, this rice is simply a masterpiece that transcends its time. Is there anything that can't be said?"

Ye Yang was still confused as to why these scientific research team members were a little embarrassed just now.

"Mainly...its planting requirements are quite special..."

Watson coughed and wondered.

(First update)

Weekly prize-free Q\u0026A: Does anyone know what the planting requirements are for Blue Gold Rice? You can leave a chapter review~

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