Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1017: Nine Legendary Hackers

"This 'Iron Fist of Justice' is simply divine!"

"Too awesome! I would like to call him the king of hackers!"

Those who engage in hacking technology are generally arrogant big guys. Even so, when they cracked the technology of the Iron Fist of Justice, they felt the gap between themselves and this mysterious hacker.

They were all unable to calm down.

With true admiration, various posts praising him became popular.

Soon, the hacker circle knew this name.

"I want to worship him as my teacher!"

"Absolutely great!"

"Whoever can crack this guy back will be the top existence in the hacker world!"


Everyone was talking about it.

Balor Consortium.

Meeting room.

Cesis Balor's face was gloomy.

Two days have passed, not only Tang Han Zhihui has not fallen, but the three major brands under their name are in danger!

"How could they get our core data!?"

"This is a commercial crime!"

"Sue them!"

"Is Ye Yang going to burn himself to death?!"

The radicals were all furious.


"He must have something extraordinary to become the world's top player so quickly!"

"You can't sue them. Who can prove that this 'Iron Fist of Justice' was assigned by Ye Yang? This is simply absurd. If we fail to sue them, they will prove that we are provoking a commercial war, which will make it easier to clear Tang Han Zhihui's name."

"Yes, the battle between chaebols is very attractive to the public. If we use this gimmick to whitewash Tang Han Zhihui, our efforts will be in vain."

"The other party's capital flow is indeed strong. They can survive with so much money..."

Everyone was talking at once.

There was no lack of rational think tanks among them.

Sesis Barol frowned at the table, obviously frustrated that he had not wiped out Ye Yang's industry in three days.

"It seems that we underestimated Ye Yang. He has already laid out his international layout and established his own propaganda channels. He is no worse than us in using public opinion. Sometimes he is more cruel than us and his tricks are more evil than us!"

"What should we do now?"

"Since we have already started, how can we stop? The Balor Consortium has been striving to dominate the world for many years, and now this matter has been spread. If it is left unresolved, won't it make other top forces in the world laugh at us?"

"Yes, our Balor Consortium must not lose face and dignity!"

"We must make this Ye Yang lose miserably, and then bow his head and admit defeat to us!"


Sesis Balor raised his head: "Increase the investment in direct confrontation and drag Tang Han Zhihui to death! I don't believe that a mere new Chinese force can really compete with our Balor Consortium in terms of financial consumption!!!"

When China was not yet prosperous and wealthy, the wealth of their consortium was more than ten times that of the entire country of China!

Now, can any random person from China make the Balor Consortium helpless? ?

They cannot accept this.

They also do not realize that Ye Yang is not a ‘random’ person from China.

“He must pay the price! Also, recruit the real top experts from the world’s dark web, and catch that Iron Fist of Justice for me! I don’t believe it. Does a mortal really think that he can dominate the Internet and no one can do anything to him!?”


One day.

An astonishing news spread throughout the hacker world!

Four of the nine top legends in the hacker world suddenly appeared, and announced that they would join forces to dig out the real identity of the Iron Fist of Justice!

Reverse sanctions!!!

“Nine top legends! Is this true or not!”

In the past few decades, the international hacker world has produced some amazing existences, known as the nine top legends.

Each one is a top existence.

There are even records of single-person cracking of super-national network firewalls, and each one is a legend.

As a hacker, his identity must not be discovered.

They are all just code names.

"Who are the four who came out this time!?"

"European Wolf, Western Silver Fox, Betrayer, Galaxy Black Hole."

"Wow, they are all well-known!"

"These four top hackers have all appeared! That Justice Iron Fist probably can't hold on!"

"Not necessarily, Justice Iron Fist is also legendary. It is much more difficult to crack the identity of the boss than other identities of the same level."

"Hehe, if it is a one-on-one duel, Justice Iron Fist will definitely not be discovered. But now it is four to one, I think the result is no suspense."


The hacker community is talking about it one after another.

They are all waiting to see the result.

After all, Justice Iron Fist rose too fast, which is jaw-dropping, but the other nine legends have been famous for a long time and have accumulated a lot of prestige, which is also eye-catching.

Yundingshan Manor.

Ye Yang looked at the discussion in the hacker community and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Want to reveal my identity? Want to crack my core data?"

He encrypted it overnight.

The ability to protect the network and data will not harm society. Ye Yang taught some methods to the technical department.

The next day, the core data was protected. Even if the nine hackers joined forces to break in, they would have to rely on luck.

As for only hiring four people, it can only be said that it is almost impossible to break in.

After all, the encryption algorithms he passed down are for the next era, and hackers of this era can hardly crack them no matter how hard they try.

"Now, let me take a good look at the true faces hidden under your skins!"

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Directly crack these hackers!

Want to check him?

Then be prepared to be counter-killed!

He must kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Otherwise, it will be quite a headache if hackers come in waves in the future.

As long as the strongest ones in the first wave are killed, the monkey will be killed to scare the chickens, and one punch will open the door to prevent a hundred punches!

His fingers flew on the keyboard.

In front of the screen.

The Galaxy Black Hole, which had just cracked Ye Yang's encryption protection, was the first to find signs of being counter-checked.


He immediately felt cold sweat.

His encryption protection has been completely broken, and the disguised IP that jumped has been silently tracked in several places, and his real IP will be found soon!

He just realized it!

"What kind of cracking method is this!"

He knew that the opponent was probably the one called Justice Iron Fist who launched a counterattack!

After he was shocked, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as if he had seen a real opponent: "Interesting!"

A hint of fighting spirit appeared in his eyes: "Let's compete to see who is stronger!!!"

(Second update)

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