Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1018: Six Uses of One Mind, One of the Four Destroyed

His fingers flew, while increasing his own protection, he continued to crack Ye Yang's encryption algorithm.

"These algorithms are all unheard of and unseen?"

Galaxy Black Hole frowned. It took him countless brain cells and time to crack the first layer.

He felt a huge pressure.

His protection was not very effective, and the opponent was still unstoppable.

"... So strong!"

He claimed to have reached the pinnacle of human beings and was the best hacker in the world, but today was a small knife pulling his butt - opening his eyes.

Ye Yang's various operations, some of which amazed him, and some of which he couldn't understand at all.

"How did he track me? How did he crack it!?"

He was sweating profusely. If he continued to lose strength like this, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

His eyes scanned the discussion on the hacker forum next to him...

"It's been half a day since the four legendary hackers took action this time, and they haven't succeeded in completely encircling and suppressing them?"

"It seems that this 'Iron Fist of Justice' is really powerful!"

"Perhaps the four legendary hackers are unwilling to join forces, and they all want to find the location of the Iron Fist of Justice by themselves!?"

"Then the Iron Fist of Justice will also have to face the attacks of four people at the same time! It's a miracle that he can hold on."

"Yes, especially the Galaxy Black Hole, which is the strongest among them. It is recognized as one of the three strongest among the nine legends."


In the discussion.

A piece of news broke out!

Another core black material of a luxury brand was exposed! It caused the anger of the international consumer community! ! !

"What!? Defending against the attacks of four top hackers at the same time, and digging out other information with ease!?"

"I am now beginning to doubt whether the four hackers have actually attacked him, and whether the news is false?"

"No one can fight four people at the same time and still have time to crack other secrets?"

"Maybe the Iron Fist of Justice is an organization?"


However, soon, the Iron Fist of Justice himself appeared in the forum.

"I am just a hacker who upholds justice out of interest, not an organization."



The forum exploded instantly.

This guy actually has the leisure to read the forum! ?

Six things in one mind? !

Is this still a human! ?

Even if he has split personality, he only has ten fingers in total!

How can he take care of everything! ?

Galaxy Black Hole was sweating profusely, and the pressure surged: "How dare you despise me like this! I am one of the three legendary hackers! You actually dug up other core secrets, browsed forums, defended against the attacks of the four major hackers, and counterattacked me!? You really look down on me too much!!!"

He was extremely angry.

And terrified.

This man is too strong!

He felt that if the other party didn't deal with four people at the same time, he would not last half a day if he dealt with him with all his heart and soul...

Thinking of this, the frustration made him feel infinite shame and anger.

Since he entered the industry, he has regarded himself as a supreme genius. He can even find a way to break through the firewall of a superpower alone!

He is already so strong.

But the gap between him and this iron fist of justice is still so big! ?

He gritted his teeth, he was actually worse than this guy with a middle school, childish online name! ! !

This anger and fear.

It's not just him who is bearing it.

The European Wolf, the Western Silver Fox, and the betrayer are all bearing it!

Because Ye Yang fought back against more than one person!

He was fighting back against four people at the same time!!!

If the current Galaxy Black Hole knew about this, he would definitely go crazy!

In front of the screen.

Ye Yang was facing several computers and operating them at the same time.

His defense was ready when he knew the news.

Fifteen layers of encryption algorithms, five layers of key locks, and thirty fake jump IPs made with next-generation technology.

Now even the fastest and most powerful Galaxy Black Hole has just broken through to the third layer of encryption algorithm...

The European Wolf and the Betrayer were blocked in front of the second layer of encryption algorithm.

The Western Silver Fox is still cracking the first layer of encryption algorithm.

It can be said that they are destined to not even be able to crack the first fifteen layers of encryption algorithms, let alone track his real location and name, and then unlock the core information.

"It's so lonely to be invincible!"

He sighed.

There was no need to think about defense at all. He could counterattack while unlocking the other party's brand's black secrets. In his spare time, he would look at the forum and answer some questions from people in the forum...


The Western Silver Fox's face was red. He had just cracked the first layer of encryption algorithm.

Ye Yang had already caught up with him.

He could only be forced to focus all his energy on resisting Ye Yang's attack.

However, this was obviously in vain.

Fifteen minutes later.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

On the computer, the screen was black, and then a funny font appeared:

The message came from the Iron Fist of Justice: game over~/Funny Face


He stood up angrily, wishing he could smash the computer.

But he knew that his career as a hacker was about to end...

A hacker, facing another hacker, without an outer layer of protection, was like a girl who was stripped naked. Everything was clearly seen, and any traces he left on the Internet would be captured by the other party.


Ten minutes later.

On hacker forums and online social media.

Posts from the Iron Fist of Justice appeared.

"Western Silver Fox: Name: Resos, Current Residence: 202, Building 2, Spina Community, Castilla, Spain. Age: 27. ID Number:...

He once secretly helped the United States steal Middle East secrets, and also... He is a participant in the war, an executioner with no blood on his hands, but a blood debt...

In a few days, I will contact international lawyers to prosecute you for war crimes and crimes of undermining network security under international public law.

-From a pair of iron fists of justice."

"Oh my!"


First, the hacker forum was boiling.

They understood best what this meant!

That Iron Fist of Justice is not only defending against the attacks of the four major hackers, but also counterattacking!

Now one has been broken!

One of the nine legendary hackers has completely withdrawn from the hacker stage...

The information was exposed in this way, and the Iron Fist of Justice is obviously not only a hacker, but also backed by a big boss!

After the prosecution, it is estimated that this Western Silver Fox will be directly stuffed into the country in the Middle East where the information was stolen. Given the style of that country, it is estimated that he will be chopped into pieces, right?


Thinking of this, their necks are cold.

"I was very tempted and prepared to participate in the roundup. I will never touch the matter of the Iron Fist of Justice again!"

"Too terrible! Even the Western Silver Fox was killed so quickly!"

"...Oh my God!"


All hackers who have thought about it are in danger. This Iron Fist of Justice is a little too strong! ! !

(First update)

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