Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1016: Counterattack on Balor, the Iron Fist of Hacker Justice

"Mr. Ye wants our consortium to pay the price, and it also requires strength before it can be truly established."

"Just because of Tang Han Zhihui's dilemma, Mr. Ye probably doesn't know how to solve it!"

"That's right! If Mr. Ye apologizes to our consortium for the previous incident, we will stop our offensive against Tang Han Zhihui and pretend that this matter never happened."

Several envoys raised their heads and said.

"Bang bang bang..."

Kowtowed a few times again.

They didn't dare to show off anymore, and their nostrils were turned upward.

"This is what the master of our consortium means... We are just conveying it on our behalf..."

They changed their tune.

"Oh? Really?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Are you that confident?"


Several people are extremely confident in the strength of the Balor Consortium. After all, they are used to being the best in the world, and it is normal to have the desire to be invincible.

"Since you are so confident, why don't we sign a gambling agreement?"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and took out the classic gambling agreement.

"I don't think this is necessary. Tang Han Zhihui is just a new brand. In just one day, its vitality has been severely damaged and the situation is critical. It won't last more than a few days. If Mr. Ye doesn't plan to apologize to our consortium, just wait Let’s file for bankruptcy for this company!”

Several people stood up.

After all, Ye Yang had basically won his previous bets, so they were still a little wary. Of course, they still had to show off.

"Haha, the so-called top financial group in the world is nothing more than that. It doesn't even have the courage to gamble. Is it worthy of me to show off its power? I think they are just arrogant bugs!"

Ye Yang looked at several messengers with cold eyes.


Several envoys were choked by Ye Yang and were speechless.

Their original intention of coming here was to beat and show off their power, and they had no permission to sign an agreement.

Although Ye Yang was heard denigrating the consortium they were proud of as rubbish, he didn't have much to say in rebuttal.

I can only speak harshly.

But there is a price to pay for being tough.

Several people almost crawled and rolled out of Yundingshan Manor with bruises and swollen faces...

After all, Ye Yang would not have a good look on such an obvious enemy.

He won't hold back either.


Soon, the Balor Consortium received a video of the messengers crying and swollen.


"This Ye Yang is really arrogant and domineering!"

"They didn't take us seriously at all!"

"We only attacked one of his properties out of kindness. Are we going to force all of us to go to war!?"

"Does a newly rising person really think he can compete with a super consortium on his own!?"

“This is simply asking for death!!!!”

All the council members were extremely angry.

Sethis Balor frowned: "If we start a full-scale war, the losses for us will be considerable. Let's focus on killing Tang Han Zhihui first and see his reaction."

"fair enough."


"First knock on the mountain to shock the tiger. If the tiger doesn't listen, we will break one of his legs to shock him!"

"Best regards, Mr. Sethis!"


The council members quickly flattered him.

"If you pass this on, Tang Han Zhihui will go bankrupt within three days!"

Sethis Balor announced with a wave of his hand.

"Within three days! Closing down!"

Many council members are excited!

Let this guy who disrespects the ancient super consortium pay the price! ! !


Yundingshan Manor.

Ye Yang looked at various reports.

Be prepared to fight back.

The actions taken by the Balor Consortium cannot be described as ruthless.

Under comprehensive targeting, even a huge enterprise worth hundreds of billions will not be able to persist for long.

Just now the other party even shouted an arrogant slogan that Tang Han Zhihui would go bankrupt within three days, which shows how arrogant he is! ! !

Yu Momo's secretariat team gave many response plans.

After reading it, Ye Yang made the final decision: "First provide Tang Han Zhihui with 100 billion in funds and let them stabilize the stock market first."

"Use our international network to carry out international publicity, dispel rumors, and at the same time conduct counterattacks to find out the negative information about Balor's luxury brands and conduct public opinion counterattacks."

The international network built by Ye Yang originally cost more than 500 billion Chinese coins. At first, it seemed that it was just spending money and it was difficult to make a profit.

But in the long run, it has established its own loudspeaker and has its own right to speak in the field of international public opinion!

Its value is immeasurable!

"In addition, another 200 billion will be allocated to launch a general attack on its three largest luxury brands. Within three days, I will make its three major brands bankrupt and liquidated!"

After Ye Yang stated the specific execution direction.

Various complete lower-level execution plans were quickly introduced.

These plans have been prepared a long time ago, and they are just waiting for Ye Yang to choose which ones to use. Soon, the counterattack will begin!

Refuting rumors often has little effect.

After all, people only like to believe in bad things and believe in the truth of evil. This is an entrenched tendency in public opinion and is difficult to disobey.

For example, there were rumors a few years ago that eating vegetable oil would cause cancer. The rumors spread quickly and everyone believed them.

But the rumors have been refuted for several years, and many people still believe this rumor.

Then, fight fire with fire!

Moreover, with Ye Yang's international intelligence capabilities, what he collected was real black information, not rumors! There is evidence!

The effect of breaking the scandal and refuting the rumors at the same time is a hundred times more effective than simply refuting the rumors.

Although Hurricane Security is all-pervasive, some data files are still difficult to obtain.

Ye Yang had to do it himself.

He himself has the ultimate hacking skills of humans, which is equivalent to invincibility in today's Internet world.

Everything is transparent to him.

It only takes him a few minutes to break through the Pentagon's firewall.

But if he is alone, the speed and efficiency of collecting information is indeed not high.

And this technology is too amazing, he can't give it to others. In the Internet age, this ability is undoubtedly like a cheat code, a god in the Internet world, and a black hand that changes the Internet world!

He is now the world's number one rich man, and he doesn't have so many desires, so he can control the desire to use the Internet to cheat. If he teaches it to others, it may be a disaster.

Although the data collected is not much, each one is real material, real data evidence, and cannot be faked.

Every piece of material is a fatal blow!

Every piece that is exposed is a terrifying hammer!

On the Internet set up by Ye Yang, data and evidence of black materials emerged in an endless stream, shocking the international public! ! !

"Oh my god, I thought I bought a luxury product, but they actually recycled it!"

"The cotton they used was still low-quality cotton! It turns out that they didn't want Huaxia cotton before because they wanted to do this kind of black trade to get kickbacks!"

"Their executives actually said that those who buy their products are losers and fools? If you spend 20,000 yuan to buy an air vest, what else can you be but a fool?"

"Oh my God, I'm furious! I will never use this brand again! It's still an international luxury product! But from the management to the raw materials, to the products, there are thunder everywhere!"

The international public is indignant.

At the same time, in the hacker world, a code called Justice Iron Fist was also dug out. It is said that these black materials were obtained by him through his invincible hacking technology...

(First update)

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